
  • 网络brand development
  1. 贾姆瓦尔是一个品牌开发咨询师,在业余时间担任瑜伽教练,这部由她担任主角的分为13部分的系列片将于1月在Rajshri公司名为“MindBodySoul”(心理、身体、灵魂)的YouTube频道上发布。

    The 13-part series starring Jamwal , a brand development consultant who teaches yoga on the side , will be released in January on the Mind Body Soul channelthat Rajshri has on YouTube .

  2. 少数基金如德国的vinovation基金投资于葡萄园土地、生产设施并从事葡萄酒品牌开发等。

    A few , such as the Germany-based vinovation fund , invest in vineyard land , production facilities , and wine brand development .

  3. CUBA品牌开发的研究

    Research on the Market Developing of CUBA Brand

  4. 以丰田为例,它为自己的品牌开发了很多车型,并给它们加装了丰富的功能以及精妙的设计,并将这些车型都归入豪华车雷克萨斯(Lexus)系列。

    Toyota , for instance , takes many vehicles it develops for its Toyota brand and dresses them up with features and refined designs to fit them into the Lexus portfolio .

  5. 在曼哈顿中城为乳胶避孕套HEX举办的这场派对上,他的亮相令人意外。HEX是LELO品牌开发的一款富有弹性的蜂巢结构避孕套。

    It was a surprise appearance at the Midtown party for HEX , a latex condom with a resilient honeycomb like structure developed by the brand LELO .

  6. 第三章是品牌开发战略的核心&品牌塑造战略。

    Chapter III is the core of brand development strategy branding strategy .

  7. 少数民族的文化品牌开发:秀山花灯寨个案

    Culture Brand Development of the Minorities : Xiushan Lantern Village for Example

  8. 拓展赢利空间,实施多元化的品牌开发战略。

    Second , opening up payoff space , carrying on diversified brand developing strategies .

  9. 试论旅游品牌开发

    Preliminarily discussing tourist famous brand exploitation

  10. 城市品牌开发研究

    Research into City Brand Development

  11. 民族文化品牌开发的民营困境&秀山花灯寨市场的问卷调查与分析

    Dilemma in private management of developing ethnical culture brand & Questionnaire survey and analysis of Xiushan Fancy Lantern Village market

  12. 在实践中我们也看到品牌开发日益为学校及教育行政部门所重视。

    In practice , we also find that the brand developing is increasingly got much attention by schools and education departments .

  13. 旅游业为载体的民族文化发展思路&彭水县民族文化品牌开发的个案调查

    Development direction of minority culture with tourism industry as carrier & Individual case investigation of developing minority culture brand in Pengshui County

  14. 为了避免零售企业在自有品牌开发中的盲目性,从营销策略的角度进行系统的分析;

    In order to avoid the retail business enterprises ' blindness in the PB program , the article analyses systemic the PB marketing tactic ;

  15. 区域文化产业的模式选择及其体制限制&渝东南民族文化品牌开发的理论思考之三

    On the Mode Selection and the System of Regional Cultural Industry & the Third Time Considering Over the Development of Culture Brand of the Yu-southeast

  16. 和平南路板块,为何备受市场亲睐,成为一线品牌开发企业争相进驻的桥头堡?

    Why is the south of Peace Road liked by the market ? Why does First-line brand Development Company strive to be the first come the place ?

  17. 参选作品名单再次突显出人们对于互联网的影响、中国的增长、品牌开发以及领导艺术的兴趣。

    The list of entries again underlined the interest in the impact of the internet , the growth of China , the development of brands and the art of leadership .

  18. 即使是作为民族文化品牌开发的刺绣艺术品,其中也蕴含着强烈的艺术家情感,体现了她们对文化的建构过程。

    Even as the development of national cultural brand , the embroidery works also contains a strong emotion of the artist , and reflects the course of construction of culture .

  19. 由于新品牌开发战略的失败率持续上升,品牌联盟已经成为一种日益广泛的市场现象,甚至是某些行业主要的商业运作方式。

    As the possibility of failure for developing new brands continue to rise , brand alliance has become a popular marketing phenomena , and even the major business operation model .

  20. 树立教育创新观念,创造资源开发环境,建立激励与约束机制,职能开发、品牌开发与特长开发,这些均是实现高校教师人力资源开发的重要方面。

    The new point of view , the environment of resource exploitation , control mechanism , etc. are important aspects in the realization of exploiting the manpower resources of university teachers .

  21. 安吉白茶属珍惜茶树良种,极为罕见,深受民众喜爱,但安吉白茶的销售商家专注于茶叶的交易买卖,忽略了品牌开发,产品包装缺乏文化内涵。

    Anji white tea is a treasure tea varieties , is extremely rare , deeply loved the people , but Anji white tea sales trading business to focus on the sale of tea , ignoring the brand development , product packaging , lack of culture .

  22. 当2003年他们首次开始合作时,德里是连锁海鲜餐厅lochfynerestaurants(简称lfr)的首席执行官,当时他正在寻找下一个更具创意的餐饮品牌进行开发。

    When they first joined forces in 2003 , Mr Derry was chief executive of Loch Fyne restaurants , the seafood chain , and was looking for a second , more creative brand to develop .

  23. 中间商品牌的开发价值及策略

    On the value and tactics of the development of middleman brands

  24. 因此,自有品牌的开发和建设问题已经成为一个热点话题。

    Thus , the development of private brands has been a hot topic .

  25. 中国自主品牌汽车开发欧洲市场的调研分析(续1)

    Investigation Study on Chinese-owned Brand Vehicle Coming into European Market ( Section ⅰ);

  26. 策略联盟与商业自有品牌的开发

    Tactical Union and Commercial Exclusive Brand Exploitation

  27. 企业品牌的开发和保护

    On development and protection of enterprise brand

  28. 试议我国零售商自有品牌的开发

    On Developing Retailers ' Private Brand

  29. 最后提出了关于中国自主品牌汽车开发欧洲市场的策略和建议。

    Finally , some strategies and suggestions of coming into European market for Chinese-owned brand vehicles are offered in the paper .

  30. 重点是结合相应晚清名臣历史个性,打造文化品牌,开发具有地方文化特色的旅游产品,做到隐性旅游资源显性化表述。

    It 's importance is building up cultural brand , designing tourism product of local cultural characteristics , and indicating recessive tourism resources .