
  • 网络Policy research institutions;Policy institute
  1. 东西方协会是设立在纽约的政策研究机构。星期二,它公布了一份美俄专家团的报告。

    On Tuesday , the EastWest Institute , a New-York based policy institute , issued a report by a group of American and Russian scientists that said the U.

  2. IGES或许是亚洲唯一的专注环境的政策研究机构。

    The IGES is probably the only policy research institute that specializes in the environment in Asia .

  3. 据知名公众政策研究机构布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的GaryBurtless表示,联邦政府主要有三种方式推动再就业。

    The federal government has three main ways for leading workers back to employment , according to Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution , a think-tank .

  4. 这项研究来自曼哈顿研究所&一家国家政策研究机构。

    The study is from the Manhattan Institute , an organization that does public policy research .

  5. 近年来,国内一些学者和政策研究机构对城中村这一现象进行过研究。

    In the past few years , some researchers and research institutes have studied this subject .

  6. 作为非官方、非盈利的政策研究机构,智库的研究涉及方方面面。

    As unofficial and non-profit policy research institutions , think tanks carry out their researches in every aspect .

  7. 政策研究机构的莎拉·安德森希望美国财政部的新方法。

    Sarah Anderson at the Institute for Policy Studies hopes for a new approach at the Treasury Department .

  8. 诺曼·奥恩斯坦是位于华盛顿的保守派公共政策研究机构美国企业研究所的高级研究员。

    Norman Ornstein is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute , a conservative public policy research group in Washington .

  9. 为了适应城市经营的突变性,应设立城市规划管理的政策研究机构。

    And in order to suit the rapid changes in city marketing , an urban planning policy study institution should be established .

  10. 朱利安娜.史密斯是战略和国际研究中心欧洲项目部主任,这个研究机构是华盛顿的一个跨党派的政策研究机构。

    Julianne Smith directs the Europe Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies , a bipartisan public policy research group in Washington .

  11. 随着众多学术著作及各种会议、研讨会的出现,公管学院已经成是国际公认的中国领先的公共政策研究机构。

    With the multitude of workshops , conferences and publications , SPPM is internationally recognized as the leading public policy research institution in China .

  12. 科学政策研究机构的研究员安德鲁·舒伯特说,不断增加的合作在一定程度上是出于必要。

    Andrew Schubert , a researcher at the institute for science policy research , says that the rising collaboration is partly out of necessity .

  13. 当前及今后一段时间,政府各级经济管理部门、政策研究机构及企事业单位迫切需要这方面的高级专业人才。

    Now and hence force , there will be an urgent need for advanced talents of this specialty in the government economics management sections , policy research institutions and enterprises at all levels .

  14. 二轨国际机制是指由各国政策研究机构组建的、旨在促进某个对应的一轨外交过程的非正式和非官方的国际机制。

    Track 2 international regimes can be defined as informal and unofficial international regimes consisting of policy research institutes from different countries that have been established for the purpose of promoting a corresponding Track 1 process .

  15. 城中村改造问题,已经成为当前国内一些学者、政策研究机构和社会各界共同关注的重要问题,也是时下各级地方政府必须要面对和解决的难题。

    Reconstruction of the Villages has now become the major common concern of some domestic scholars , policy research institutions and most social communities , it also has become the problem faced by the local governments .

  16. 独立公共政策研究机构思汇政策研究所的创办人陆恭蕙说,在保存历史与寻求经济效益两者中间取得平衡并不是件容易的事:

    Christine Loh is the founder of Civic Exchange , an independent public-policy research group . She says finding a happy medium between preserving Hong Kong 's past and making money is not always the easiest task .

  17. 华盛顿公共政策研究机构战略与国际问题研究中心的中东项目主任奥尔特曼说,布什总统急于展开外交行动,而目前恰恰缺乏使外交努力获得成功的政治环境。

    John Alterman directs the Middle East program at the center for strategic and international studies , a public policy research group in Washington . He says the president is rushing to diplomacy at a time when the politics for successful diplomacy are missing .

  18. 通过吸收、借鉴相关学科的研究方法和理论,西方教育政策研究在机构、规模和层次上不断发展,并在研究模式和研究方法上表现出日益明显的多样性。

    It has undergone continuous development in term of the scope , institution and level of research , and the diversity of its theories and research methods have expanded as it borrows and absorbs from a number of related disciplines .

  19. 它们是一类特殊的政策研究和咨询机构,是政策过程中一个重要的参与者。

    They are one of the special kinds of policy research and advise bodies , and important participants in the policy process .

  20. 一个名为税收政策中心的研究机构,算出他的仅医疗计划在十年里要花费1.6万亿美元。

    The Tax Policy Centre , a research group , puts the cost of his health-care plan alone at $ 1.6 trillion over ten years .

  21. 美国教育政策在制定过程中教育政策研究机构发挥了积极作用,完备的立法保证了政策的有效执行,有力的经济调控促进了政策实施。

    In American education policy-making process , Education policy research institutions play an active role in a comprehensive legislation to ensure the effective implementation of the policy . Active policy promote to the implementation of economic regulation and control .