
  • 网络the second opium war;Opium War II
  1. 第二次鸦片战争后,洋务运动兴起。

    After " The Second Opium War ", the Westernization movement has developed .

  2. 第二次鸦片战争之后,东北出现了极为严重的边疆危机。

    After the Second Opium War , Northeast suffered a serious boundary crisis .

  3. 第二次鸦片战争期间,所有炮台再次为侵略者所破。

    The second opium war , all for the invaders have broken again fort .

  4. 孟斗班与第二次鸦片战争&新公布的档案文献揭露英军焚毁圆明园之真相

    Charles Cousin Montauban and the Second Opium War

  5. 第二次鸦片战争时期把持外交大权的满族权贵在外交上奉行既要维护国体,又要避免与西方国家作战的指导思想。

    The influential officials of Manchu controlled the diplomacy power during the second Opium War .

  6. 第二次鸦片战争若干问题再研究

    The Second Opium War to Study Again

  7. 第二次鸦片战争后,海关漏卮引起晚清士人对“商战”的讨论。

    After the second Opium War , the loss in customs caused discussion about " trade war " .

  8. 这座伟大的园林在第二次鸦片战争期间被毁:3500支英国部队花了三天时间才将圆明园烧成灰烬。

    It took 3500 British troops to set the entire place ablaze , taking three days to burn .

  9. 而第二次鸦片战争之后,北方地区也开始出现西餐馆。

    And after the second Opium War , the Western-style restaurants also began to appear in the northern areas .

  10. 第二次鸦片战争以后,被辟为通商口岸,并于1861年正式开埠通商。

    After the Second Opium War , Zhenjiang opened up as a commercial port and started trades officially in 1861 .

  11. 太平军兴起之后,一度发、捻交乘,其中更有第二次鸦片战争的打击。

    After the Taiping Army rise , once hair , twist to multiply , more the second Opium War against .

  12. 在第二次鸦片战争期间,联俄开始正式成为清政府以夷制夷外交的一个重要方面,结果是损失惨重。

    In the second opium war , the combining with Russia became an important part of Qing government 's diplomacy .

  13. 近代天津女子学校教育是第二次鸦片战争天津被迫开埠通商之后产生和发展起来的。

    Modern Tianjin girls ' schools emerged and developed after The Second Opium War , when Tianjin was forced to trade .

  14. 第二次鸦片战争后,随着洋务运动的开展,中国的传统教育也走上了近代化之路。

    After the Second Opium War , going with foreign affair movement , the traditional education of China also started to modernize .

  15. 西方在第二次鸦片战争中,所获得的并非仅仅是军事、经济和政治利益,也包括宗教利益。

    The benefits that Western powers gained from the Second Opium War are religious as well as military , economic and political .

  16. 第二次鸦片战争期间,举世闻名的圆明园被英国侵略者付之一炬。

    During the Second Opium War , Yuan Ming Yuan , the famous imperial garden , was destroyed by fire by the British aggressor troops .

  17. 第二次鸦片战争后,随着不平等条约体系的基本建立,中国被卷入了以欧美列强为中心的资本主义世界体系。

    After the Second Opium War , China was drawn into the capitalist world system centered in western powers by a series of unequal treaties .

  18. 第二次鸦片战争后,随着营口被开辟为商埠,基督教开始向中国东北发展势力。

    After the Second Opium War , Christianity began to develop its influence in northeastern China after Yingkou was opened up as a commercial port .

  19. 在1860年第二次鸦片战争时代,北京的圆明园和其他的皇家花园,遭到英法联军的掠夺和焚烧。

    It was pillaged and burned by British and French troops in1860 during the Second Opium War , along with several other imperial gardens in Beijing .

  20. 在经历了第二次鸦片战争之后,中国兴起以统治阶级为代表,学习西方的自救运动。

    After the Second Opium War , contemporary Chinese people initiated a self-renewal movement through learning from the western countries with the governing class as representative .

  21. 这两个头像是1860年第二次鸦片战争期间,英法联军自北京圆明园偷走的。

    The heads were taken from Beijing 's Old Summer Palace when it was razed by invading French and British forces in1860 during the Second Opium War .

  22. 1860年第二次鸦片战争后,天津被迫为通商口岸,帝国主义国家纷纷来津开辟租界,不同行业、不同规模的商店应运而生。

    After the Second Opium War in 1860 , Tianjin have to open to The imperialist countries . Different industries and different size of the store been coming .

  23. 第二次鸦片战争以后,随着营口开港,基督教传教士纷纷来到中国东北开展布道活动。

    Since YiKou was forced to be a port to foreigners in1861 , many missionaries of Christianity came to the Northeast of China and preached to the natives .

  24. 第二次鸦片战争后,洋务派才从维护主权的角度主张修改条约。

    Not until after the second opium war , did the Westernization Faction begin to advise amending the unequal treaties with western countries from the aspect of preserving nation behooves .

  25. 莆田介于通商口岸福州和厦门之间,第二次鸦片战争以后,基督新教由福州传入莆田地区,并影响着近代以来的莆田社会。

    After the Second Opium War , the protestant Christianity spread from Foozhow to Putian , a city between Foozhow and , Amoy , and imposed great influence to Putian .

  26. 在1860年,作为第二次鸦片战争的直接后果的一部分,是第八代的艾林-俄而思家族的人命令法国,英国和(印度)彭加陛的士兵们完全捣毁了北京的圆明园。

    In the aftermath of the second opium war in1860 , it was the8th Earl of Elgin who ordered French , British and Punjabi soldiers to destroy the Old Summer Palace in Beijing .

  27. 第二次鸦片战争之后,清王朝统治下的中国无可避免地开始与越来越多的西方国家交往,清王朝因此被迫卷入到国家间外交的漩涡里。

    After the second opium war , our country under the Qing Dynasty inevitably began to associate with a growing number of western countries , the Qing Dynasty was forced into national diplomacy .

  28. 第二次鸦片战争爆发后,为进一步扩大侵略权益,英法俄美四国公使相继率兵船北上,联合向清政府提出修约要求。

    After the breakout of the Second Opium War , the envoys from Britain , France , Russia and US took the joint action to demand the Qing government to revise the treaties with them .

  29. 第二次鸦片战争后,依恃不平等条约,西方基督教教会纷纷涌入山东。传教士们在山东建教堂、发展教徒,从事布道、医疗卫生、教育等活动。

    In light of the unequal treaty series after the Second Opium War , the Western Christian churches flooded into Shandong by building churches , recruiting followers and undertaking sermons , health care , education and so on there .

  30. 但是,法国军队入侵北京,火烧和洗劫了大清皇帝在圆明园的夏日行宫,清政府逃到了热河,这些军事行动称为第二次鸦片战争。

    But the French army invaded Beijing and burned down and plundered the Qing emperors " summer residence in the Yuanmingyuan Garden ; the court had fled to Jehol . These military actions are called the Second Opium War .