
  1. 将于周四到期的现行社交距离措施将再延长14天,以观察香港节假期后疫情是否反弹。

    She says the fourth wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong which emerged in November is The existing social distancing measures due to expire on Thursday will be extended for another 14 days to observe whether the pandemic will rebound after the Easter holiday .

  2. 2007春夏香港时装节设计师报导

    Designer Report About 07 S / S Hongkong Fashion Festival

  3. 今年香港艺术节吸引到的交易商和买家人数双双创下历史新高。

    The Hong Kong Arts Festival attracted record numbers of both dealers and buyers .

  4. 让我们一起举杯,为香港艺术节圆满成功,乾杯!

    Please join in for a toast : To the Hong Kong Arts Festival !

  5. 舞火龙,是香港中秋节最富传统特色的习俗。

    Dances the procession of lanterns , is Hong Kong Mid-Autumn Festival richest traditional features custom .

  6. 另外,还可以在网上购买香港艺术节的节目门票,并可享受香港游超值优惠套餐。

    In addition they could also purchase festival tickets online and receive a premium discount package of Hong Kong tour .

  7. 纽约皇后区(8月13日及14日)纽约的香港龙舟节去年有超过170支的队伍。

    Queens , New York ( August 13 & 14 ) - The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival in New York boasted over 170 teams last year .

  8. 如果在艺术节期间错过了领取记事簿的机会,你可以前往香港艺术节青少年之友办事处换领。

    If you have missed the chance to to collect the Arts Diary during the Festival period , you can come to Hong Kong Arts Festival Young Friends Office .

  9. 在三月香港食品节举行期间,又筹办“中西美食大奖”,并从世界各地邀请了41位国际知名的美食家、食专栏作家和名厨担任评判。

    In march , in conjunction with the Hong Kong food festival , the culinary awards competition was judged by41 international gourmets , food-writers and chefs from around the world .

  10. 在第24届香港电影节被选为“中国最优秀的100部电影”之一,排名第11位;是“中国电影九十年优秀影片”之一。

    It was selected as one of the Best 100 Chinese Films by the 24th Hong Kong Film Awards , ranked 11th and one of the outstanding Chinese films in 90 years .

  11. 该旅游团将在香港过元宵节。

    The party will be in Hong Kong for the Lantern festival .

  12. 在今年香港国际电影节(HongKongInternationalFilmFestival)上,有关篮球明星林书豪(JeremyLin)的纪录片、一部宋朝战争史诗影片和有关武术大师叶问(IPMAN)生平的最新影片成为关注焦点。

    A documentary about basketball sensation Jeremy Lin , a Song Dynasty war epic and the latest incarnation of Ip Man are in focus at this year 's Hong Kong International Film Festival .

  13. 香港国际电影节协会(HongKongInternationalFilmFestivalSociety)主席王英伟说,大家聚在一起,因为相信今后的行动将更有效地推动亚洲电影业发展。

    ' We have come together because we believe what we do in future will be more impactful on the development of Asian cinema , ' said Wilfred Wong , chairman of the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society .

  14. 香港国际电影节节目策划王庆锵(JacobWong)说,叶问这个角色被刻画得栩栩如生,他捍卫弱者,向劳动阶级传授咏春拳。

    He 's depicted as ' a down-to-earth character , defending the underdog and teaching kung fu to the working class , ' says festival curator Jacob Wong . '

  15. 为了加深合作及扩大影响力,亚洲电影大奖如今由亚洲历史最悠久的电影节――香港国际电影节(HongKongInternationalFilmFestival)、釜山国际电影节(BusanInternationalFilmFestival)和东京国际电影节(TokyoInternationalFilmFestival)联合主办,

    In a bid to broaden their relevance and scope , the awards are now jointly organized by Asia 's most-established film festivals : The Hong Kong International Film Festival , the Busan International Film Festival and the Tokyo International Film Festival .

  16. 中国女演员汤唯和电影导演岸西(IvyHo)在香港国际电影节上露面,出席她们合作的浪漫喜剧片《月满轩尼诗》(CrossingHennessy)在周日晚间的首映。

    Chinese actress Tang Wei and director Ivy Ho appeared at the Hong Kong International Film Festival for the Sunday-night premiere of their romantic comedy ' Crossing Hennessy . '

  17. 这部电影将于本月31日星期三在香港国际电影节上放映。

    It will screen at the31st Hong Kong International Film Festival on Wednesday .

  18. 香港国际电影节将一直持续到4月2日,期间将放映300多部电影。

    The Hong Kong film festival runs until April 2 with more than 300 films in the lineup .

  19. 亚洲电影大奖创办于2007年,由香港国际电影节协会主办。

    The Asian Film Awards were launched in 2007 and organized by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society .

  20. 以下是有关第四届?香港冬季购物节2006。请浏览下列资料及从速联络我们!

    Here is the information of 4th Hong Kong Mega Showcase . Please check it and reply me asap .

  21. 她的第二部作品《前度》(2009)则获邀为第三十四届香港国际电影节闭幕电影。

    Her second directorial feature EX - ( 2009 ) was selected as the Closing Film for the34th Hong Kong International Film Festival .

  22. 第34届香港国际电影节于上周日开幕,香港电影业正重估其在华语电影市场中所扮演的角色。

    As the 34th Hong Kong International Film Festival kicked off Sunday , the local movie industry is re-evaluating its role in Chinese-language cinema .

  23. 以著不死的信念和无条件的付出,在香港校际朗诵节英文独诵中,我有幸获得了优异的成绩。

    With undying will and unconditionalactions , I have attained Merit in the Solo Verse English Speaking in the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival .

  24. 香港国际电影节是世界影坛上每年一度非参选性质的主要电影节之一,通常在三月、四月举行。

    The annual Hong Kong International Film Festival , held in March / April , is one of the world 's major non-competitive film festivals .

  25. 香港动漫电玩节行政总裁梁中本表示,香港通胀加剧,展览场地加租18%,因此要调整票价和摊位租金。

    ACGHK Chief Executive Officer of the beam , said inflation in Hong Kong , 18 % of exhibition space rent , so to adjust fares and booth rental .

  26. 画廊场景充满各种画家、雕塑家与卡通画家的作品令印度尼西亚当代艺术成为上届香港巴塞尔艺术节等盛事上的焦点。

    There 's a gallery scene with painters , sculptors and cartoonists whose works have made contemporary art from Indonesia the sensation of events like the last Art Basel in Hong Kong .

  27. 这1100个装束特别的人每个人都可以免费获得价值30元港币(3.85美金)的入场券参加7月29日至8月2日的香港动漫电玩节。

    The 1100 people with the most striking costumes were spared the HK $ 30 ( $ 3.85 ) admission fee to Hong Kong 's Ani-Com & Games convention , which lasted from July 29th to August 2nd .

  28. 我上次告诉你们我在香港过挪威国庆节。

    I told you about the national day celebration in Hong Kong .

  29. 据香港中通社报道,第13届香港动漫电玩节将于29日起,一连五日在香港会议展览中心举行。

    According to Hong Kong China News Agency reported that the13th ACGHK will be29 , the five-day event at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre .

  30. 旅游协会也致力在外地推广这些国际盛事,以宣扬香港是亚洲盛事之都这个美誉。这些国际盛事包括世界杯七人榄球赛、香港艺术节及国际六人木球锦标赛。

    The HKTA also sought to boost Hong kong 's reputation as the events capital of Asia through the overseas promotion of international events , which included the Rugby World Cup sevens , the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the international cricket sixes tournament .