
  • 网络production possibility
  1. 一个国家的生产可能性是复杂多样的。

    The production possibilities for a nation are diverse .

  2. DEA模型中生产可能性集合的包含关系

    The Inclusion Relations between Production Possibility Sets in DEA Models

  3. 论职业教育对生产可能性边界的促进

    The Promotion of Professional Education to the Production Possibility Frontier

  4. 舆论信息的利益生产可能性边界分析

    A Analysis of Behalf on Production-possibility Frontier of Information in Public Opinion

  5. 双层机织地毯的发展趋势和生产可能性

    New trends and possibilities of double carpet weaving

  6. 要素廪赋是增进教育生产可能性边界真实的有效工具。

    The allocation of resources is the real and effective tool to push educational production .

  7. 论规模收益与生产可能性曲线及市场竞争模式的关系

    On relationship among the scale profit , the production possibility curve , and the market competition mode

  8. 自然资源是经济增长的过程中的一个要素,是生产力发展的重要组成部分,理论上这个要素能够扩大生产可能性边界,自然资源越丰裕,一国的经济增长就越有保障。

    Natural resources are factors in the process of growth , which might expand the frontier of production theoretically .

  9. 以生产可能性曲线与收入预算线为工具,分析农户达到生产者均衡状态的必要条件。

    With the tools of production possibility curve and budget line , the paper analyzes the necessary factors of the producer equilibrium state realized by rural household .

  10. 作出知识产权壁垒中的生产可能性边界线,并分析了知识产权壁垒对贸易小国和贸易大国的影响。

    To produce the possibilities frontier line in intellectual property barriers , and analyzes the effects about intellectual property barriers to small and big countries on trade .

  11. 最后,通过对比供求曲线和生产可能性曲线的前后变化,得知重构我国农村金融市场的效果和意义。

    Finally , we will be aware of the importance and the effect of reconstructing our rural financial market by comparing the changes of the curved lines of the supply and demand and the productive possibility of the west economics .

  12. 本文着重论述了职业教育与生产可能性曲线的关系&通过职业教育可以提高劳动者素质,从而使生产可能性曲线右移,即职业教育的发展会促进和带动经济的发展。

    In this essay , the relation between professional education and economy is deeply explored , and a conclusion is finally made that the advance of professional education promotes and accelerates the development of economy as a result of the improvement of the quality of employees .

  13. 同时,运用西方经济学的供求曲线和生产可能性曲线对目前我国农村金融市场的现状进行了分析和解释,得出要尽快建立和完善以金融需求为导向,竞争和高效供给的农村金融市场的思路。

    Meanwhile , according to the theories of the curved line of the supply and demand and the productive possibility of the west economics , the author illustrates that we must construct and improve a rural financial market which is competitive and supplied efficiently based on the financial need .

  14. 探讨其工业化生产的可能性。

    The paper also discuses the possibility of merchant producing p-hydroxybenzaldehyde .

  15. 同时对该工艺的成本与其它工艺作了简单的比较,从而说明了进行工业化生产的可能性。

    The feasibility of the project was discussed in comparison with other processes .

  16. 温压成形技术及用于发动机连杆生产的可能性探讨

    Warm pressing technique and its application in forming of connection rods of engines

  17. 虽然小型汽车有利可图,但高额成本排除了在美国或加拿大进行生产的可能性。

    High costs ruled out building a profitable small car in the US or Canada .

  18. 斯大林部分肯定了社会主义商品生产的可能性,但又把它局限在个人消费品的范围。

    Stalin affirmed the commodity economy in part , but he thought it only existed in the consumer goods .

  19. 通过菌株分生孢子萌发、菌落生长、液体和固体产孢等试验,综合评价了8个高毒力蜡蚧轮枝菌菌株用于工业发酵生产的可能性。

    Biological characteristics including conidia germination , colony growth , liquid and solid fermentation associated with mass production were investigated .

  20. 该团队表示,希望用古代技术酿造出更多的啤酒,他们期待着投资者探讨商业生产的可能性。

    The team says it hopes to brew more beer using ancient techniques instead , and is looking for investors to explore commercial production .

  21. 本文从助剂与功能化树脂的关系入手,分析了功能化树脂生产的可能性与必要性。

    In this paper , based on analyzing the relationship of additives and functional resin , the possibility and the importance of functional resin production was introduced .

  22. 在此设计基础上,建成了100t/a规模的中间试验装置。通过中间试验装置的试验运行,证明了文中设计工艺流程的可行性,并具有进一步放大生产的可能性。

    Based on the designed process , a 100 t / a scale pilot was established to show the feasibility of process flow design and the possibility of further enlargement .

  23. 盖茨的此项计划没有对私人投资者设定募资目标,但项目募资总额高达数十亿美元,这些资金将为清洁能源未来的大规模生产创造可能性。

    There is no fund raising goal for private investors in the Gates initiative . But the fund represents billions in money to seed promising ideas in large-scale clean energy production .

  24. 它们的意义生产的可能性首先在于这些物质符号的同时性与并置性,其次这种物化符号所形成的网络结构具有强大的生产性。(二)、意象化的都市形象。

    Lie in possibility not that meaning of them produce at first these material of simultaneity of the symbioses with and putting , secondly the network structure formed of this kind of materialization symbol has productive the strong one .

  25. 由于产品平台提供个性化产品的可能性和形成规模性生产的可能性在制造定制处得到了较好的平衡,解决了产品个性化要求与规模生产的矛盾,所以把制造定制作为设计产品平台的目标。

    The possibility to provide personalized product and the possibility to form large-scale production of Product Platform get better balance in the point of the manufacture customization , and the conflict between product personalized requirements and large-scale production is solved .

  26. 同时本研究还通过构建LTB&ST融合基因PVX病毒表达载体,并用农感染法转化植物,探索了暂态表达系统生产疫苗的可能性。

    The possibility of producing vaccine was probed through plant virus-based gene vector expression system .

  27. 罗比内特以新款Celta为例指出,新车型必须配置气囊,才能要满足巴西的监管要求,这就排除了沿用现行生产平台的可能性。

    The new Celta , for example , needs an airbag to meet Brazilian requirements , Robinet said , which precludes using the current platform .

  28. 通过盆栽试验研究了白三叶Trifoliumrepens作基肥对青菜Brassicachinensis生长及品质的影响,探讨了白三叶茎叶作为有机蔬菜生产基肥的可能性及其肥效特点。

    Effects of white clover ( Trifolium repens ) as green manure on growth and quality of Brassica chinensis were studied by pot experiment in order to discuss the feasibility of white clover as green manure to produce organic vegetables .

  29. 为探讨白三叶茎叶作有机蔬菜生产基肥的可能性及肥效特点,论文通过盆栽试验研究了白三叶作基肥与不同施肥配方相比对青菜(Brassicachinensis)和生菜(Lactucasativa)生长及品质的影响。

    In order to discuss the feasibility of white clover as green manure in the production of organic vegetable , the experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of white clover as green manure on growth and quality of Brassica chinensis and lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) .

  30. 厄姆森并没有排除谷歌联合其他汽车生产商的可能性。

    Urmson didn 't rule out that Google might join forces with another automaker .