
ɡuó jì mào yì zǔ zhī
  • international trade organization
  1. 关贸总协定是临时的。国际贸易组织临时委员会/关税及贸易总协定

    Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

  2. 中国经济概论,中国经济现状、国际贸易组织、中国涉外经济法等。

    This course offers Introduction to Chinese Economy , Current Chinese Economy , International Trade Organization , Chinese Economic Law Concerning Foreign Affairs etc.

  3. 面对美国要求其改变汇率政策的压力,假如中国继续保持强硬立场,几乎可以肯定,此事将提交国际贸易组织(wto)处理。

    If China continues to stand firm in the face of US pressure for policy change , the case will almost certainly go to the World Trade Organisation .

  4. 自从中国加入国际贸易组织(WTO)以来,保险业作为首批开放的行业,引起社会各界广泛关注。

    Since when China joined in the WTO , insurance industry , as one of the first industries opened to the world , has aroused wide concern of the social public .

  5. 而作为世界上最大的国际贸易组织&世界贸易组织(WTO),其体制下的投资协定也必将会对国际投资法制产生重要的影响。

    And The World Trade Organization ( WTO ), as the largest international trade organization in the world , its investment agreements must have important influence on the international investment law .

  6. WTO是一个由成员驱动的国际贸易组织,它为各国提供了一个体制框架和谈判场所,各国从中获益程度的大小,完全取决于自己的经济实力和谈判能力。

    Propelled by its members , WTO offers a systematic frame and a negotiating place , and interests every member can get from it rely on its economical strength and the negotiating capacities .

  7. 随着农业问题日益受到国际贸易组织WTO的关注,发达国家巨额的农业补贴严重扭曲了国际农业贸易市场。

    As the agriculture is increasingly becoming one of the contentious issues in the international trade forum , large amount of agriculture subsidies set by rich countries , such as America , EU and Japan , distorted the international agriculture products market .

  8. 在国际贸易组织也积了厚厚一叠抱怨中国盗版侵权事件的材料。

    It has also filed a complaint at the World Trade Organisation against Chinese copyright violations .

  9. 自二零零五年始,国际贸易组织取消了配额制度,全球纺织品贸易进入了后配额时代。

    Since the beginning of 2005 , international textile trade organization cancelled quotas , global entered after-quota era .

  10. 关于所谓的中国缺乏知识产权保护的信心一说,美国于周一向国际贸易组织提出成立争端协议陪审团的要求。

    The United States on Monday requested the WTO to establish a dispute settlement panel regarding so-called China 's deficiencies in intellectual property protection .

  11. 与会者包括国内外商界领袖、政府代表和国际贸易组织成员国的代表,他们之间洋溢着乐观与合作的精神。

    A spirit of optimism and co-operation prevailed among attendees , who included domestic and international business leaders , government representatives and members of international trade organisations .

  12. 但当我国加入WTO-国际贸易组织之后,国外发达企业先进的管理模式给了国内企业很大地触动和很好的启迪。

    But after our country joins the WTO & International Trade Organization , the overseas developed enterprise advanced management pattern gives domestic enterprises great touch and very good inspiration .

  13. 2001年12月11日,中国成为国际贸易组织的第143名成员,这意味着在更大范围、更高层次、更复杂的环境将面临着国际上的竞争。

    In December 11 , 2001 , China became the No.143 of WTO members , which means a greater range , higher level , more complex environment facing international competition .

  14. 到美国国会讨论通过国际贸易组织议案时,杜鲁门总统因忙于制定一项医疗改革计划,未能为国际贸易组织之事使劲游说。

    When it came time for the US Congress to approve the ITO , President Harry Truman , preoccupied with a plan for US healthcare reform , failed to lobby vigorously for the ITO .

  15. 早前美方向国际贸易组织提出成立一个争端和解陪审团的要求,以解决双方之间所存在的知识产权争议。中方对此事表示遗憾。

    China regrets that the United States requested the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) to set up a dispute settlement panel to solve the intellectual property rights ( IPR ) disputes between the two sides .

  16. 文中例举了对全球化具有重大意义的四个要素,自然法、商法实践、全球化和国际贸易组织,可以说,统一的进程就是这些因素的互动过程。

    The factors of uniformity of international trade law listed in this article are nature law 、 the practice of 1aw merchant 、 globalization and international organizations , they are all contribute to the uniformity , so the uniformity is mutualistic historical process of them .

  17. WTO作为推进贸易自由化的国际多边贸易组织,一方面积极推动关税、非关税等传统贸易保护壁垒的拆除,另一方面,也有限的允许成员对国内产业实施保护。

    WTO to promote trade liberalization as the international multilateral trade organizations , on the one hand , actively promote the tariffs , and other traditional non-tariff barriers , dismantling of trade protection .

  18. 美国商务部下属的国际贸易署组织了美国虚拟贸易展览或电子博览会。

    The US Department of Commerce affiliated International Trade Administration has organized US Virtual Trade Show or Electronics Show .

  19. 仲裁适用的规则既可以由当事人约定,也可以由仲裁机构或者相关的国际经济贸易组织制定。

    Such arbitration rules could be made either by the arbitration institutions or by the international economic and trade organizations .

  20. 一份公平贸易合约保证种植人的收入至少达到由国际公平贸易标签组织(fairtradelabellingorganisationsinternational)设定的最低价格。

    A Fairtrade contract guarantees that the grower will earn at least the Fairtrade minimum price , set by the Fairtrade labelling organisations international .

  21. 国际木材和贸易组织

    International Timber and Trade Organization

  22. 世界贸易组织更加需要中国作为它的一个正式而活跃的成员,只有这样它才算得上是一个真正的国际性的贸易组织。

    The WTO increasingly needs China as a full and active member so that it can become a truly universal trade system .

  23. 人们应记得,上世纪40年代末,由于担心国家主权受到侵犯,美国曾拒绝建立一个国际性的贸易组织。

    It should be remembered that in the late 1940s the US rejected the creation of an international trade organisation because of fears of encroachment on national sovereignty .

  24. 作为现今世界范围内最重要的国际组织,世界贸易组织(WTO)自其成立以来,在维持国际贸易秩序、促进国际经济发展等方面发挥了不可估量的重要作用。

    As the most important international organization all over the world , the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) has played an extremely important role in the maintenance of international trade order and the promotion of international economic development since its inception .

  25. 摘要作为以促进贸易自由化为宗旨的国际组织,世界贸易组织在平衡贸易自由化与环境保护的关系方面显得步履艰难。

    Though the WTO is an international organization to facilitate trade liberalization , it balance the relationship between trade liberalization and environmental protection with many difficuties .

  26. 这样一种研究的意义,就在于梳理一个链条机理,丰富和发展国际贸易理论、产业组织理论和技术创新理论。

    Significance of such a study is that sort of a chain mechanism , enrich and develop the theory of international trade , industrial organization theory and technology innovation theory .

  27. 国际组织,世界贸易组织的立法机构批准了世贸协议,且世贸协议本身描述了世贸的运作,的法律基础。

    As an international organization , the WTO has a sound legal basis BECause members have ratified the WTO agreements and the agreements themselves describe how the WTO is to function .

  28. 依据国际公法及世界贸易组织规则,即成员国有义务依据该规则,开放市场并促进自由贸易竞争。

    Pursuant to the public international law and WTO rules and protocols , the Member State is obliged to open its market and liberalize trade competition subject to the commitment made .

  29. 国际服务贸易企业和组织的设立及其经营活动,应当遵守本法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定。

    The establishment and operation of enterprises and organizations engaged in international trade in services shall be in compliance with the provisions of this Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations .

  30. 现代的产业竞争力理论由国际贸易理论、产业组织理论和企业竞争理论构成。

    The modern business competitiveness are made up of the international trade theory , business organize theory and eateries competitive theory and introduce the competitiveness theory of mike potter in economy shed , which belongs to Harvard diversity America .