
shēnɡ chǎn shè jì
  • production design
  1. 基于船舶生产设计PDM系统的项目管理研究与应用

    Research and application on project management based on PDM of ship production design

  2. 船舶生产设计中的TIS一体化解决方案

    A global solution of TIS for ship production design

  3. 船舶生产设计PDM系统建模及模块研究

    Object-Orient Modeling and Module Study of Ship-building Detailed Design PDM System

  4. 如何将CAD、CAM等技术行之有效地应用到造船行业的管子生产设计流程中成为当前船舶制造工业的重要课题之一。

    How to use CAD 、 CAM technology to the process of the ship piping design become one of important tasks of shipbuilding industry currently .

  5. ANSYS有限元分析软件提供了电磁计算方法,可以解决铝电解槽生产设计中的磁场计算分析。

    ANSYS Finite Element Analysis software provides methods of electric and magnetic computation . It can solve some problems in production and design of aluminum reduction cell .

  6. 随着计算机辅助设计(CAD)的迅速发展,现代工业生产设计已渐渐离不开计算机辅助几何设计技术(CAGD)的理论支持和应用。

    With the rapid development of Computer Aided Design ( CAD ), the modern industrial design has been gradually inseparable with the application and theoretical support of Computer Aided Geometric Design Technology ( CAGD ) .

  7. 如今大多数企业都已把CAD/CAM/CAPP等计算机辅助技术CAX运用到生产设计中,这些技术的运用大大提高了产品开发的效率,但也产生了很多问题。

    Today , most enterprises have taken the application to production design just as CAD / CAM / CAPP and other computer-aided technologies CAX . The using of these technologies has greatly enhanced the efficiency of production development , but also taken many problems .

  8. 4990载重吨原油船的生产设计

    The Production Design of 4 990 DWT Crude Oil Tanker

  9. 深化生产设计是转换造船模式的基础和动力

    Deepening the production design-basis and power for converting the mode of shipbuilding

  10. 三维技术在船舶结构生产设计中的应用

    Application of the 3D design technology in the technical design of ship ′ s structure

  11. 对造船生产设计的认识与实践

    Understanding and practising production design in shipbuilding

  12. 现代造船模式下船舶生产设计数据管理方法研究与应用

    Study & Application on Data Management Method of Ship Production Design in Modern Shipbuilding Mode

  13. 船舶管系设计由五个连续的阶段组成:初步设计、功能设计、详细设计、生产设计和系统支持信息。

    Ship piping system design has five consecutive phases : preliminary design , detail design , production engineering , and system-support information .

  14. 然而,由于某些原因,三维建模技术在矿山生产设计中的应用还并不多见。

    However , for some reasons , there has been very few successful application of 3D technique in the area of mining design .

  15. 柱形钢材料在国民经济中有着非常广泛的应用,其直径、不圆度等参数与生产设计指标的相符程度直接关系到最终产品质量性能的优劣。

    Cylindrical steel material in the national economy has a very wide range of applications , the consistence between its diameter , roundness and other production parameters with the design specifications is directly related to the merits of the final product quality performance .

  16. 机械CAD与计算机仿真技术在生产设备设计中的应用

    Apply of machine CAD and copy technology in produce equipment design

  17. 基于PLC和变频器的陶瓷生产控制设计

    Design of Ceramic Production Control Based on PLC and Inverter

  18. 可编程序控制器(PLC)是专门为工业生产环境设计的控制装置。

    As an industrial controller , PLC ( Programmable Logic Controller ) is designed especially for industry environment .

  19. 因此,可将H2S摩尔分数适当外推到0.0001%,来满足生产和设计的需要。

    Therefore , the mole fraction of H_2S could be used as 0.0001 % for the requirement of production and design .

  20. 第四章是运用SLP法,对新建棉纺车间内部进行生产物流设计。

    The production logistics of newly-constructed cotton spinning workshop project designed by SLP method is introduced in chapter 4th .

  21. ABB将为四条铝罐生产线设计、供应和建造24套高功率的二极管整流器系统。

    ABB will design , supply , build and24 sets of high-power diode rectifier systems for four aluminum pot lines .

  22. 推杆式燃气等温正火生产线设计和应用

    Design and Application of Pusher Gas Combustion Isothermal Normalization Production Line

  23. 振动式自动排钉粘接生产线设计

    The design of vibration type arranging nails automatically and cohering production line

  24. 神经元适应算法在合金钢生产实验设计中的应用

    Neuron adaptive algorithm applied to experimental design in steel production

  25. 微膜过滤法无菌鲜啤酒生产工艺设计研究

    A new processing technology design for aseptic draught beer by crossflow microfiltration

  26. 现代化水泥厂的生产与设计经验

    Experience in the Production and Design of Modern Cement Works

  27. 修船企业的并行维修生产系统设计

    Design of the concurrent maintenance production system for the ship maintenance enterprise

  28. 植物纤维复合板生产线设计分析

    An analyse of design of production line for plant fiber composite boards

  29. 本文阐明了生产线设计是一项系统工程设计。

    The design of production line is a design of systems engineering .

  30. 新型滚镀锌生产线设计

    Design of New Type Zinc Barrel Plating Production Line