
jīnɡ shén shuāi tuì
  • Mental decline;collapse
  1. 老年期痴呆是发生于老年期和老年前期的一组慢性进行性精神衰退性疾病。

    Senile dementia is a series of chronic progressive mental deterioration occurring in or pre the geratic period .

  2. 病情缓解者对探视感到高兴,精神衰退者情绪反应和行为无明显变化;

    Remission patients felt happy to the visit , there were no obvious mood reaction and behavior changes in the involution patients ;

  3. 结论:社会功能训练可提高患者的生活质量和满意度,延缓精神衰退。

    Conclusion : Skill training in social activity can effectively increase the quality of life and satisfaction of patients , and delays mental deterioration .

  4. 这种精神衰退性疾病影响了全世界成千上万的人。其症状包括记忆丧失,思维混乱,出现语言和理解方面的障碍。

    Symptoms of the degenerative illness-which is thought to affect hundreds of thousands of people around the world-include loss of memory , confusion and problems with speech and understanding .

  5. 精神功能衰退在死前的最后四年尤为迅速。

    Mental functions decline especially rapidly in the last four years before death .

  6. 科学精神的衰退,会阻碍科学事业的健康发展。

    The scientific spirit of recession , will hinder the healthy development of science .

  7. 它永远健康,肺脏永远茁壮,它的精神从未衰退过。

    His health is ever good , his lungs are sound , his spirits never flag .

  8. 20世纪西方世界是人性严重扭曲、精神普遍衰退的世纪。

    The western world of the 20th Century is one in which human nature is serious twisted , and spirit universally declines .

  9. 为了我国科学事业的健康发展,必须反对科学精神的衰退,大力提倡科学精神。

    For the healthy development of Chinese science , we must avoid the decline of scientific spirit , vigorously promote the scientific spirit .

  10. 本文认为,我国小说续书创作历史中有二个显著的现象:一是续书创作与原著的关系逐渐密切;一是续书中作者的独立创作精神逐渐衰退。

    Two dominant phenomena in the history of Chinese sequels are covered in the paper & the gradual closer relationship between the sequel and the original and the gradual deteriorating creativity in the sequel .

  11. 正如施韦泽在《文化哲学》中所指出的,当前人类各种弊病产生的根源在于对物质的过度追求使得人类精神文明衰退。

    As in the culture of asher ze philosophy of the current human pointed out in the various ills , the root causes of the pursuit of material is allowed humans excessive of the spiritual civilization of recession .

  12. 有婚姻史组的精神病性衰退较无婚姻组略轻,SANS的差异有极其显著意义(P<0.001)。

    3 ) The psychotic decline in the group with a marriage history was a little better than that without a marriage history . There were significant differences in SANS ( P < 0.001 ) .

  13. 行为矫正对慢性精神分裂症衰退型康复疗效分析

    Rehabilitation effect analysis of behavior rectification on waning inpatients with chronic schizophrenia

  14. 对慢性精神分裂症衰退期病人进行行为康复治疗的疗效分析

    Clinical Effects of Behavioral Modification on Chronic Schizophrenic Patients

  15. 我们时代中精神价值的衰退。

    The decline of spirituality in our time .

  16. 阿立哌唑对精神分裂症衰退期病人生活质量的影响

    The Influence Investigation for the Quality of Life in Deteriorated Schizophrenics Treated by Aripiprazole

  17. 使瘫痪,使麻痹苏联相信它能使西欧丧失斗志,麻痹我们。6,1.倒坍2.崩溃,(价格等)暴跌;(计划等)失败(健康、精神等)衰退,消沉,颓丧,垮下;

    vt. The soviet Union believes that it can demoralize Western Europe and paralyze us .

  18. 目的:探讨行为矫正治疗对慢性精神分裂症衰退型的康复作用。

    Objective : To explore rehabilitation effect of behavior rectification therapy on waning inpatients with chronic schizophrenia .

  19. 结论:行为矫正治疗对住院慢性精神分裂症衰退型的生活自理能力,阴性症状和社会功能有一定的改善作用。

    Conclusions : Behavior rectification treatment improves self-attendance ability , negative symptom and social function of waning inpatients with chronic schizophrenia .

  20. 这主要是由于其职业新鲜感的逐步丧失、新闻写作创新感的消失和敬业精神的逐步衰退造成的。

    The main reasons are : the freshness of the occupation has lost , news writing innovation feeling fades away and the love for their own work gradually declines .

  21. 这是一个刚刚涌现的世代,还没有被命名为X世代,他们渴望新鲜的体验、消遣、慰籍、秩序、神话和英勇精神,即经济衰退的60后时期所没有的东西。

    Here was the nascent population not yet known as Generation X , hungry for novelty , distraction , comfort , order , mythology , heroism - whatever it was that our post - " 60s , recessionary moment seemed not to be supplying .

  22. 结果:精神病的精神衰退与胰岛素昏迷疗法相关。

    Results : The mind decline was related to the schizophrenia treated with insulin stupor .

  23. 结论良性病程,不呈精神分裂症性衰退,愈后无精神分裂症的残留症状。

    Conclusion Benign course of diseases , not appear schizophrenic at a low ebb , after recover has not remains symptoms of schizophrenia .

  24. 结果:运用以上体育治疗手段,完成了病人的康复治疗计划,延缓了慢性精神病人精神活动衰退。

    Results : Above the result utilizes the sports treatment method , completed the patient to be restored to health the treatment plan , delayed the chronic neurosis worldly person god activity decline .

  25. 胰岛素昏迷治疗精神分裂症致精神衰退100例

    Study on Mind Decline Induced by Schizophrenia Treated with Insulin Stupor

  26. 目的:为了探讨抗精神病药物对精神分裂症衰退期阴性症状的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effect of antipsychotic in the negative symptoms of the deteriorated schizophrenia .

  27. 尤其是精神分裂症的多次复发,极易导致患者的精神衰退,直至痴呆。

    Especially of the schizophrenia have a relapse for many times , the mind that causes a patient extremely easily ebbs , till gawkish .

  28. 目的:对长期住院精神分裂症患者实施社会功能训练,以提高其住院生活质量,延缓精神衰退。

    Objective : To increase the quality of life in the hospital and delay mental deterioration of schizophrenic hospitalized long time through conducting social rehabilitation .