
  • 网络Gift card;Amazon Gift Card;itunes gift card
  1. 然后我17岁的孩子建议给他一张礼品卡。

    Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a gift card .

  2. 当我把礼品卡递给他,说他可以用它来满足家人需求的时候,他哭了起来。

    When I handed him the gift card , saying he could use it for whatever his family might need , he burst into tears .

  3. 全美零售商联合会(theNationalRetailFederation)最近进行的一项调查发现,美国81.1%的消费者在今年假日购物季节将购买礼品卡,总支出预计超过285亿美元。

    A recent study by the National Retail Federation found that 81 % of holiday shoppers plan to purchase gift cards this year .

  4. •iPad、iPhone、以及iPhone礼品卡等产品不得用于第三方促销活动。

    • iPad , iPhone and the iPhone gift card may not be used in third-party promotions .

  5. 你可以从OpinionPlace.com网站开始,该网站允许参与调查的参与者选择亚马逊(Amazon.com)礼品卡、PayPal积分或者是美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)AAdvantage里程奖励。

    One place to start is OpinionPlace.com , which lets poll participants choose Amazon.com gift cards , PayPal credits or American Airlines AAdvantage miles .

  6. 中国移动则将计就计,用免费礼品卡推销其Wi-Fi服务,吴肖在报告中写道。

    And China Mobile is playing along , Wu reports , promoting its Wi-Fi service with free gift cards .

  7. 之后,我们可以利用iTunes礼品卡兑换礼品卡号。

    After that , we can use an iTunes gift card to redeem the gift card code .

  8. 如果你不喜欢的话,我还带了一堆iTunes礼品卡。

    If there isn 't anything you like , I 've got a stack of iTunes gift cards .

  9. 例如,Salesforce就和亚马逊(Amazon)合作,向绩效优秀的员工发放礼品卡。

    Salesforce ( CRM ) , for instance , partners with Amazon ( AMZN ) to reward high-performing employees with gift cards .

  10. 获得谷歌风投公司(GoogleVentures)融资支持的Gyft还向那些早已购买塑料礼品卡的用户提供一些额外的功能。

    Backed by Google ventures ( GOOG ) , gyft offers a few additional features to those who have already purchased plastic gift cards .

  11. 梭瑙温在美国的一名朋友负责购买iTunes礼品卡,然后把卡号发给他,他再把卡号转卖并从中获得小笔利润。

    A friend in the United States buys iTunes gift cards and sends Mr. Win the codes , which he resells at a small profit .

  12. 所有13部电影都可以在Dish网站上观看,如果观影者还想扩大自己的电影马拉松范围,他们可以用赠送的礼品卡在影院看《小丑回魂2》或《睡梦医生》。

    All 13 movies are available to watch on Dish , and if the viewer wants to extend their movie marathon , they can use a complimentary gift card to see IT Chapter 2 or Doctor Sleep in theaters .

  13. Gyft联合创始人兼首席执行官文尼·林厄姆有一个目标:淘汰塑料礼品卡。

    Gyft CEO and co-founder Vinny Lingham has one goal : eliminate the plastic gift card .

  14. 这个办法一度奏效:得到了iPod的本科生去健身房的频率,比只拿到了巴诺书店(Barnes&Noble)礼品卡且可以自行决定其用途的学生高出了大约50%。

    This worked for a while : The undergrads given the iPods went to the gym about 50 percent more often than others who were just given a Barnes & Noble gift card to spend as they pleased .

  15. EcoATM是一家位于圣地亚哥的公司,通过他们经营的终端ATM机,用户可以用旧的移动设备来换取现金、商店信用卡或礼品卡(取决于终端机的具体类型)。

    The San Diego-based company operates a network of kiosks that allow users to trade in old mobile devices for cash , in-store credit or gift cards ( depending on the specific kiosk ) .

  16. 不过,用户们赠送的不是虚拟的马天尼酒之类的礼物,而是虚拟的礼品卡,这种卡通过手机就能在大型零售商如GAP、H&M或丝芙兰(Sephora)处兑换商品。

    But instead of giving , say , a virtual Martini , wrapp users give each other virtual gift cards that are redeemable , via their mobile phones , at major retailers like gap ( GPS ) , H & M or Sephora .

  17. 而完整的分手大礼包起价80美元,其中包括为前男/女友赠送的各色物品,以帮助他们应对伤心情绪,比如饼干、Netflix礼品卡、催人泪下的浪漫影片或视频游戏。

    The full Breakup Gift Pack starting at $ 80 comes with all the trimmings to help your ex cope with heartbreak - cookies , Netflix gift card , and a copy of a weepy romantic film or a video game .

  18. 2014年,最初成立于以色列的Zeek在英国推出了自己的业务,试图开发这里潜在价值达50亿英镑的礼品卡和礼品券产业。

    Zeek , initially set up in Israel , launched its business in the UK in 2014 where it seeks to tap into a gift card and voucher industry that is worth a potential £ 5bn .

  19. 通过其应用程序每销售一张礼品卡,Gyft可获得礼品卡价值的10%至15%作为收入,具体比例则取决于发行礼品卡的零售商。

    Total spending is predicted to reach more than $ 28.5 billion , and depending on the vendor , gyft receives between 10 % and 15 % of the value of each gift card sold through its app .

  20. 我不常兑现礼品卡。

    I don 't. .. do well redeeming gift cards .

  21. 安妮:我想要书店的礼品卡和一个蹦床。

    Annie : I want gift-cards for bookstores , and a trampoline .

  22. 我看着礼品卡上爸爸的手迹。

    I glanced at the gift card scrawled in my father 's handwriting .

  23. 我有很多礼品卡。

    I-I 've got a stack of gift cards .

  24. 仔细阅读礼品卡的使用规则。

    Read the fine print on gift cards .

  25. 说真的随便给她买张礼品卡就行了,你个大号婴儿!

    Honestly , just get her a stupid gift card , you big baby !

  26. 塔吉特将赠送UP小学的每位老师一张500美元的塔吉特礼品卡

    Target is giving each teacher at Up Academy a $ 500 Target gift card .

  27. 还有吉妮每位学生还将获得一张100美元的塔吉特礼品卡

    Also Genie , every student is also gonna get a 100 Target gift card .

  28. 你觉得咖啡店或面包房的礼品卡怎么样?

    What do you think of a gift card for a coffee shop or a bakery ?

  29. 我们的礼品卡也会发挥作用。

    Our gift cards also take .

  30. 如果你很着急,那么在现成的礼品卡或许是你的唯一选择。

    If you 're in a hurry , a store-bought gift card might be your only option .