
  • 网络Congressional hearing
  1. 这一逮捕发生之际,苹果(Apple)和联邦调查局(FBI)即将在华盛顿的一场国会听证会上摊牌。

    The arrest came hours before a showdown between Apple and the FBI at a congressional hearing in Washington .

  2. 在第一场关于批准美国政府购买银行不良资产计划的国会听证会上,美联储(Fed)主席本•伯南克(BenBernanke)警告,全球市场仍承受巨大压力。

    At the first Congressional hearing on the plan to authorise the administration to buy banks ' toxic assets , Ben Bernanke , Federal Reserve chairman , warned that global markets remained under extraordinary stress .

  3. 在最近的一次国会听证会上,缅因州一名参议员向有关执法官员询问了这宗交易,并透露联邦调查局(FBI)已与东北无线讨论了该交易。

    At a recent congressional hearing , a senator from the state asked law enforcement officials about the deal , and revealed that the FBI had discussed the transaction with Northeast Wireless .

  4. 丰田总裁丰田章男(AkioToyoda)接受国会听证会审问,期间多次表示道歉。

    Toyota 's president , Akio Toyoda , in front of a congressional hearing . He said he was sorry , a few times .

  5. 上世纪90年代末,在多次国会听证会让外国腐败官员将钱转移至美国的问题突显出来后,司法部(JusticeDepartment)寻求扩充行业名单,要求被列入名单的行业审查政治敏感人物的财务活动。

    It might not have turned out this way . In the late 1990s , after congressional hearings highlighted corrupt foreign officials with money in the United States , the Justice Department sought to expand the list of industries required to screen the financial activities of politically exposed people .

  6. 在本月初举行的国会听证会上,即将离任的国防部长莱昂帕内塔以及参谋长联席会议主席MartinDempsey上将透露他们建议给反对军提供武器。

    At a congressional hearing earlier this month Leon Panetta , the outgoing secretary of defence , and General Martin Dempsey , the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , revealed that they had recommended arming the rebels .

  7. FBI局长詹姆斯•科米(JamesComey)本周在美国国会听证会上针对造就“抗令状空间”的危险发出警告,他表示:“我们用来保护人们安全的手段正逐渐失去效力。”

    James Comey , FBI chief , warned at a congressional hearing this week of the dangers of creating " warrant-proof spaces , " saying : " The tools we use to keep you safe are becoming less and less effective . "

  8. 批评家称美国的移民政策过于严格,民主党议员ZoeLofgren就是一位代表加州硅谷的批评家,她在最近的国会听证会上就此事发表意见。

    Critics say immigration policies in the United States are too restrictive . One of those critics is Representative Zoe Lofgren , a Democrat who represents parts of Silicon Valley in California . She spoke at a recent congressional on the issue .

  9. 在本月召开的一场国会听证会上,花旗集团首席执行官维克拉姆潘迪特(vikrampandit)表示,该银行应“深深感谢美国纳税人”,并表示花旗正尽其所能,确保自己决不再需要政府援助。

    At a congressional hearing this month , Vikram Pandit , Citi chief executive , said that the bank owed a " large debt of gratitude to American taxpayers " and said the company was doing everything it could to ensure it would never again need government assistance .

  10. 她上的问题在最近的一次国会听证会上的发言。

    She spoke at a recent congressional hearing on the issue .

  11. 部长西贝利厄斯在昨天的国会听证会上面对数小时的质疑。

    Secretary Sebelius faced hours of questions during that Congressional hearing yesterday .

  12. 这是我第一次参加国会听证会,你能相信吗?

    This is my first congressional hearing , can you believe it ?

  13. 为期两天的国会听证会周四在参议院银行委员会开始。

    Two days of congressional hearings began Thursday in the Senate Banking Committee .

  14. 罗伯•纳伯斯在国会听证会上说,她并不代表美国政府。

    Rob Nabors told the congressional hearing that she did not represent the administration .

  15. 希拉里任命的继任者参议员约翰·克里称赞她在国会听证会上的决策。

    Senator John Kerry , Clinton 's nominated successor , praised her decisions at a congressional hearing .

  16. 联邦调查局局长罗伯特·米勒出席国会听证会时表示,联邦调查局用无人机监视美国本土活动。

    FBI Director Robert Mueller tells Congress his agency uses drones to monitor activities on American soil .

  17. 国会听证会经常不是国会成员们了解他们所不知的事情。

    Often hearings in Congress are not about members of Congress learning something that they don 't already know .

  18. 国会听证会夹杂着一些对伊管理政策的派系指责和支持的特征。

    The Senate hearing featured some partisan criticism of administration policy in Iraq , and some partisan support as well .

  19. 周三,他在国会听证会上说,政府主要关注的是现有的复苏计划。

    He told a hearing in Congress on Wednesday that the administration is mainly concerned with the current recovery plan .

  20. 去年,在一场有关《反海外腐败法》的国会听证会上,各方就代付出租车费的合适性展开了激烈辩论。

    At one congressional hearing on the law last year , the appropriateness of taxi fare payments was hotly debated .

  21. 国会听证会今日的焦点在于为何政府如此坚持建立网站并与10月1日开放网站。

    The house hearing today focused on the administration 's determination to get the system up and running by October 1st .

  22. 参加国会听证会的经济专家敦促国会议员推行一项有实质内容、但又细心计划的金融市场和机构改革。

    Economic experts appearing at a congressional hearing have urged lawmakers to carry out substantial but carefully planned financial market and institutional reforms .

  23. 由联邦政府赞助外国从事高清晰度电视这门新兴技术的研究,今天在国会听证会成为中心议题。

    The issue of Federal sponsorship of foreign research into the emerging field of high-definition television took center stage at Congressional hearings today .

  24. 在上周的一个国会听证会中,专家说,要想真的预防潜在的灾难会花掉十亿多美元。

    During a congressional hearing last week , experts said , it would cost billions of dollars to actually prevent a potential catastrophe .

  25. 泰国渔业中虐待工人的现象有详细的资料记录,还是于今年4月举行的多次美国国会听证会的主题。

    Abuses in the Thai fishing industry have been well documented and were the subject of hearings in the United States Congress in April .

  26. 去年12月,韩国各大综合企业的负责人被迫因这起丑闻出席国会听证会,罕见接受国会议员的电视直播质询。

    In December , the heads of South Korea 's biggest conglomerates were hauled before parliament for a rare televised interrogation by lawmakers over the scandal .

  27. 美国国务院的罗素在国会听证会上所做的一系列陈述,均突显美国在各项领土争端上态度转硬。

    Speaking at a congressional hearing , Mr Russel made a series of statements that represent a hardening of the US position over the various territorial disputes .

  28. 在周四举行的美国国会听证会上,主要话题是索马里暴力动荡的形势。

    US Congressional Hearing Examines Military , Political Situation in Somalia The violent and unstable situation in Somalia was the subject of a U.S. congressional hearing on Thursday .

  29. 在这方面,美国政府尤其有着值得夸耀的历史,美国政府一向喜欢通过国会听证会和总统委员会调查危机背后的各种错误,然后建立起各种官僚机构,防止这些错误在未来再次发生。

    Washington , in particular , has a boastful history of investigating the mistakes behind a crisis through congressional hearings and presidential commissions and building bureaucracies designed to thwart them in the future .

  30. 上个月在国会听证会上来自国际评估和战略中心的费舍尔证实,中国有激光武器研发项目,并警告称,该国可能会迅速使外层空间军事化。

    While giving congressional testimony last month Fisher from the International Assessment and Strategy Center confirmed that China has a laser weapons program and warned that the country could be rapidly militarizing space .