
ɡuó jì xí ɡuàn
  • international custom;international usage
  1. 摘要用尽当地救济是一项国际习惯规则。

    Exhaustion of local remendies is a rule of international custom .

  2. 论寻找和发展国际习惯的传统与现代方法

    A Review of Different Approaches to Identification and Development of International Custom

  3. 根据WTO专家小组及上述机构有关SPS协定的案例进行分析,可以看到预防原则在SPS协定中的重要性和发展成为国际习惯法的可能。

    According to analyzing the cases of the SPS Agreement in the WTO panel and the appeal body , you can see the the importance and possibility of being a general or customary principles of international law .

  4. 《维也纳条约法公约》第31、32条是对条约解释的国际习惯法规则的编纂,在WTO争端解决机制的运用中,体现为一套以文本论为主导的整体性解释方法。

    The rule of treaty interpretation in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism is governed by the principles codified in the Articles 31 and 32 in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties . By centering on the textual approach , it employs a holistic manner in interpretation .

  5. 论国际习惯法在我国的适用及其立法应对

    Application and Legislation of International Customary Law in China

  6. 国际习惯主要由物质因素(国家实践)和心理因素(国家态度)组成,本文重点分析了上世纪90年代以来最新划界条约中国家在这两方面的表现。

    International habit was consisted of two factors , material factor and psychological factor .

  7. 国际习惯法在细节上作必要修正,可以适用于国际组织。

    International common law , after necessary revisions of details , applies to international organizations .

  8. 论国际习惯效力的限制规则&坚持反对者学说

    On the Doctrine of Persistent Objector

  9. 正文共有五章:第一章导论主要考察一些与国际习惯法相关的基本概念性问题,包括:第一,国际习惯法概念的形成问题。

    The text includes five chapters : The Chapter one mainly discusses some basic concepts related with customary international law .

  10. 另外,死刑不引渡原则是否构成了国际习惯法也没有定论。

    Besides , the principle of the death penalty do not extradite whether or not belongs to international common law .

  11. 它不但体现了国际习惯法的编纂,更重要的是体现了新的法律规则与自然科学技术的结合。

    It represents both a codification of the international law and the combination with the natural scientific technology and legal principles .

  12. 传统观点认为,国际习惯是国际法的渊源,国际惯例不是渊源。

    According to traditional views , the international custom is the source of the international law , while the international practice is not .

  13. 主要论述寻找和发展国际习惯的两种不同的方法:传统的和现代的方法。

    The paper starts with a comparative study of the two prevailing approaches of identifying and developing international custom : traditional and modern .

  14. 投资协定的约束是确定的,而国际习惯法的约束则取决于各国的取舍。

    The binding of international agreements is definite , while the binding of customary international law is subject the will of the country concerned .

  15. 然而,从国际习惯的效力来看,国际惯例和国际习惯的地位是同等的;

    However , in the view of legal effect of the international custom , the international practice is on the same level as the international custom .

  16. 国际习惯法在其他国家的适用情况表明,各国大都在宪法中规定了国际习惯法的适用,对国际习惯法在国内的适用大多采取了采纳方式。

    The situation how International Customary Law is applied in foreign countries indicates that most foreign countries have the application of International Customary Law stipulated in their Constitutions .

  17. 因情势根本改变而终止条约的原则,是国际习惯法的规则,虽经《维也纳条约法公约》将其法典化,但对其适用条件的规定却极为严格。

    Principle of fundamental change of circumstances comes from international custom law . Though codified by Vienna Pact of Treaty Law , it is strictly restricted in application .

  18. 文章以英国法院的实践为线索,通过评析相关重要案例,阐述国际习惯法如何在英国适用的问题。

    Therefore , by examining the cases of British courts in detail , this article analyzes how the rules of international customary law have been applied in Britain .

  19. 条约法实践中的条约退出权类似于国际习惯法的背离权与国内私法领域的合同解除权。

    The treaty exit right in the practice of treaty law is analogous to the derogation right of customary international law and the rescission right of contract in domestic private law .

  20. 在习惯法方面,主要介绍了对海盗行为的处置原则&普遍管辖原则在国际习惯法上的确立过程。

    In respect of customary law , this chapter mainly introduced the process of establishing the disposal principles to piracy in international customary law , which is the principle of universal jurisdiction .

  21. 尽管私人行为的国家归责性遭到了诸多质疑,但在当时特定的背景下,还是得到了国际习惯法和国内法的认可。

    The liability regime of states liable for private actors is questioned by scholars , under the background of early time , it is recognized by international custom law and domestic law .

  22. 诚然,要最终准确预测国际习惯法的未来是非常困难的,但只要给予国际习惯法理论和实践以足够的重视,国际习惯法必将能够充分发挥它作为正义之国际法规范应有的作用。

    Although it is difficult to predict accurately , the author still believes that the customary international law will definitely play its role as justicial international law rules if adequate attention is paid to its theory and judicial practice .

  23. 国际习惯是国际法的重要渊源之一,但在国际法理论体系中,国际习惯法一直处于比较尴尬的地位,争议非常之多。

    Customary international law is one of the most important sources of international law , however , in the theoretical system of contemporary international law , customary international law has been in a rather awkward position , the theory is very much disputed .

  24. 国际习惯法与国际条约是国际法的主要渊源,考察欧洲国家适用国际习惯法与国际条约的法律规定与实践,国际法在欧洲国家有不同的适用问题。

    International customary law and international treaty are the two major sources of international law . This paper discusses the issue of application of international law in European countries by analyzing the legal prescription and practice of international customary law and international treaty in European countries .

  25. 双边投资条约已代替模糊的国际习惯法形式而成为当今国际投资法的最主要的法律形式,从中国视角对国际投资法由形式至内容的这场变革作出确切评估是非常必要的。

    The bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ) have become the main sources of international investment law in place of the arguable customary international law , and it is necessary to comment on the fundamental changes from the form to the content from a Chinese perspective .

  26. 最后对国际商事习惯的五种主要表现形式进行了简单分析。

    Finally analyses the five main forms of the international commercial custom .

  27. 4关于资本经营的新国际商人习惯法。

    The new international businessman customs about capital management .

  28. 提出通过从国际商事习惯法适用的三个方面来完善我国国际商事仲裁制度。

    I provide three methods to improve the system of international commercial arbitration .

  29. 论国际商事习惯的范围和性质

    The Scope and Nature of the International Commercial Custom

  30. 争端解决机构应依据国际公法习惯解释规则善意解释条约的现有规定。

    DSB should interpret treaty provisions according to customary rules of public international law in good faith .