
  • 网络Successful Project Management;project success;Managing Successful Programmes
  1. 细致入微的项目计划、鼓舞人心的领导、合理的人力资源管理与高效率的市场推广都是成功项目管理的关键因素。

    Detailed planning , inspirational leadership , sound human resource management and dynamic marketing are all key elements of successful event management .

  2. 信息在工程项目管理中扮演着重要角色,是一个成功项目管理系统不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Information plays an important role in the management of construction project . It becomes an indispensable part of a successful project management system .

  3. 让相关利益方学会期望团队实现在精化的最后阶段所拟订的要求,而不是他们开始所期望的要求,这是成为一个成功RUP项目管理人的关键所在。

    Conditioning stakeholders to expect firm commitments at the end of Elaboration , not upfront , is key to being a successful RUP project manager .

  4. 项目采购方式(PPR)是成功进行项目管理的基石,对业主和建设项目的成功都是关键因素,它确定了项目管理的基本路径和总体框架。

    Project procurement route ( PPR ) is the first stone for successful project management that is a key factor for both the clients and project success , because PPR determines the basic route and general framework of project management .

  5. 在本文的最后对一个成功的项目管理案例做了简要的介绍。

    Finally , the article briefs a successful case in project management .

  6. 它已经成为了软件企业成功实施项目管理的保障。

    It has become the safeguard of implementing project management successfully for software enterprises .

  7. 成功的项目管理来自于对费用、质量和进度计划的控制。

    Successful project management depends upon control over costs , quality , and scheduling .

  8. 制定一套科学、高效的项目实施计划并按计划进行进度控制是成功实施项目管理,使工程按期投产的主要因素。

    It is crucial for successful project management and schedule control to have a scientific and efficient project execution plan .

  9. 对于具有一次性、不可逆性等特性的工程项目而言,实现项目成功是项目管理的首要目标。

    As for engineering projects with characteristics of one-trial and non-reversibility , the accomplishment of project success is the first and foremost objective of project management .

  10. 项目管理理论近年来发展较快,大部分企业成功引入项目管理模式,提升了企业管理水平。

    Project management theory developed rapidly in recent years , most of the successful introduction of project management , business model , enhance the enterprise management level .

  11. 成功的项目管理就是在合同规定的范围内,在成本、进度和质量的控制目标内完成项目。

    Successful project management is in the specified range of contract , the cost , progress and quality control of the project meet the target of the project .

  12. 解决这些问题最有效的办法首先是进行组织结构的创新,之后就是在此基础上推行现代项目管理技术,实施成功的项目管理。

    Meanwhile , the article also puts forward the most effective solution to the problems , that is , firstly restructuring the enterprises and secondly practicing modern management technology so as to carry out the successful management of the project .

  13. 他们能够为ERP实施提供理论、方法平台,在ERP实施中成功地应用项目管理、流程管理能够提高ERP实施地成功率。

    They can provide theoretical and methodical flat support for the implementation of ERP system . The application of program management and process management in the implementation of ERP system can improve the succeed ratio .

  14. 最后,本文对本项目合作创新的风险进行了讨论,就TEC公司风险管理尤其是技术转移风险管理的有效措施和成功手段从项目管理和知识管理的角度进行了分析。

    Finally , the analysis of cooperation risks and the introduction of risk management from TEC Company will provide effective measures to enterprises .

  15. 许多企业管理的成功得益于项目管理的应用。

    Many success of enterprise management came from the application of project management .

  16. 如何保证项目的成功成为工程项目管理的关键。

    How to make sure the success of a project become the key of project management .

  17. 在这种环境下,企业需要成功地运用项目管理应对未来项目发展中面临的挑战。

    In this environment , the enterprise needs to successfully use the project to project the future development of the challenges .

  18. 辽宁联通计费采集系统项目是一项比较成功的IT项目管理案例。

    Project Management of charge of collecting system of Liaoning Unicom in this paper is a successful case of IT project management .

  19. 为了成功进行项目组合管理,组织及其员工必须拥有许多能力。

    In order to be successful with portfolio management , there are a number of enabling capabilities which an organization and its staff must possess .

  20. 相信本文的研究会对业主、施工单位、监理单位等系统使用方成功实施工程项目管理系统提供一定的帮助。

    It is trusted that the thesis will help the owner and the construction units , supervision unit etc. implement engineering project management systems successfully .

  21. 社会资本在项目绩效方面的研究,成功的将项目管理由经济学和管理学的领域扩展到社会学的领域。

    Research of social capital in the project performance shows that the success of project man-agement can be extended from economics to the field of sociology .

  22. 在此基础上,提出了软件组织实施多项目管理中亟需解决的问题。系统化地解决这些问题是软件组织成功实施多项目管理的关键,具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    Therefore , in the multi-project of software organization , the application of collaborative study is contributive to solving the uncoordinated problems existing in the project management .

  23. 项目团队管理是工程项目管理的核心内容,成功实施工程项目管理团队的绩效考核是搞好项目团队管理、提升项目管理水平、实现工程项目建设目标的基础和保障。

    Project team management is a core job of project management . It is the guarantee for achieving the project objectives and improving project management level to implement project management team performance assessment successfully .

  24. 随着项目管理在更广泛领域的应用,如何评价项目成功已经成为国际项目管理研究领域的一个重要题目。

    With widely application of project management , how to evaluate a project has become an important subject in the area of international project management .

  25. 在给定单个目标值时,能够较为准确的求得其它的目标值,成功将炉修项目管理转化为多目标优化求解模型。

    In a single target , it can be more accurate to get other targets . And it successfully transforms the furnace repair project management into a multi-objective optimization model .

  26. 因此,如何加强对项目利益相关者的管理,处理好利益相关者之间的关系,使他们互动有序,达成项目系统的协同状态,以实现项目的成功,成为当前项目管理中亟需解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to strengthen the project stakeholder management , deal with the relationship between stakeholders so that they interact in an orderly manner to realize the success of the project , becoming the current project management questions that need urgent solutions .