
  • 网络FIRST BANK;Bank One;first commercial bank;Bank One Corp;Erste Bank
  1. 于是,第一银行及其零售分支机构、小企业借贷、信用卡和共同基金业务就登场了。

    And then : enter Bank One and its retail branches , small business lending , credit card business , and mutual funds .

  2. 分析师表示,如今摩根大通收购第一银行,并不表明哈里森先生要放弃投资银行业务。

    Buying Bank One is not meant to be a sign Mr Harrison is throwing in the towel on investment banking , analysts said .

  3. 俄亥俄州第一银行通过兼并一些小银行成为中西部地区的巨头。

    Banc One of Ohio has built an empire in the midwest by gobbling up smaller banks .

  4. 渣打第一银行的工会职工人均年收入相当于65000美元,大约是韩国人均GDP的三倍。

    The average unionized employee at SC First Bank earns the equivalent of $ 65,000 a year , around three times GDP per person .

  5. 对于那些在“IMF时代”(韩国人称)到来之前就效力于韩国第一银行的老员工来说,任何胡乱改造1997年之前那个“舒适”体制的残存制度的行为都会激发他们的愤怒。

    Any tinkering with what remains of the cosy pre-1997 system stirs up anger among those who were at KFB before what is known to Koreans as " the IMF period " .

  6. 星城第一银行两分钟前被劫

    First Bank of Starling was hit two minutes ago .

  7. 兹同函奉上,本市第一银行付款的面额为100000元支票一张,祈查收。

    Enclosed please find our cheque , value ¥ 100.000 on the first bank of this city .

  8. 州级特许银行同样强烈反对,他们对美利坚第一银行所拥有的实际的和他们想像出来的管理权忿懑不已。

    Equally strong opposition came from state-chartered banks , which resented its real or imagined regulatory power .

  9. 星城第一银行

    First Bank of Starling is

  10. 1811年,乾坤得以扭转&国会决定不再为美利坚第一银行续签特许状。

    All this changed in1811 , when Congress decided not to renew the First Bank 's charter .

  11. 他们是美国第一银行,和美国第二银行。

    They were The First Bank of the United States and The Second Bank of the United States .

  12. 如果贵公司对我们的信用需要近一步了解,请直接洽询第一银行。

    If you need more objective information concerning our credit , please direct all inquiries to the First Bank .

  13. 1816年,按照创建美利坚第一银行的思路,国会特许美利坚第二银行成立。

    In1816 the Congress chartered the Second Bank of the United States along the same lines as the First Bank .

  14. 在首尔的韩国第一银行总部一楼的标志意思是“始终如一的好”。

    SIGN on the ground floor of SC First Bank 's headquarters in Seoul reads " Here for good " .

  15. 这一裁定的时机正好是美国人抵制大公司,如美国国会特许的美国第一银行。

    It came as Americans resisted big corporations like the First Bank of the United States , chartered by Congress .

  16. 美国第一银行于1791年,建立并且它们有20年的许可证,到1811年到期。

    The First Bank of the United States was created in1791 and they had a twenty-year charter which expired in1811 .

  17. 何南德斯表示加州联邦第一银行是今年以来联邦储蓄保险公司承保的银行中倒闭的第140家,也是加州的第17家。

    FFBC was the140th FDIC-insured institution to fail in the nation this year , and the17th in California , Hernandez said .

  18. 已经倒闭的加州联邦第一银行旗下的39个支行周六作为西一银行的分行重新开业了。

    The39 branches of the failed First Federal Bank of California ( FFBC ) reopened on Saturday as branches of OneWest Bank .

  19. 在美利坚第一银行终结后的五年中,该银行支持者的诸多担忧成了现实。

    In the five years following the demise of the First Bank , many of the fears of its supporters were realized .

  20. 位于弗洛里达波卡拉顿的南方第一银行,同意承担海文信托银行的资产和存款。

    First Southern Bank , based in Boca Raton , Fla. , agreed to assume the assets and deposits of Haven Trust Bank Florida .

  21. 华南银行,彰化银行,第一银行,合作金库这部电视剧是与中央电视台合作制作的。

    Hwa Nan Bank , Chang Hwa Bank , First Bank , Taiwan Cooperative Bank The TV play was produced in cooperation with CCTV .

  22. 美利坚第一银行在运作上很像是一家私人银行,可以印制纸币并依据借款人支付利息的承诺放贷。

    The First Bank of the United States operated much like a private bank , printing notes and exchanging them for borrowers'interest-bearing promises to pay .

  23. 美利坚第一银行因而逐渐演化为银行的银行,把握着监督较小的商业银行的权力。

    Gradually the First Bank of the United States evolved into a sort of banker 's bank , gaining the power to police lesser commercial banks .

  24. 摩根大通收购第一银行的计划突出表明,金融服务公司渴望扩充零售银行业务,但这对投资银行业务又意味着什么呢?

    JP Morgan Chase 's plan to buy Bank One highlights the desire for financial services companies to bulk up their retail banking businesses , but what does it mean for investment banking ?

  25. “第一城市银行”加入了一长串破产银行之列。

    ' First City ' joined a long list of failed banks .

  26. 同年10月,全球首家没有营业大楼和门牌号码,只有主页和网址的网络银行&安全第一网络银行(SecurityFirstNetworkBank)在美国诞生;

    Soon , Security First Network Bank was born in U.S.A. with homepage and network bank of website merely .

  27. 在收购了第一资本银行(CapitalOne)之后,ING宣布将推出一种远程存款服务。

    Following its merger with capital one ( COF ) , ing announced the coming of a remote deposit service .

  28. 史蒂夫·罗曼(SteveRoman)在亚利桑那州第一大银行担任公共关系总监,他担任这个职务长达18年;2000年,他被迫接受银行方面的买断协议,这个消息甚至上了当地报纸。

    For18 years , Steve Roman was the public-relations director of the largest bank in Arizona ; his forced buyout in2000 made news in the local papers .

  29. 中国工商银行(ICBC)上月收购了东亚银行(BankofEastAsia)的美国子公司。这笔交易从一个侧面展现出了这家按市值计算全球第一大银行的海外收购模式。

    When Industrial and Commercial Bank of Chinabought Bank of East Asia 's US arm last month , the deal demonstrated how the world 's biggest bank by market value approaches foreign acquisitions .

  30. 南非“三大”银行标准银行、第一国民银行(firstnationalbank)和absa,以及其它几家国际银行近几个月一直在寻找潜在收购交易。

    The " big three " banks in South Africa , standard bank , first national bank and ABSA , and several international banks have been scouting in recent months for potential acquisitions .