- 网络Congressional hearing

The arrest came hours before a showdown between Apple and the FBI at a congressional hearing in Washington .
At the first Congressional hearing on the plan to authorise the administration to buy banks ' toxic assets , Ben Bernanke , Federal Reserve chairman , warned that global markets remained under extraordinary stress .
At a recent congressional hearing , a senator from the state asked law enforcement officials about the deal , and revealed that the FBI had discussed the transaction with Northeast Wireless .
Toyota 's president , Akio Toyoda , in front of a congressional hearing . He said he was sorry , a few times .
It might not have turned out this way . In the late 1990s , after congressional hearings highlighted corrupt foreign officials with money in the United States , the Justice Department sought to expand the list of industries required to screen the financial activities of politically exposed people .
At a congressional hearing earlier this month Leon Panetta , the outgoing secretary of defence , and General Martin Dempsey , the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , revealed that they had recommended arming the rebels .
James Comey , FBI chief , warned at a congressional hearing this week of the dangers of creating " warrant-proof spaces , " saying : " The tools we use to keep you safe are becoming less and less effective . "
Critics say immigration policies in the United States are too restrictive . One of those critics is Representative Zoe Lofgren , a Democrat who represents parts of Silicon Valley in California . She spoke at a recent congressional on the issue .
At a congressional hearing this month , Vikram Pandit , Citi chief executive , said that the bank owed a " large debt of gratitude to American taxpayers " and said the company was doing everything it could to ensure it would never again need government assistance .
She spoke at a recent congressional hearing on the issue .
Secretary Sebelius faced hours of questions during that Congressional hearing yesterday .
This is my first congressional hearing , can you believe it ?
Two days of congressional hearings began Thursday in the Senate Banking Committee .
Rob Nabors told the congressional hearing that she did not represent the administration .
Senator John Kerry , Clinton 's nominated successor , praised her decisions at a congressional hearing .
FBI Director Robert Mueller tells Congress his agency uses drones to monitor activities on American soil .
Often hearings in Congress are not about members of Congress learning something that they don 't already know .
The Senate hearing featured some partisan criticism of administration policy in Iraq , and some partisan support as well .
He told a hearing in Congress on Wednesday that the administration is mainly concerned with the current recovery plan .
At one congressional hearing on the law last year , the appropriateness of taxi fare payments was hotly debated .
The house hearing today focused on the administration 's determination to get the system up and running by October 1st .
Economic experts appearing at a congressional hearing have urged lawmakers to carry out substantial but carefully planned financial market and institutional reforms .
The issue of Federal sponsorship of foreign research into the emerging field of high-definition television took center stage at Congressional hearings today .
During a congressional hearing last week , experts said , it would cost billions of dollars to actually prevent a potential catastrophe .
Abuses in the Thai fishing industry have been well documented and were the subject of hearings in the United States Congress in April .
In December , the heads of South Korea 's biggest conglomerates were hauled before parliament for a rare televised interrogation by lawmakers over the scandal .
Speaking at a congressional hearing , Mr Russel made a series of statements that represent a hardening of the US position over the various territorial disputes .
US Congressional Hearing Examines Military , Political Situation in Somalia The violent and unstable situation in Somalia was the subject of a U.S. congressional hearing on Thursday .
Washington , in particular , has a boastful history of investigating the mistakes behind a crisis through congressional hearings and presidential commissions and building bureaucracies designed to thwart them in the future .
While giving congressional testimony last month Fisher from the International Assessment and Strategy Center confirmed that China has a laser weapons program and warned that the country could be rapidly militarizing space .