
  1. 城市经营和城投公司的战略调整

    The corporation strategy regulation is fling in management and the city in town

  2. 特别指出了中国局部地方已经出现了债务风险,一些城投公司出现了无力偿付本金和利息的情况。

    In particular , the Chinese localized debt risks have emerged , some of the city investment company appears unable to pay principal and interest situations .

  3. 其次,通过武汉城投公司的概况、经营情况和偿债来源的分析,揭示其依托地方政府信用从事基础设施项目建设的实质。

    Then vote by the city of Wuhan overview of the company operation , operations and debt sources , revealing their credit relying on local government infrastructure projects in the substance .

  4. 以此为基础,根据分析的结果,本研究给出了南宁城投公司的10年内的发展战略,则近期的市场渗透战略、产业开发战略以及第二阶段的市场开发战略和多元化战略。

    In frist term , it takes the strategy of marketing penetration and industry develop , in the second term , it will take the strategy of market development and pluralistic .

  5. 由宜宾城投公司相关领导亲自指挥总责,下设相关部门管理环境保护工作,实行环保责任制。

    With relevant leaders of the Yibin urban construction investment company in overall charge , relevant departments are set to govern environmental protection work and exercise the responsibility system of environmental protection .

  6. 同样是城投公司,发展过程和结局却有着天壤之别,笔者认为云南城投的案例值得认真加以研究和总结。

    Is also a city investment company , is a far cry from development processes and outcomes , I think city of Yunnan case worthy of serious study and summary of the vote .

  7. 为弥补资金缺口,地方政府纷纷成立专门的城投公司寻求外部融资,其中通过城投公司在资本市场上发行城投债券成为一种兴起的新模式。

    To make up the shortfall , regional governments have to seek outside financing , which the city investment company issuance municipal bonds in the capital markets becomes a kind of new pattern .

  8. 随着我国城市基础设施投融资体制改革的不断深化,城市基础设施投融资企业,即城投公司在城市基础设施建设中发挥着越来越大的作用。

    As the reform deepen in city infrastructure investment and financing mechanism in China , the City Infrastructure Investment Corporation ( the CIIC ) plays more and more important role in the infrastructure construction .

  9. 城市基础设施投融资模式就是解决这些问题的合理手段。本文对构成城市基础设施投融资模式的三个层面城市政府层面、城投公司层面和城市基础设施项目层面依次进行了研究。

    This new investment-financing pattern consists of three strata , namely , the stratum of municipal government , the stratum of the urban infrastructures investment company , and the stratum of the infrastructures project .

  10. 然后,从武汉市市本级财政收支情况出发,以武汉城投公司的存量债务为对象,测算其长期偿债能力,得出长期偿债能力不足的结论。

    Secondly , from the revenue and expenditure situation of Wuhan City , Wuhan City to vote the stock of debt as an object , measure its long-term solvency , lack of long-term solvency draw conclusions .

  11. 然而现实中,为了保证市政建设的顺利进行,地方政府通过包装地方政府投融资平台或城投公司,由地方政府提供担保或向银行借款来发行债券,即是所谓的城投债。

    However , in order to ensure the smooth progress of municipal construction , the local government establishes Urban Construction Investment Company guaranteed by local governments to issue bonds , that is , the so-called " City Investment Bond " .

  12. 城市建设投资公司(简称城投公司)是经政府授权与委托、统一负责城市资产(主要是各项基础设施资产)的投资和经营活动、并承担城市资产优化配置责任的国有独资公司。

    Urban construction investment corporation ( UCIC ) authorized and entrusted by Government is a wholly state-funded corporation , which is in charge of investment and management of urban assets especially urban infrastructure assets , and responsible for most optimum distribution of them .

  13. 在我国,地方政府无权发行政府债券,为筹集基础设施建设等公益性项目的建设资金,地方政府通过搭建投融资平台公司(城投公司)进行融资。

    In China , local governments have no right to issue government bonds to raise funds for infrastructure construction and other public welfare projects , so the local governments built some financing platforms ( Urban Construction Investment Company , " UCIC ") for financing .

  14. 然而面对日趋激烈的市场竞争及一系列相关行业政策的出台,市城投公司目前使用的绩效管理体系已逐渐与公司的快速发展不相适应,成为制约进一步发展的瓶颈。

    However , facing the increasingly fierce market competition and a series of related industry policies , the current performance appraisal system of the city investment company has been ill-adapted to the need to rapid development , in has been become a bottleneck of the further development of the company .

  15. XY市城投集团有限责任公司人力资源管理问题研究

    Study on Human Resources of XY City Investment and Development Group Co. , Ltd