
  • 网络The functions of the government;functions of government;functions government
  1. 那时候政府的职能很简单,因为生活本身就很简单。

    The functions of government were simple , because life itself was simple .

  2. 但这些并不一定是政府的职能。

    But these are not necessarily functions of government .

  3. 就一般而言,强化政府的职能转型、发展NPO等民间力量和搭建新型公共服务平台促进高水平合作的生成,是实现突破的关键。

    Generally , the key of the breakthrough is to generate high level cooperation by strengthening government functions transition , cultivating NPO and other non-governmental forces and building a new public service platform .

  4. 罗伯斯庇尔(Robespierre):政府的职能是指导具体的和道德的国家力量朝着最终实现共同富裕发展。

    ROBESPIERRE : The function of government is to direct the physical and moral powers of the nation toward the end for which the commonwealth has come into being .

  5. 医疗体制改革中政府的职能定位分析

    An Analysis of the Government 's Function during Medical System Reform

  6. 因此,本文分别讨论了我国各级政府的职能,重点归纳了县级政府发挥各项职能的原则以及内容。

    This paper discussed the economic functions of the county government detailedly .

  7. 信用政府的职能特征及其实现

    On the Functional Nature of Credit Government and Its Realization

  8. 论县级政府的职能定位与转变

    The Positioning and Transformation of Functional of the County Government

  9. 新农村建设中服务型乡镇政府的职能探究

    A Study of Service-oriented Township Government 's Function in New Countryside Construction

  10. 充分发挥政府的职能是防治海水入侵灾害的基本保证。

    Full scope of government functions is basic guarantees to harness the disaster .

  11. 我国企业并购与政府的职能定位

    Chinese Enterprise 's Merger & Acquisition and the Orientation of Government 's Function

  12. 论城市社区建设中政府的职能定位

    On the Functional Location of Government in the Construction of City Social communities

  13. 信息非对称视角下我国地方政府的职能转变

    The Function Transition of Chinese Local Government in the View of Information Asymmetry

  14. 北京科技产业化与政府的职能作用

    Beijing hi-tech industrialization and active functions of government

  15. 向农业生产领域提供公共服务也是政府的职能之一。

    To provide public services is one of the major functions of all governments .

  16. 发展循环经济中政府的职能定位

    Government Function Orientation on Developing Circular Economy

  17. 希望对未来地方政府的职能转变有所益处。

    Expect to have benefits for change the functions of local government in the future .

  18. 经营城市是功能导向的,这一点决定了政府的职能和职能创新。

    City management is function oriented , which determines the function of government and its innovation .

  19. 政府的职能从直接管制逐步向监管和服务转变;

    To shift the role of government from direct control to a combination of supervision and service .

  20. 三是搞好乡镇政府的职能定位,规范其职能部门的行为。

    Third , make the local government have proper function and regulate the business of concerning department .

  21. 社会经济转型使政府的职能以经济关系和经济秩序为中心。

    Social economic transition makes the government 's function regard economic relation and economic order as the centre .

  22. 第三阶段,政府的职能从微观层次上升到宏观层次。

    The third stage , the government function moves from the micro level up to the macro level .

  23. 政府的职能范围和支出结构将影响宏观税负的高低以及微观主体对宏观税负水平的评价;

    The level and the evaluation of Macro-tax burden are also influenced by government functions and expenditure structure .

  24. 这与市场经济的蓬勃发展和政府的职能转变是密不可分的。

    There is something with mature development of the market economy and the change of the government function .

  25. 针对这些问题,笔者尝试提出一些对策,包括进一步转变政府的职能到制度体制的建立等,以弥补该模式的不足之处。

    I try to make some response to suggestions from further transform government functions until the system was established .

  26. 政府的职能也不是一成不变的,它必须随着产业的发展而发展,不同的产业阶段应该有着不同的政府职能。

    They must develop with the industry . Different stages of the industry have different functions of the government .

  27. 政府的职能发生了越位,承担了本应该由市场解决的问题,这和政府逐渐从微观竞争领域不断退出的方向发生了抵触。

    It is conflicted with the direction that the government should gradually withdraw from the areas of microeconomic competitiveness .

  28. 就算是同一阶段,对不同的产业,政府的职能也应当有不同的侧重点。

    Even at the same stage of different industries , the functions of the government should have different focuses .

  29. 湖南宜进一步转变政府的职能,在用好、用足、用活国家有关支持外贸发展政策的同时,用更积极的财经政策支持外贸的发展。

    At the same time , Hunan province has established more positive policies to support the development of foreign trade .

  30. 为西部招商引资营造一个良好的体制、政策、市场环境是西部政府的职能责任;

    The duties and responsibilities the western governments should burden are to create a favorable environment of system , policy and market .