
ɡuó jì fǎ jī běn yuán zé
  • fundamental principle of international law
  1. 希腊城邦间应坚持主权平等和不以武力相威胁的国际法基本原则。

    Equality in sovereignty and no menace from powers should be persisted .

  2. 奥林匹克运动与国际法基本原则

    Olympic Movement s and the Basic Principles of International Laws

  3. 其中,以国际法基本原则、领土法以及和平解决国际争端等方面对发展国际法的主要贡献,最为引人瞩目。

    The noticeable contributions reflect the basic principles of international law , the law of territory and peaceful settlement of disputes among these .

  4. 奥林匹克运动是一种民间体育活动,但奥林匹克运动的宗旨及活动不能违背国际法基本原则。

    Olympic movement has been a folk physical activity , but the purpose and activities ofulympic movement cann 't be against the basic principles of the international law .

  5. 菲律宾派军舰武装闯入黄岩岛附近海域,严重侵犯中国领土主权,严重违背《宪章》和国际法基本原则。

    By sending its naval vessel to intrude into Huangyan Dao 's adjacent waters , the Philippines grossly violated China 's territorial sovereignty , the Charter of the United Nations and fundamental principles of international law .

  6. 主权与环境&对国际环境法基本原则的思考

    Sovereignty and Environment Reflection of Basic Principle International Environmental Law

  7. 论国际经济法基本原则在我国法中的体现

    On reflection of the fundamental principle of International Economical Law in our national law

  8. 这些不同类型的跨国界污染问题,涉及到国际法的基本原则和国家责任及国际赔偿责任。

    These kinds of multinational pollution problems involved basic principle of international public law and nation duty and international compensate .

  9. 维护国家统一和领土完整,是每个主权国家的神圣权利,也是国际法的基本原则。

    It is the sacred right of each and every sovereign state and a fundamental principle of international law to safeguard national unity and territorial integrity .

  10. 但是,我们应当本着批判性的态度认识该原则,坚持国际法的基本原则,不盲从某些西方学者的言论。

    However , we shall critically review this principle , insisting the basic principles of international law , and avoiding blindly following the opinions of some western scholars .

  11. 但是,这一理论同时也对国际法的基本原则和国际法律秩序的冲击,这引起了国际社会的注意。

    But , the theory also has a great impact on the fundamental principles of international law and international legal order , which attracts the attention of international society .

  12. 善意原则是国内法及国际法的基本原则,支配着个人和国家权利的行使。

    The Principle of Good Faith is a basic principle of both municipal law and international law . It governs the exercise of rights of both individuals and states .

  13. 反之,国家也应根据国际法的基本原则善意履行其自愿承担的义务,向国际刑事法院提供国际合作与司法协助。

    On the other hand , States , in accordance with the basic principles under the international law , should fulfil in good faith their obligations which is voluntarily assumed .

  14. 在实践中,由于缺乏法律上的标准,使人道主义干涉经常沦为霸权主义的工具或造成更大的人道主义灾难,带有强烈的大国主义色彩,甚至对国际法的基本原则提出了挑战。

    However , in practice , humanitarian intervention is often used as a hegemonic tool or causes an even greater humanitarian disaster , and with strong nation chauvinism color it even posed a challenge to the basic principles of international law .

  15. 和平崛起符合国际法的基本原则,是对国际法的历史性突破,它势必推动国际法的创新,加快国际政治、经济新秩序的建立,对维护世界的和平与发展具有重大的意义。

    According to the fundamental principles of international law , the peaceful rise is a historic breakthrough for international law , and will accelerate the reform of international law and the building of new international order on both politics and economics .

  16. 但是,这种观点同时也对国际法的基本原则,特别是不干涉内政原则造成了冲击。这引起了包括中国在内的国际社会的注意。

    However , this idea also has a great impact upon the fundamental principles of international law , especially upon the principle of non-intervention of internal affairs of states , which attracts the attention of international community , including the government of China .

  17. 从国际环境法的基本原则看我国《环境保护法》的修改

    The Amendment of Chinese Environment Protection Law & From the Perspective of Fundamental Principles in International Environment Law

  18. 公平原则是国际经济法的基本原则,国际反倾销制度也应体现公平。

    Equity doctrine is the basic principle of the international economic law and the international antidumping system should embody this equity principle .

  19. 作为国际环境法的基本原则之一,风险预防原则已经在许多国际环境协定中得到了直接的规定或间接的反映。

    As one basic principle of international environmental law , the precautionary principle has been laid down or reflected in many multilateral environmental agreements .

  20. 它是正在形成和发展中的国际环境法的基本原则,也许在不远的将来能获得国际习惯法的法律地位和效力。

    The principle is an emerging and developing basic principle of international environmental law , maybe in the future , it will obtain the legal status and effectiveness as being an international custom .

  21. 经济主权原则和有约必守原则是国际经济法的基本原则,公平互利原则和全球合作原则只是具体原则。

    Principle of economic sovereignty and principle of abiding by agreements are general principles of international economic law . Nevertheless , principle of mutual benefit and principle of global collaboration are principles of specific fields in international economic law .

  22. 可持续发展是国际法的一项基本原则

    Sustainable Development , One Fundamental Principle of International Law

  23. 世贸组织下的国际反倾销法的基本原则有三:造成损害的倾销应予遣责;

    There are three basic principles of the international antidumping act under the WTO : censure for dumping causing any impairment ;

  24. 它作为国际法的一项基本原则,也不断地被融入新的时代特征。

    It is an item base of international law . It is also molten to new features of the times unceasingly .

  25. 传统的无效果无报酬原则已被各国普遍采用并成为国际海上救助法的基本原则。

    The doctrine of No cure no pay has been widely applied in the world and become a basic principle of international law on salvage at sea .

  26. 但是,从总体来讲,互惠原则应当是国际法的一项基本原则,其在促成各国选择合作方面发挥了重要作用。

    However , on the whole , the principle of reciprocity should be a fundamental principle of international law and has played an important role in promoting cooperation in the choice of countries .

  27. 军事专家张军社表示,划设防空识别区可以有效地维护国家主权和国家安全,而且也符合国际法的基本精神和原则。

    Zhang Junshe , a military expert , says setting up the air defense identification zone can effectively safeguard national sovereignty and security , adding that the move conforms to the fundamental spirit and principle of international law .

  28. 同时,国际投资法还须与国际法的基本原则相适应,特别是不能违背国家主权原则。

    Meanwhile , the international investment law also adapts to the basic principle of the international law , especially the principle of the state sovereignty .

  29. 国际合作原则是国际法的一项基本原则,而国际环境保护离不开国际合作。

    The international cooperation principle is a basic principle of international law , and the international environmental protection is closely related to the international cooperation .

  30. 和平解决国际争端是联合国的宗旨,也是国际法的基本原则。

    Peaceful settlement of international disputes is the founding purpose of the United Nations and a basic principle of international law .