
  • 网络ecological textiles;Eco-textile;oeko-tex
  1. 生态纺织品染色技术是指用环保型的染料和助剂,采用无污染或低污染工艺对纺织品进行染整加工。

    Eco-textile dyeing technology is the use of environment-friendly dyes and auxiliaries , non-polluting or low-pollution technology .

  2. 研制和开发生态纺织品;

    Eco-textile products are to be developed .

  3. 目前只能以OTX100也就是生态纺织品标准做参考。

    At present , only OTX100 is Oeko-Tex standard reference .

  4. 生态纺织品中重金属残留总量的测定

    Determination for total amount of heavy metal residues in eco textiles

  5. 国外生态纺织品市场准入体系及其强制性立法

    Market access system and compulsory legislation of eco-textiles in foreign countries

  6. 浅谈我国生态纺织品发展中的有关问题

    Discussion on some problems in developing ecological textiles in China

  7. GC/MS法测定生态纺织品中多种农药残留

    GC-MS Determination of pesticide residues in textiles separated by SPME

  8. 欧洲生态纺织品法规及技术标准发展动态

    Developments of legislation and technical specifications for Eco-Textiles in Europe

  9. 生态纺织品的检测方法和达标措施

    Ecological textile test methods and steps of reaching standard

  10. 《生态纺织品》系列国家标准评析

    Comments on Series of National " Eco-Textiles " Standards

  11. 论发展生态纺织品应对国际绿色壁垒竞争策略

    On competition strategy of ecological textiles to cope with the international green barriers

  12. 我国生态纺织品标准体系存在问题及其对策

    The existed problems and their countermeasures in our domestic ecological textile standard system

  13. 构建生态纺织品预警体系应对技术性贸易措施

    Countermeasures to Technical Barriers to Trade Based on Establishing Early-warning System of Ecological Textiles

  14. 生态纺织品的农药残留与控制

    Control Pesticide Residue on Fabrics with Eco-Labels

  15. 指出了我国发展生态纺织品的必要性及发展中存在的问题。

    The necessity and some problems in developing ecological textiles in China are pointed out .

  16. 因此,开发生态纺织品及研制绿色整理技术具有重要意义,酶处理被认为是有可能替代传统化学整理方法的有效途径之一。

    Enzymatic treatments are considered to be one of the efficiency methods that possibly substitute the Chemical .

  17. 生态纺织品标签研究

    Research on ecological textile label

  18. 文中对《生态纺织品》标准中的一些指标及应用作了说明。

    In this article , explanation of some indexes and application of standards of " Eco-Textiles " were made .

  19. 指出作为一个纺织大国,中国应把生态纺织品的研究置于相当的高度。

    It points out that as a big country of textile production , China should highlight the research of eco-tex-tiles .

  20. 采用GC/MS法测定棉、麻及织毛物等生态纺织品中农药残留。

    The pesticide-residues in cotton , linen and woollen textiles were separated by the SPME technique and determined by GC / MS.

  21. 随着人们对环境保护意识的不断增加,生态纺织品的研发已经逐渐成为纺织品染整加工的热点。

    Accompanied by the increasing awareness of the environmental protection , the research of ecological textile has become the hot spot .

  22. 动物胶是一种无毒无害无污染的天然制品,符合生态纺织品的要求。

    The animal glue is a kind of nonpoisonous , harmless and pollution-free natural product , according with the demands of ecological fabrics .

  23. 生态纺织品染整工程,又称“绿色”染整工程是国际社会近年来关心的一个论题。

    Dyeing and finishing technique of ecological textiles , also called a " green " dyeing and finishing technique , becomes more interesting in recent years .

  24. 介绍了生态纺织品的基本概念、检测方法和指标体系,将生态学的理论和内容与生态纺织品联系起来,对我国纺织企业生态纺织品的达标提出了一些新的建议。

    This article introduces the basic conception 、 test methods and standard of ecological textile , and put forwards some advices of reaching standard of ecological textile in our textile enterprises .

  25. 根据近年来环保要求的特点,较全面地分析了影响生态纺织品达标和实现清洁生产的各种因素,就应对印染企业的清洁生产提出了相应的措施和建议。

    Based on the changing characteristics of environment protection in resent years , various items which exert influence on textile ecology and clean production are analyzed , measures are put forward .

  26. 研究我国纺织服装业在外贸中遭遇绿色壁垒受到损失的问题,认为与不了解生态纺织品标签直接相关。

    The problem which domestic textiles and clothing industry are usually exposed to green barriers in foreign trade is researched , and the results show that this has relevance to not familiar with ecological textile labels .

  27. 生态纺织品作为一个新概念,其所涉及的相关研究领域、工艺技术、标准检测以及适用范围也必然会在不断演化中加以拓展、完善和提高。

    Ecological textile , an entirely new concept , is devolved in the corresponding research fields , process technologies and standard testing , its suitable scope will be extended , improved and raised during its continuous evolution .

  28. 随着人们对合成染料对人体危害性认识的深入及全球环保呼声的高涨,研发环境友好、人类友好型生态纺织品已成为学者、专家共同关注的焦点。

    As the increasing awareness of the dangers of synthetic dyes on the human body and in-depth understanding of global environmental protection , the focus concerned for scholars and experts is to research and develop the environment-friendly , human-friendly eco-textiles .

  29. 天然彩棉是二十一世纪人类最佳的绿色、健康、时尚的纺织品,它代表着未来生态纺织品从生产、处理到使用三个环节的发展方向。

    Natural colored cotton will be the best quality textile product with the green , fashion and environment factor in 21st century and which represents the development direction about textile product from producing , finishing to use in the future .

  30. 为应对绿色壁垒,结合生态纺织品基本技术要求,对纺织染整助剂中有害物质的检测项目和检测方法进行比对,提出了纺织染整助剂基本生态性评价体系的初步框架。

    The test items and methods for these materials are compared and an initial framework for the basic ecological property evaluation system for I is proposed , as the countermeasure to green barrel , to satisfy the basic technical requirements of the environment-friend textile products .