
  1. 主机厂品牌二手车是从行业内部提升二手车行业的重要力量。

    OEM brand-used-car is an important force for improving used-car industry .

  2. 本文分析了二手车残值的重要性和影响因素以及品牌二手车对提升汽车残值贡献。

    This article analyses the importance and influence factors of residual value of used cars and brand-used-car contribution to improving automotive residual values .

  3. 主机厂品牌二手车应充分利用主机厂已有资源和后续业务机会,积极与其他业务整合,实现互赢,共同发展。

    OEM brand-used-car should make full use of the host plant and subsequent business opportunities , and actively with the other business integration , and realize mutual-win and common development .

  4. 品牌二手车运作必须实现信息化,建立高效的内部二手车管理体系并与外部营销平台结合提高内部管理和营销的效率,提高库存周转,降低经营风险。

    Brand-used-car must operate to achieve development , establish efficient used car management system and with external marketing platform to improve internal efficiency in management and marketing , improve inventory turnover and reduce business risk .

  5. 对于汽车企业而言,品牌的建立是品牌二手车运作的基础,品牌设计中应充分考虑客户需求,回应客户对事故车和质保的需求。

    For automobile enterprises , brand building is the foundation of brand-used-car operation , brand design should take full account of the customer needs to respond to customer demand for non-accident car and warranty .