
  • 网络political comment
  1. 在议政期间,陈布雷撰写了大量的政论性文章;在从政期间,他撰写了自己的回忆录,还把自己从政活动用日记记录下来。

    During the period of discussing politics , Chen Bu-lei composed the massive political comment articles . During the period of taking part in government period , he composed his memoirs and recorded his political activity diary .

  2. 浅析ChinaDaily中政论性报道之文体特征

    The Stylistic Features of Political Reports in China Daily

  3. 我读了他的一些政论性杂文。

    I read some of his political essays .

  4. 报纸内容以政论性的宣传鼓动文章为主,读者则多为社会上的精英分子阶层。

    The content give priority to agitprop , and readers are super classes of society .

  5. 正因如此,模糊语言在各种文体,特别是政论性文体中得到了广泛应用。

    For this reason , fuzzy language in a variety of style , especially on political style has been widely applied .