
wài wù shěnɡ
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  1. 日本外务省(MinistryOfForeignAffairs)表示,对于没有逼近日本领空的飞机,日本不会采取行动;如果飞机只是飞越日本防空识别区,日本也不会要求其提交飞行计划。但外务省拒绝发表更多评论。

    Japan 's foreign ministry said the country doesn 't scramble for planes that aren 't approaching Japan 's territorial airspace , and doesn 't ask for flight plans when the planes are only flying over Japan 's ADIZ , but declined to comment further .

  2. 日本外务省发言人佐藤胜(MasaruSato)表示,日本已向这场搜索行动投入113名人员和5架飞机&规模甚至超过美国。

    Japan has committed 113 personnel and five aircraft – even more than the US – to the search , said Masaru Sato , a Japanese foreign ministry spokesman .

  3. 日本外务省发言人佐藤胜(MasaruSato)表示,日本已向这场搜索行动投入113名人员和5架飞机——规模甚至超过美国。

    Japan has committed 113 personnel and five aircraft - even more than the US - to the search , said Masaru Sato , a Japanese foreign ministry spokesman .

  4. 这名外交官是外务省亚洲及大洋洲事务局局长杉山晋辅(ShinsukeSugiyama),按计划他将于明天回国。

    The diplomat , Shinsuke Sugiyama , director-general of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau , Ministry of Foreign Affairs , is scheduled to return tomorrow .

  5. 负责峰会协调工作的日本外务省副大臣河野雅治(MasaharuKohno)说:所有主要议题都是跨境议题,无论是恐怖主义、食品危机,还是气候变化。

    Masaharu Kohno , deputy minister of foreign affairs and Japan 's chief sherpa , says : All the main issues are trans-border issues , be it terrorism , the food crisis or climate change .

  6. 首名从私人部门起用的驻华大使丹羽宇一郎(uichironiwa),将被职业外交官、外务省外务审议官(副部级)西宫伸一(shinichinishimiya)接替。

    Uichiro Niwa , who became the first Japanese ambassador to China to be appointed from the private sector , is to be succeeded by Shinichi nishimiya , a career diplomat and the Deputy Minister for foreign affairs .

  7. 而且没有外务省的批准也不能飞。

    And you can 't fly if the Ministry doesn 't permit it .

  8. 你是说日本外务省大臣吗?

    Did you say the foreign minister of japan ?

  9. 他可是日本外务省大臣。

    He is the foreign minister of japan .

  10. 然而,日本外务省也表示,只有解决好细节问题,才有可能达成协议。

    However , there could be no agreement until details were settled , the Ministry said .

  11. 另一名外务省官员表示,突然取消青年交流,标志着令人不安的局势升级。

    Another foreign ministry official said the sudden cancellation of the youth exchange marked a troubling escalation .

  12. 日本外务省是日本外交政策的制定和执行机关,其对华事业中有相当一部分涉及到教育领域。

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan is the authority of formulating and implementing Japanese foreign policies .

  13. 日本军部和外务省对“满蒙”的问题在处理方针上意见处于矛盾与统一中。

    The Foreign Ministry and the Japanese Military had conflict in the views of dealing with the Manmeng 's problems .

  14. (但是)我认为这种担心正迅速消失,一位最近刚刚退休的日本外务省资深官员说。

    [ But ] I think this concern is evaporating rapidly , says one recently retired senior Japanese foreign ministry official .

  15. 日本外务省周一表示,旅客在欧洲使用公共交通工具和参观旅游景点时应该小心谨慎。

    Japans Foreign Ministry said Monday that travelers should be cautious when using public transportation and visiting tourist sites in Europe .

  16. 日本外务省一名发言人侧岛秀展说,两国外长曾经谈到有关这项领土争论的问题,但仅止于一般性的讨论。

    A Japanese foreign ministry spokesman , Hidenobu Sobashima , said the two officials discussed the disputed territory , but in general terms .

  17. 由于日本外务省的安保人员拒绝让韩国外交官的车辆进入,韩国此举未能成功。

    The attempt failed as security guards at Tokyo 's Foreign Ministry refused to let cars carrying South Korean diplomats enter its grounds .

  18. 日本外务省一位官员表示,中方含蓄地承认日本划分的界限,这是迈出了“一大步”。

    A Japanese Foreign Ministry official said the Chinese had taken a " huge step " by implicitly acknowledging the Japanese demarcation line .

  19. 日本外务省主管官员,紧急援助,说日本提供的救援队与嗅探犬,但中国没有提出要求。

    A Japanese foreign ministry official in charge of emergency aid said Japan offered rescue teams with sniffer dogs , but China had made no request .

  20. 不过,韩国外务省还是受到鼓舞。赵太庸是韩国外务省北韩核危机问题负责人。

    Still , South Korea 's Foreign Ministry is encouraged . Cho Tae-yong , the director-general of the Foreign Ministry 's task force on the North Korean nuclear crisis .

  21. 朝鲜外务省发表声明说,朝鲜别无选择,只能进一步增强核威慑力量,以应对敌对势力不断增长的军事威胁。

    ' We have no choice but to further strengthen our nuclear deterrent to cope with additional military threats by hostile forces , 'the foreign ministry said in its statement .

  22. (请领事馆员)在某人护照上签证日本外务省官员和中国大使馆官员没有就立即澄清此事。

    Get [ have ] one 's passport visaed ( by a consular officer ) Officials of the Japanese Foreign Ministry and Chinese Embassy were not immediately available to comment .

  23. 但日本外务省文化事务分部的一名发言人将这种下滑归因于申请时间的变化,而不是对漫画的兴趣出现了任何程度的减弱。

    But a spokesman for the Cultural Affairs Division of Japan 's Foreign Ministry attributed the decline to a change in the application schedule rather than any drop in interest in manga .

  24. 日本外务省发言人儿玉和夫表示,日本将迫使亚欧会议,除了发表大会正常的闭幕声明以外,还发表一项谴责北韩核试验的联合声明。

    Japanese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kazuo Kodama said Japan would press for the ASEM meeting to issue a joint statement condemning the nuclear test , apart from the conference 's normal closing statement .

  25. 因为这个原因,我请我外务省的同事们建立了一个多年的学生交换项目,这是非常美好的,就像我对中国未来的展望。

    For this reason , I have asked my colleagues at the Japanese Foreign Ministry to create a multi-year student-exchange program that is absolutely positive , like my vision of China 's future .

  26. 在前者的运作过程中,陆、海军、外务省,都不具有对外政策的最终决定权,他们对外交的影响力,一般被限制在辅弼或辅翼的职责范围内。

    In the course of operation of the former , both the army , Navy and Gaimusho ( the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ) have no authority to make final decision on foreign policy .

  27. 周二,外交部证实,以朝鲜外务省副相金永日为首的朝鲜外务省代表团昨天抵达北京开始访华。

    A delegation from the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ), led by the country 's Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Yong-il , has arrived in Beijing , China 's Foreign Ministry confirmed Tuesday .

  28. 据日本外务省的数据显示,这些国家共占去年全球经济产出的23%;相比之下,美国和欧盟分别占24%和30%。

    The nations together accounted for 23 % of the world 's economic output last year , compared with 24 % for the U.S. and 30 % for the EU , according to Japanese foreign-ministry data .

  29. 薮中现年64岁,曾任外务省亚洲大洋洲局局长、外务审议官,最高官至事务次官,相当于副外长,是外务省级别最高的“官僚”,即公务员。

    Yabu-naka served as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ' Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau Director-General . He has been a diplomat for nearly forty years . Sato joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1974 .

  30. 据有些官员透露,新的继任人包括外务省前事务次官薮中三十二和现任驻泰国大使佐藤重和。

    Some officials have been reported as saying the candidates for that position are Mi-toji Yabu-naka , the current Japanese Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge of administration and Shi-ge-kazu Sato , the current Japanese ambassador to Thailand .