
chénɡ jiāo jià ɡé
  • Transaction price;purchase price;street value
  1. 这是我们的实际成交价格,同时也是我们的税基,GAAP“成本”在几个个案中不同,这是由于提高账面价值或减记帐面价值的不同要求。

    This is our actual purchase price and also our tax basis ; GAAP " cost " differs in a few cases because of write-ups or write-downs that have been required .

  2. 而且他说,买主遭遇价格争夺战的可能性变得越来越大,而竞价又有可能推高成交价格。

    And buyers are more likely to encounter bidding wars , which will likely drive the purchase price up , he says .

  3. 对于申报的成交价格的准确性,各成员可使用其他与WTO一致的方法。

    Other WTO-consistent means were available to Members doubting the veracity of declared transaction values .

  4. 中原城市(Centa-City)指数每周编制一次,追踪的是香港118个交易最活跃的楼盘的近期成交价格。

    The Centa-City index is compiled every week by tracking recent transaction prices of 118 of the most-traded units in Hong Kong , the second-most expensive real estate market in the world .

  5. 国家实行房地产成交价格申报制度。

    The State institutes a report schedule for real estate transacted price .

  6. 相同货物成交价格估价方法;

    The method of valuation based on the transaction value of identical goods ;

  7. 高效能产品的成交价格及其测度方法

    Bargain Price of High Quality Products and its Estimation

  8. 即成交价格低于现价的那部分股票。

    Clinch a deal namely the price that share share under present price .

  9. 在线拍卖商品最终成交价格预测

    Prediction of the End-price of Online Auction Item

  10. 该模型可得出最佳团购订单配置以及团购商品成交价格。

    The model can get thebest configuration and goods transaction price under this configuration .

  11. 周五,股票成交价格只有20便士。

    On Friday , shares were being bought and sold for just 20 pence .

  12. 卖者通过预测最终的成交价格可以优化自己拍卖商品的拍卖价格。

    Typically , prediction result may help sellers optimize the selling price of their items .

  13. 该系统设立目的是为了便于广泛发布最新报价及成交价格信息。

    The system was designed to facilitate the widespread publication of quotation and last-sale information .

  14. 该货物的成交价格没有因搭售或者其他因素的影响而无法确定;

    Transaction value of the goods not identifiable due to bundle sales or other factors ;

  15. 另外,发票上的价格是否需要比实际成交价格低?

    In addition , do you need a lower price on invoice than the actual price ?

  16. 向境内无特殊关系的买方出售的相同或者类似进口货物的成交价格;

    The transaction value of identical or similar imported goods sold to unrelated buyers in china ;

  17. 成交价格比预期的高了不少

    For considerably more than expected .

  18. 收盘价是指某一期货合约当日交易的最后一笔成交价格。

    The closing price of a futures contract is the final trading day of a transaction price .

  19. 相对而言,卖方信用度对物品成交价格的影响不显著。

    However , the feedback score has little effect on the final transaction price of the product .

  20. 公允价值的定义保留了原定义中对于成交价格的表述。

    The definition of fair value retains the exchange price notion in earlier definitions of fair value .

  21. 当微软第一次在纳斯达克提出收购计划时,雅虎的实际成交价格在每股20美元以下,是的,大约19……

    And yahoo is actually below 20 when their first offer came in NASDAQ , yeah , 19 ...

  22. 在企业并购中,虽然决定并购价格的因素很多,但目标企业自身的价值是最终成交价格的基础。

    Firm value is the basis to successful acquisition price , although there are many other valuation factors involved .

  23. 本协定项下完税价格的首要依据是第1条所定义的成交价格。

    The primary basis for customs value under this Agreement is " transaction value " as defined in Article 1 .

  24. (股票交易所)一天交易活动后的最后成交价格。

    ( on the stock exchange ) the price of the last transaction completed during a day 's trading session .

  25. 至今为止,下一轮竞拍还未结束之前,已经有12个人竞标了,这说明杂志的最终成交价格有可能还要升高。

    Currently , there are twelve bids on the next auction to end , meaning the price could rise further .

  26. 邦汉姆拍卖行的马丁·盖蒙说,按照这个市场行情,这次拍卖的成交价格达到200万美元不成问题。

    Martin Gammon , of Bonhams , said the sale price could be $ 2m " based on market history " .

  27. 他的计划假定,如果政府愿意提供足够的补贴,买方和卖方将商定一个成交价格。

    His plan assumes buyers and sellers will agree on a price if the government is willing to subsidise them enough .

  28. 实证研究发现,中国股市成交价格波动和成交量之间具有相关关系,量价关系曲线为一非线性凸函数。

    We find out that the price variation and trading volume are correlated and the volume-price curve is a nonlinear convex function .

  29. 电讯盈科的股票最近几周急剧下跌,部分原因是由于(投资者)担心市场混乱可能影响到这笔出售交易及其成交价格。

    Shares in PCCW have fallen sharply in recent weeks , partly over fears that market turmoil could affect the sale and the price .

  30. 基于这种轨迹图,提出了多点组合法和折线延伸法两种在谈判中预估成交价格的计算方法。

    Based on the bargaining track chart , the multi-point combination method and the linear extension method for evaluation of the final price are suggested .