
jīnɡ zhǔn
  • precise;accurate;exact
  1. FAST发现脉冲星数量已超过240颗,脉冲星是一种可以按照精准间隔释放电磁波束的超高密度星体。

    FAST has identified more than 240 pulsars - super dense stars that emit electromagnetic beams at precise intervals .

  2. 实现PCB成品、半成品的精准成本核算

    Precise Costing for Final and Semi-finished PCB Products

  3. 这些设计体现了她对颜色和细节的精准眼光。

    These designs demonstrate her unerring eye for colour and detail

  4. 然而飞行员并不像他们该达到的水平那样精准。

    The pilots , however , were not as accurate as they should be .

  5. 这些海域的海图已经相当精准。

    These seas have been well charted .

  6. 这被认为是人体解剖学的最精准的一手资料。

    They are considered the first accurate pictures of human anatomy .

  7. 卡尔·巴特曾精准地描述了中年生活。

    Karl Barth described midlife precisely this way .

  8. 一位用户的评价精准到位,应该是表达了大多数人的看法:

    One commenter accurately summarized what is believed to be the most obvious concern here :

  9. 此外,通知还要求规范放贷机构及其外包合作机构营销行为。小额贷款公司要加强贷款客户身份的实质性核验,不得将大学生设定为互联网消费贷款的目标客户群体,不得针对大学生群体精准营销。

    Micro lenders should strengthen identity verification of clients and not make college students their target clients for online consumer loans or carry out targeted marketing aimed at them .

  10. 国家医保局副局长陈金甫表示,2018年以来,医保扶贫政策通过基本医保累计帮助减轻农村贫困人口医疗负担近3300亿元,助力近1000万户因病致贫群众精准脱贫,贫困人口参加基本医疗保险的参保率持续稳定在99.9%。

    The basic health insurance has paid 330 billion yuan for poor farmers since 2018 as part of a broader move to curb at more than 99.9 percent among the nation 's impoverished population , Chen Jinfu , deputy head of the National Healthcare Security Bureau , said .

  11. 基于GIS的精准农业信息流分析方法研究

    Information flow and interpolation methods of GIS for precision agriculture

  12. GPS在精准农业应用中定位精度的实验研究

    Experiment and Study of the Positioning Accuracy of GPS in Precision Agriculture

  13. 实现C/S模式分布断开式精准农业地理信息系统的开发。

    In order to realize the disconnecting distribution model of C / S development of precision agriculture GIS .

  14. 基于GIS与GPS的中国农村精准施肥的方法研究

    The Research on the Method of Precision Fertilization Based on GIS and GPS in China

  15. 黑龙江垦区精准农业三种GPS差分方式比较研究

    Study on the Comparison of Three Kinds of GPS Differential for Precision Agriculture in Reclamation Area of Heilongjiang

  16. 基于组件式GIS技术开发了精准农业变量施肥处方推荐系统。

    Based on the technology of ComGIS , the recommend system for variable-rate fertilization in precision agriculture was developed .

  17. 将旅行轨迹精准定位在地图上,回放美好旅程,是近年来在欧美被驴友和GPS玩家大力推崇的流行玩法。

    Positioning the trajectory precisely on the map and playback beautiful journey become more popular in Europe and the United States .

  18. 广域差分GPS与AFS产量监测系统在棉花精准收获上的应用

    Application of wide difference GPS and AFS 's output monitor system to precise harvest of cotton

  19. 3S技术在精准种植农业中的应用

    The Application of " 3S " Techniques in the Precision Planting Agriculture

  20. 该文以上海精准农业示范区为例,分析农田环境要素信息在GIS中的流动过程,信息流动主要环节的技术实现;

    Taking shanhai 's demonstration field of precision agriculture as an example , this paper analysis the flow process of field information in GIS .

  21. 基于3S技术的精准农业

    Precision Agriculture based on the Technology of 3S

  22. 微软公司称Windows开发者想要用户在使用鼠标点击时能做到快而精准,并使点击鼠标左右键成为人们的习惯性动作。

    Microsoft say that Windows developers wanted users to develop speed and precision when using the mouse and making left and right clicks a natural habit .

  23. 但是阅读医学疑难类书籍就有点与众不同了,能表现你学术方面的精准,昆丁J舒尔茨这样说道。

    But reading medical mysteries is a little quirky and shows some intellectual rigor , says Quentin J. Schultze .

  24. 我将给出一个例子来证明我的观点,这个例子使用UML编写精准的模型,而没有实现细节。

    I will justify my position by giving one example of how UML can be used to write precise models with no implementation detail .

  25. 一种精准数控STC设计方法

    The design of a precise numerical - controlled STC

  26. 量子理论的核心是海森堡(Heisenberg)的不确定性原理(uncertaintyprinciple),即我们永远无法极为精准地测量出一个粒子的每一项属性。

    Central to quantum theory is Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle , which states that we can never measure every property of a particle to the utmost precision .

  27. 在利用GIS和GPS研究土壤养分空间变异的基础上,以农户作为精准施肥的单元,探讨在中国农村进行精准施肥的途径。

    The research discussed the approach of Precision Fertilization in China , which was based on GIS and GPS , and take the farmers ' household land as the unit .

  28. Story表示唱歌在某些方面更容易模拟,因为它往往会有长的、持续的元音,更精准的高音,掩盖瑕疵的配乐。

    Story says singing is in some ways easier to simulate , because it tends to have long , sustained vowels , a more precise pitch , and a musical score to mask the imperfections .

  29. 另一种方法是最佳权数PIC算法,此法通过运算找出并行运算时的最精准值的系数来提高结果的精度。

    Another is the optimum weight PIC algorithm , which improves the accuracy by identifying the most accurate value of the coefficient in parallel computing .

  30. 一篇于2005年在自然杂志上发表的研究曾发现Wiki百科和大不列颠大百科全书一样精准,甚至有关科学方面也是如此。

    A study in the journal Nature in 2005 found Wikipedia was about as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica , even about science topics .