
wài jiāo xíng dònɡ
  • diplomatic action
  1. 他说,最好的做法是采取统一的外交行动。

    He said diplomatic action by consensus is the best approach .

  2. 对外战略必然体现在外交行动上。

    Foreign strategy must be embodied in the diplomatic action .

  3. 上述建议必须和紧密的外交行动一起执行,这些外交行动不仅是对中国展开,也要对国际货币基金组织(IMF)和其他国家多边地展开。

    The recommendations identified above must be done in concert with intense diplomatic efforts , not only with China but also with the IMF and multi-laterally with other countries .

  4. 相信我.这是完美的外交行动.

    Trust me . It 's perfect diplomacy in action .

  5. 国际社会目前已开始为缓解印巴紧张局势展开外交行动。

    The international community has now started diplomatic maneuvers to ease India-Pakistan tensions .

  6. 但是他给出了奥巴马的外交行动有可能奏效的三个理由。

    But he gave three reasons why an Obama diplomatic initiative might just work .

  7. 如果外交行动失败,美国和国际社会仍必须准备采取行动。

    And if diplomacy fails , the United States and the international community must remain prepared to act .

  8. 旨在加强与穆斯林世界联系的美国科学外交行动的最新项目获得了褒贬不一的反应。

    The latest in a series of US science diplomacy initiatives to strengthen ties with the Muslim world has received a mixed reaction .

  9. 是的,会进行接触,也会有外交行动&但当这些做法无法奏效时,必然会产生后果。

    Yes , there will be engagement ; yes , there will be diplomacy & but there must be consequences when those things fail .

  10. 去年经过一番错综复杂的外交行动,他赢得了俄罗斯和中国的支持,两国赞成了对伊朗实施新的严厉经济制裁的安理会决议。

    After intricate diplomacy last year , he won Russian and Chinese support for a Security Council resolution that applies tough new economic sanctions .

  11. 伊朗选后持续的动乱局面对于以外交行动处理德黑兰核野心的前景提出了疑问。

    They are The ongoing post-election turmoil in Iran has raised questions about the outlook for diplomacy to deal with Tehran 's nuclear ambitions .

  12. 这些外交行动也有助于我们对付那些为寻求核武器一再违抗国际协议的国家。

    Now , these diplomatic efforts have also strengthened our hand in dealing with those nations that insist on violating international agreements in pursuit of nuclear weapons .

  13. 科学家、外交官和情报官员并未就下列问题形成一致意见:包括伊朗的举动和意图,外交行动相对经济制裁的价值,以及实施军事干预的可能性。

    Scientists , diplomats and intelligence officials disagree about its behaviour and intentions , the value of diplomacy versus economic sanctions , and the possibility of military intervention .

  14. 这是中国为推进大国关系所采取的又一次重大的外交行动,必将开辟中欧关系新的历史篇章。

    This will be yet another major diplomatic action taken by China to advance major-power relations . The visit will open a new chapter in the history of China-Europe relations .

  15. 正如阻止灾难性冲突必须发起创造性外交行动一样,谁都不应怀疑,伊朗是在极端的胁迫下不情愿地走上谈判桌的。

    Just as a creative diplomatic initiative is required to prevent a calamitous conflict , no one should doubt that Tehran is coming to the table reluctantly , and under extreme duress .

  16. 克林顿没有具体谈到在北韩发射导弹的情况下美国可能采取哪些外交行动,她只是说北韩的这种行动不会被忽视,并且将造成后果。

    Clinton was not specific about diplomatic action that might be taken in the event of a launch , other than to say it would not go unnoticed and would have consequences .

  17. 澳大利亚对伊拉克和阿富汗冲突的承诺被专家称作是为了“维持盟友关系”,是必要的外交行动,以确保美国提供的安全保护伞可以保持不变。

    Australia 's commitment to conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan is what experts describe as " alliance maintenance " - a diplomatic necessity to ensure that the security umbrella the U.S. provides remains intact .

  18. 这项最新外交行动的失败说明叙利亚的命运将越来越有可能由首都大马士革街头的流血冲突决定,而不是在联合国的会议厅中决定。

    The failure of the latest diplomacy points to a growing likelihood that Syria 's fate will be decided by bloody clashes in the streets of the capital and not in the halls of the U.N.

  19. 华盛顿公共政策研究机构战略与国际问题研究中心的中东项目主任奥尔特曼说,布什总统急于展开外交行动,而目前恰恰缺乏使外交努力获得成功的政治环境。

    John Alterman directs the Middle East program at the center for strategic and international studies , a public policy research group in Washington . He says the president is rushing to diplomacy at a time when the politics for successful diplomacy are missing .

  20. 尽管面对着苏联古巴的大规模军事干预,美国政府内部分别以布热津斯基和万斯为首的全球主义和地区主义之争日趋激烈,但卡特总统依然坚持长期战略,并采取多边外交行动促使战争和平解决。

    Facing the large-scale involvement of Soviet and Guba and the escalating disputes between globalism and regionalism which Brzezinski and Vance respectively advocated , President Carter still adhered to a long-term strategy and adopted multilateral diplomatic activities in order to promoting a peaceful resolution of the Ogaden War .

  21. 这些会谈是为了恢复这个混乱地区的安定而采取的最新外交积极行动的一部分。

    The talks form part of the latest diplomatic initiative intended to bring stability to this troubled region .

  22. 因为在过去,我们一些外交政策行动使人觉得,我们想要的是一些千篇一律的东西。

    Some of our foreign policy moves in the past suggested that we wanted things in a cookie-cutter image .

  23. 从欧共体外交政策行动到欧洲政治合作,再到欧盟共同外交与安全政策正式确立,欧盟共同外交与安全政策的发展和法理基础呈现出现鲜明的渐进性特征。

    From EC Foreign Policy Activity to European Political Cooperation and then to the CFSP was established , the development and the legal basis of the CFSP characterized step by step .

  24. 这项宣布之前,朝鲜半岛也进行一连串外交和解行动,其中包括北韩领袖金正日和日本首相小泉纯一郎举行高峰会。

    Before the announcement , there were also a series of diplomatic and reconciliatory activities in the Korean peninsula , including a summit between North Korea leader Kim Song-il and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro koizumi .

  25. 美国已经发现,展开外交和军事行动越来越困难。

    Already , the US is finding both diplomacy and military action increasingly difficult .

  26. 19世纪英国在东方的全部外交与军事行动几乎都围绕着这一主题。

    Almost all of British diplomatic and military actions in the Eastern during the nineteenth century were taken for this strategic object .

  27. 他们正试图使内战国际化,希望外界的外交或军事行动会帮助和平解决。

    They are trying to internationalze the civil war in the hope that diplomatic or military action from outside will bring a peaceful solution .

  28. 新时期中国开展对东盟经济外交的具体行动,即中国对东盟经济外交的表现形式,呈现出多主体、多层次、多样化的特点。

    The concrete economic diplomatic actions that China takes to ASEAN in new times , which is also its manifestation , shows the character of multi-agent , multi-level and diversification .

  29. 以文化为核心元素的外交政策和行动具有政治外交和经济外交不具备的优势和特征,即软实力的吸引力。

    With culture as core element , the diplomatic policies and actions bear unique advantage and characteristics from political and economic diplomacy ; namely , cultural diplomacy possesses the attraction of " Soft Power " .

  30. 外交决策是外交行动之前,对行动目标和手段进行探索、判断和抉择的过程。

    Diplomatic decision-making is a process of searching , judging and choosing both target and measures before a diplomatic activity .