
  • 网络Hong Kong Station;hks;IFC
  1. 下一班往香港站的列车,将于两分钟后到达。

    This next train to Hong Kong Station will arrive in two minutes .

  2. 可喜的是,在香港站的比赛中队员们找到了比赛的节奏,进攻的发挥有了提高。

    Fortunately , the Chinese girls finally found their rhythm in Hong Kong and did a much better job in attacking .

  3. 她在香港站的发挥更加出色,我感觉很高兴,我觉得在决赛轮她不会让大家失望。

    I am happy to see her play much better in Hong Kong ; I think she will not disappoint in the final round .

  4. 香港站坐落在中环商业及购物中心区的心脏地带,并与中环地铁站相连,方便乘客往来港九各处。

    It is is conveniently situated right in the heart of the Central business and retail district , and is connected to the MTR Central Station .

  5. 现年48岁的李小加表示,他接受这个职位,是因为香港站在历史变革的转折点上,因为中国正在向全世界开放经济,而他相信这一进程正在加速。

    The 48-year-old says he took the job because Hong Kong stood at a historic crosspoint of change , as China opens its economy to the world , a process he believes is accelerating .

  6. 广东线直通车由香港红磡站来往东莞(常平)、广州东、佛山及肇庆。

    The Guangdong Through Train calls at Dongguan ( Changping ), Guangzhou East , Foshan and Zhaoqing .

  7. 香港集装箱货运站的建设和计算机管理系统

    Construction of Container Yard and Computer Management System in Hongkong

  8. 运用非调和法,直接从引起潮汐现象的天文因素入手,以2002年香港验潮站实测资料为例,用神经网络对潮汐知识进行了学习仿真,对未知结果进行了预报。

    Starting with the research on astronomic factor which arouses tide phenomenon , this paper introduces a method of nonharmonic analysis based on neural network to predict tide .

  9. 本文提供有关香港卫星地面站的发展和构成的某些背景,并对其日常运行和维护进行了讨论。

    This article provides some background on the growth and configuration of the Satellite Earth Station and discusses some of their impacts to the day-to-day operation and maintenance ( O & M ) activities .

  10. 在这种情况下,根据新的条例,所有的货物都必须送交检查或者在香港空运货站有限公司及亚洲空运中心,或将涉及额外的费用进行X-射线的货物。

    In this instance , under the new regulation , all your cargo will have to be sent for screening at either HACTL or AAT and will involve additional charges to carry out X-rays of your cargo .

  11. 埃克森美孚和中华电力共同组建了一家合资企业,控制着香港3座发电站中的两座,双方分别持有合资公司60%和40%的股权。

    ExxonMobil and CLP are 60-40 partners in a joint venture that controls two of Hong Kong 's three power plants .

  12. 今年的讲座亦会由香港电台网上广播站安排网上视像直播,让全球学生有机会观看整个过程。

    Students from all over the world may also view the conference online from the live video webcast on RTHK ON INTERNET .

  13. 2018年9月22日星期六,在香港广深港快线(XRL)终点站西九龙站,大陆港区的地面上显示着“边境候检区域”的标识,西九龙站为广深港高铁的香港终点站。

    A sign reading China Immigration Inspection is displayed on the ground in the Mainland Port Area at West Kowloon Station , which houses the terminal for the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link ( XRL ) in Hong Kong , Saturday , Sept. 22 , 2018 .

  14. 崖13&1气田的主要工程设施包括井口平台、处理平台、香港输气管线、海南输油管线、香港终端站和海南终端站;

    The main engineering equipment in the field includes wellhead platform , processing platform , Hongkong gas pipeline , Hainan oil pipeline , Hongkong terminal station and Hainan terminal station , etc.