
  • 网络Personality;Brand personality;brand character
  1. 是他们的招牌菜标志K字体的变形设计具有品牌个性特色,又有标志的识别性,色彩搭配和谐统一简约大方。

    Is their speciality * K fonts signs of a brand personality shaped design characteristics , and the identification of signs , colors mix harmony and unity became generous .

  2. 文献中Aaker等学者创建了不同版本的品牌个性量表(BPS)。

    In literature , Aaker et al . created different brand personality scales ( BPS ) .

  3. 那么,品牌个性究竟能不能影响消费者的购买意愿呢?

    Furthermore , does brand personality affect customers ' purchase intentions ?

  4. 广告应表达品牌个性中的那些方面?

    What aspect of the brand personality should the advertising express ?

  5. 品牌个性感知对品牌忠诚的影响研究

    A Study of Influence of Brand Personality Perception on Brand Loyalty

  6. 竖立品牌个性,增加品牌在市场中的竞争优势。

    Building brand personality , increasing the competition in market .

  7. 烟草企业市场战略的根本思路是市场定位和突出品牌个性。

    The key of marketing strategy is positioning and individuality .

  8. 在感性层面生动的体现出专业的、创新的品牌个性。

    Furthermore it echoes a professional and innovative brand characteristic .

  9. 品牌个性在达到品牌运营效益方面有着重要作用。

    Brand individuality plays a great role in operating benefit .

  10. 基于品牌个性及品牌认同的品牌资产驱动模型研究

    A Brand Equity Driving Model Based on Brand Personality and Brand Identification

  11. 品牌个性维度的本土化研究品牌个性感知对购买意愿的影响机理研究

    The Study of Influencing Mechanism of Brand Personality Perception on Purchase Intension

  12. 把握读者期望,铺张品牌个性的绵延性;

    It needs to consider readers'expectation , and figure brand personalities'continuous character .

  13. 因此,创作出具有民族品牌个性的广告是中国现代广告的主要任务。

    As a result , it is essential to create advertisements with national characteristics .

  14. 品牌个性、品牌信任与品牌忠诚的关系研究

    A Research of the Relationship of Brand Individuality , Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty

  15. 打开情感内核,凝聚品牌个性的亲和力;

    It needs to open the kernel of sensibilities , and figure brand personalities'appetency .

  16. 第五章探讨的是报纸品牌个性的塑造问题。

    The fifth part deals with the forging of the brand personality of newspaper .

  17. 略论品牌个性及其建立策略

    On Brand Individuality and Its Building Strategies

  18. 塑造品牌个性、再造企业筋骨

    Establish brand personality to rebuild corporate physique

  19. 张扬品牌个性是提升品牌价值的重要途径

    Standing out Brand Personality is an Important Way to Enhance the Value of the Brand

  20. 论文通过详实的实例解答论证了究竟如何进行品牌个性塑造的这一核心问题。

    Through specific examples , it illustrates in detail how to shape the brand personality .

  21. 消费者自我概念结构维度对品牌个性的相对影响力研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relative Effects of Consumers ' Self-concept Dimensions on Brand Personality

  22. 比较研究表明,中外品牌个性既存在着共性的一面,也存在着独特性的一面。

    The study shows the brand characteristic at home and abroad is both uniform and inimitable .

  23. 品牌个性对品牌态度的影响机制研究&基于消费者品牌认知的视角

    How Brand Personality Influences Brand Attitude : A Research in the Perspective of Consumer Brand Cognition

  24. 乡村旅游地品牌个性特征研究&以西安长安区农家乐为例

    A Study on Rural Tourism Brand Personality : A Case of " Nongjiale " Xian Chang'an

  25. 品牌个性对品牌联盟态度的影响研究

    An Research of the Influence of Brand Personality on Brand Alliance Attitude-co-brand Marketing as a Example

  26. 基于消费者的品牌个性塑造

    Creating Customer - based Brand Personality

  27. 品牌个性塑造的策略

    Tactics on Building Brand Personality

  28. 随着消费者个性化消费趋势日趋明显,品牌个性在企业的竞争中作用越来越突出,研究品牌个性的理论和现实意义也日趋显著。

    As consumers become increasingly personalized brand personality are becoming more and more important in the competition .

  29. 消费者自我概念、生活方式与选购产品品牌个性关系的研究

    A Study of Relationship among the Consumers ' Lifestyle , Self-image and the Products ' Brand Personality

  30. 品牌个性塑造研究

    A Study on Brand Personality