
  • 网络Citybus;City Bus;Cityflyer
  1. 城巴拥有全港最大双层开蓬巴士车队,一直雄据巿场。

    City Bus operates the largest open-top double deckers fleet and share the largest sector of the market .

  2. 网主于二零一零年一月二十四日参加了一个城巴飞镖(车队编号:1488/EZ7136)游览屿南的活动,本页将会展示当天活动的图片。

    This page will show the photo of a Southern Lantau trip of City Bus Dennis Dart ( Fleet No. : 1488 / EZ7136 ) that the webmaster participated on24 , Jan. , 2010 .

  3. 在决定购买何款巴士前,屿巴先后分别向城巴及九巴借用富豪B6LE及丹尼士飞镖低地台巴士,试行东涌道以作评估。

    NLB had borrowed a Volvo B6LE and Dennis Dart SLF for trial on Tung Chung Road before the ordering of Dart .

  4. 作为「东区文艺节」其中一个项目,城巴205(FG9161)被装饰成一架流动美术馆&「东区艺术巴士」。

    City Bus205 ( FG9161 ) was decorated as a " Eastern Art Bus " as part of " Eastern District Arts Festival " .

  5. 港岛区的巴士服务现由新巴和城巴提供。

    Local bus services on Hong Kong Island are provided by NWFB and CTB .

  6. 一九九八年九月一日,城巴接办了中巴11条路线。

    On September 1 , 1998 , the company took over 11 routes from CMB .

  7. 金钟道是数条赤柱路线前往中环的必经之路,不难发现城巴短阵版丹尼士巨龙踪影。

    It was very common to see them on Queensway , Admiralty , the trunk road for Stanley routes heading for Central .

  8. 卡迪夫城将支持巴傻&今夜与阿森纳的对抗。

    Cardiff City will be backing Barcelona tonight against Arsenal .

  9. 他就给那井起名叫示巴。因此那城叫作别是巴,直到今日。

    And he gave it the name of shibah : so the name of that town is Beer-sheba to this day .