
  1. 这种恐怖背景想要传达的是有力的精神信息。

    The idea behind their fear factory is to deliver , well , a powerful spiritual message .

  2. 物固然是一种客观存在,但是物也是一种文化的积累,它包容了极大的精神信息,而在数字时代这个特点尤为显著。

    Although object is a kind of objective existence in essence , it is also a kind of culture , including so much mental message , this specialty is outstanding in digital times .

  3. 它以客观化的抒情方式传达精神信息,求得与主体世界的呼应平衡,表现了现实与理想错位情境下的时代焦灼感、阵痛感,具体凝结为爱、批判、希望三个主题意向;

    It expresses the spiritual messages objectively and emotionally to keep its balance with the world , which depicts the sense of anxiety and agony from the distortion of reality and ideal , and embodies the three themes : love , criticism and hope .

  4. 麻醉药品和精神药品信息管理系统的开发与构建

    Development and building of information system of stupefacient and chlorpromazine management

  5. 用创新精神统率信息素质教育课程

    Commanding the Information Literacy Education Course with the Innovative Spirit

  6. 人文精神与信息技术在人体解剖学教学中的互动效应

    The interactive effect in anatomy teaching is reflected by the humanistic spirit and information technology

  7. 这些充满事实依据的摘要提供了关于精神控制信息的说明,包括里程标式的图书以及非机密的政府精神控制文件。

    These fact-filled summaries provide revealing mind control information from both landmark books and declassified government mind control documents .

  8. 但在此之前,谷歌和其它真正具有创新精神的信息时代企业最好还是避而远之,无论从伦理还是从收益角度皆是如此。

    But until then , Google and other truly innovative information-age companies will do better , both ethically and at the bottom line , by staying away .

  9. 这些组织方式既体现着图书馆之间的合作精神和信息资源共享的理念,又预示着图书馆今后参与联盟合作的组织方式的发展方向。

    These patterns not only embody the cooperation spirit of the libraries and the conception of information resource-sharing , but also indicate that how libraries participate in the consortia organization model in the future .

  10. 大学教学实践是一种特殊的交往实践活动,是大学师生之间一种精神、信息、情感的交流,是大学生命主体的活动形态。

    The practice of teaching and learning in universities is a special interactive practice , is a spiritual , informational and sensible intercommunion between teachers and students , and is a form of action by principal living parts in universities .

  11. 新世纪人才素质标准主要体现在合作交往的意识、开拓创新的能力、敢于争胜的精神、信息社会的素养、多种素质的复合、道德人格的完美几个主要方面。

    Standards of talented persons ' quality mainly embody in consciousness of co-operation and communication , ability of opening and creation , spirit of daring to win victory , quality and culture of imformation society , many compound qualities and the completeness of moral personality .

  12. 间谍机构搜寻关于身体健康和精神健康的信息。

    Spy agencies search for information about physical and mental health .

  13. 传媒产品是一种精神消费和信息消费的特殊商品,既具有政治属性,又具有经济属性。

    The products of media have political attributes and economic attributes as well .

  14. 这些时代精神决定着信息社会人的社会化图景:从守成式社会化向创新式社会化转变;

    These decide the views of the people 's socialized in information society .

  15. 图书馆文化;物质文化;制度文化;精神文化;信息文化。

    Library culture ; Material culture ; System culture ; Spirit culture ; Information culture .

  16. 物质动力、精神动力和信息动力组成的系统动力是生活事业激励员工的有效方法。

    Systematic reward , consisting of material , moral and information , is effective means to encourage the personnel .

  17. 图书馆文化建设分为物质文化、制度文化、精神文化和信息文化。

    There 're material culture , system culture , psychological culture and information culture in the culture construction of library .

  18. 有利于实现培养创新精神和促进信息能力发展的发现式学习;5.有利于实现对教学信息最有效的组织与管理;

    Help to realize training the initiative spirit and promoting the discovery type of ability development of information to study ;

  19. 本文依据国家著作权法的精神对网络信息物品形成过程中的各种知识产权关系作了探讨。

    In the paper , the proprietorship of different types of information goods in the process of making is discussed based on national copy rights law .

  20. 结论护理人员应提供生理、心理、社会文化和精神方面的信息以及压力应对技巧,正确引导患者应用正性的应对方式来缓解压力,提高生活质量。

    Conclusion Nurses should provide physiological , psychological , cultural , spiritual informations and stress coping strategies to relieve patients ' stress and to improve their life quality .

  21. 大都市的文化建设分为四个大的“文化域”,即物质文化、制度文化、精神文化和信息文化。

    There 're four " cultural ranges ", e. g. material culture , system culture , psychological culture and information culture , in the culture construction of metropolises .

  22. 向社会提供精神健康保健信息、精神健康咨询等专业技术服务。本公司一贯坚持面向全国,注重服务的事业精神。

    To provide mental health care information and psychological counseling for general population . This company always strikes to the enterprising spirit of facing the whole country and emphasizing service .

  23. 结合发展经济学和我国的经济发展状况,指出发展经济必须具有创新精神,以信息、知识带动工业化的发展。

    Combining the condition of development economics and our country 's economic development , analyses we must have the frontier spirit to develop economy , arouse the development of the industrialization with the information , knowledge .

  24. 理解《会计法》精神实质提高会计信息质量

    Understanding the Law of Accountancy to Improve the Quality of Accounting Information

  25. 精神医学中的信息系统控制原理

    The Theorem of Information System Control in Mental Medical Science

  26. 阅读是一种深刻而复杂的精神活动,是信息传播的有效手段。

    Reading is a deep-going and complex mental activity and an important way of spreading information .

  27. 艺术本身受信息势所驱动,艺术的价值在于向内部挖掘人们所需要的精神性的能量信息。

    The art is driven by information potential , so its value consists in tapping moral energy-information which people need inward .

  28. 作为一种巨大的物质和精神力量,计算机信息网络将推动人类更快进入大同世界。

    Being a tremendous material and spiritual force , computer information network will accelerate mankind enter the realm of Great Harmony .

  29. 儿童,青少年精神病治疗有关信息,包括情绪紊乱,焦虑,注意力不集中,睡眠中断等。

    Sharpe , Shel MD-resources for child and adolescent psychiatry , including mood disorders , anxiety , attention deficit disorder , and sleep disruptions .

  30. 这一领域先前的研究表明,会说两门语言的孩子在压力环境下更能集中精神,对于相关信息的专注度也更高。

    Early studies in this field have preliminarily shown that bilingual kids can focus better under pressure and focus better on relevant information.Research is being done still ,