
  • 网络banana;Banana republic
  1. 就在不久前,福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)管理层的变更就像是南美香蕉共和国的死刑执行现场。

    In the not-so-distant past , management transitions at Ford Motor Co. were much like the firing squad at a South American Banana Republic .

  2. 谷歌(Google)、花旗银行(Citibank)以及香蕉共和国(BananaRepublic)都加入了我们的行动。

    Google ( GOOG ) , Citibank ( c ) and Banana Republic ( GPS ) have joined us in this effort .

  3. 现在我知道他们为什么称之为香蕉共和国了。

    Now I know why they call it banana republic .

  4. 我们不知道美国会不会变成凯因斯所说的香蕉共和国。

    We don 't want our country to evolve into the banana-republic economy described by Keynes .

  5. 我也不知道哪样比较惨,是被关呢还是穿的像香蕉共和国店员一样呢。

    Yeah . I don 't know what 's worse : being locked up or looking like you work at a Banana Republic .

  6. 追溯奇基塔公司的起源可到19世纪90年代末,当时还是联合果品公司,把操控着一些的中美洲国家戏称为“香蕉共和国”。

    Chiquita traces its origins to the late 1890s and the United Fruit Company , which treated some of the Central American countries it operated in as banana republics .

  7. 这两位经济学家写道,欧洲和其他发展中经济体不想采用重组-通胀-压抑的方式减债,因为那是毫无希望的香蕉共和国经济体用来应对自己的债务问题的办法。

    Europe and other developing economies don 't want to go down the restructuring-inflation-repression route to debt reduction , the economists write , because that 's what basket-case , banana-republic economies do to deal with their debt problems .

  8. “这是一个奇耻大辱,”卡里尔说,“一个曾经是西方政治、经济体制核心的国家发现自己沦落到香蕉共和国的地位。”

    This was a humiliation of epochal proportions , ' says Mr. Caryl . ' A country that had been at the heart of the Western economic and political system found itself reduced to the status of a banana republic . '

  9. 这是一个奇耻大辱,卡里尔说,一个曾经是西方政治、经济体制核心的国家发现自己沦落到香蕉共和国的地位。

    ' This was a humiliation of epochal proportions , ' says Mr. Caryl . ' A country that had been at the heart of the Western economic and political system found itself reduced to the status of a banana republic . '