
  • 网络Conversation With God;Neale donald Walsch
  1. 要效法主耶稣,祂天天都花时间,单独与神对话。

    Imitate the Lord Jesus , who spent time alone every day to communicate with his Father .

  2. 若您有任何跟《与神对话》有关的链结,欢迎在“意见或建议”面版提出。

    If you have any links related to'Conversations with God ' , you can raise them in the board of'comments or suggestions ' .

  3. 几乎每一个社会都有使用精神药物用来解决疼痛、提升精力、社交应酬、甚至是用来与神对话。

    Virtually every society has ingested psychoactive substances to deal with pain , increase our energy , socialize , even commune with God .

  4. 人神对立与人神对话&中西文化差异的神话根源

    Contradiction and Dialogue between Humans and Gods & Mythological causes of the differences between Chinese and Occidental Cultures

  5. 我们感觉不到与神的亲密关系,其中一个原因,是我们没有个别与神对话。

    One of the reasons some of us don 't feel close to God is that we 're not communicating with God on a personal level .

  6. 这种兼容与承传的双重性使日本文化具有了采集东西文化成果、消化变形为日本民族独具特色的和洋结合文化的特质。人神对立与人神对话&中西文化差异的神话根源

    This twofoldness makes Japan a mixture of oriental and occidental cultures . Contradiction and Dialogue between Humans and Gods & Mythological causes of the differences between Chinese and Occidental Cultures