
  • 网络kaoru yosano;Yosano Kaoru
  1. 日本经济财政大臣与谢野馨(kaoruyosano)表示,他要考虑一周时间才会决定购买什么东西。

    In Japan , Kaoru Yosano , economy minister , says he would need a week to consider what to buy .

  2. 日本财务大臣与谢野馨(kaoruyosano)表示,正在考虑购买股票等托市措施,但投资者未予理会。

    Investors ignored comments from Kaoru Yosano , finance minister , that he was considering support measures such as buying shares .

  3. 根据与谢野馨的估算,重建支出可能使gdp增加1至2个百分点。

    Spending on reconstruction was likely to add 1-2 percentage points to GDP , he calculated .

  4. 与谢野馨表示,日本首相菅直人(naotokan)将不得不双管齐下,在为重建提供充足资金的同时,保证财政状况尽可能稳健。

    Mr Yosano said Naoto Kan , prime minister , would have to move on twin tracks of spending amply on reconstruction while keeping the fiscal position as sound as possible .

  5. 麻生太郎表示,他将任命日本经济财政大臣与谢野馨(kaoruyosano)接替中川昭一的财政大臣职务,同时继续履行其现有职务。

    Mr Aso said he would appoint Kaoru Yosano , Minister for economic and fiscal policy , to replace Mr Nakagawa as finance minister in addition to his current portfolio .

  6. 在中川先生离职后,兼任财长一职的日本经济部长与谢野馨(KaoruYosano)表示,日本正面临着二战以来的最大经济危机。

    " We are facing the biggest economic crisis since the second world war ," said Kaoru Yosano , the economics minister , who added the finance ministry to his business card after Mr Nakagawa 's departure .

  7. 与谢野馨说,决定结构性改革速度的因素,是与世界其它地方的竞争。

    What determines the speed of structural reform is competition with the rest of the world .

  8. 但与谢野馨补充道:随着经济的扩张,人们开始表现出改革疲劳症的迹象。

    But he added : As the economy expands , the people are showing signs of reform fatigue .

  9. 与谢野馨补充表示,这类措施可能包括建立一家政府机构,在市场上买入股票。

    Mr Yosano added that such measures could include setting up a government body to buy shares in the market .

  10. “即使私人公司降级,美国国库券在世界需求的是,”经济部长与谢野馨说。

    " Even if a private company downgraded , US treasury bills are in demand from the world ," Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano said .

  11. 麻生太郎首相接受了这位亲密盟友的辞呈,并任命经济财政大臣与谢野馨兼任财务大臣。

    Japanese Prime Minister Aso accepted the resignation of his close ally and asked Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano to assume the additional role of finance minister .

  12. 与谢野馨表示:经济(低迷)形势正变得日益严峻,有必要采取所有可能的措施,帮助企业获得资金,在截至3月31日的本财年年底前开展国内外业务。

    The [ downturn of the ] economy is becoming increasingly severe and it is necessary to take all possible measures to help companies get access to funds for their domestic and overseas businesses towards the fiscal year-end on March 31 , he said .