
  • 网络third-party payment;third party payment;escrow
  1. B2C中第三方支付担保服务业的CRM研究

    Study on the CRM of the Third-Party Payment with Guarantee Service Industry in B2C

  2. 对于存在的操作风险,应该鼓励有资质的第三方支付平台而不是商业银行对P2P借贷平台进行监管。

    For the existence of operational risks , the platform should encourage qualified third-party payment platform to monitor , rather than the commercial bank .

  3. IT技术措施、CA认证、第三方支付与网络公证竞相在保护电子商务中发挥作用。

    IT technical method 、 CA attestation 、 payment by the third party and internet notarization perform functions in electronic business protection .

  4. 第三方支付作为Android的一种商业模式,具有极大的潜在价值。

    Third Party Payment , as a business model of Android , owns a great potential value .

  5. C2C第三方支付企业与银行的合作模式研究

    A Study on the Cooperation Mode between the C2C Third-Party Payment Enterprise and the Bank

  6. 若该支援服务发生需向SOS外第三方支付的费用,则由使用者自己承担。

    If the above services incur third party payment expenses , they are payable by the user .

  7. 此外,我们移动SNS应用的支付体系建立在正在使用第三方支付的基础上,即不是通过运营商代计费。

    In addition , our mobile SNS spending is based on third party payment , i.e.not via carried based billing .

  8. 周日中国互联网巨头腾讯控股有限公司(TencentHoldingsLtd.)旗下的第三方支付机构财付通(TenPay)停止与比特币中国的合作。

    On Sunday , TenPay , the third-party payment unit of Chinese Internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. , stopped working with BTC China .

  9. 在B2C模式下,B端商户为满足消费者支付多样性需求,倾向于提供在线支付方式,而出于成本的考虑将选择与第三方支付平台相连。

    Under B2C e-commerce schema , B_kind customers prefer to provide online payment to meet the diverse payment demands of their consumers , and they will link to third-party payment platform for cost consideration .

  10. 随着第三方支付平台的兴起和信用评价体系的完善,C2C交易方式以灵活而自由的购物模式得到了越来越多消费者的认可。

    As the rise of the third-party payment and perfection of credit valuation system , C2C business has approbated by more and more consumers because of free and flexible shopping model .

  11. 目前,我国C2C模式下的第三方支付系统处于免费状态,但未来几年内将会实行收费。

    Recently , under C2C pattern in China , third party processing payment system is now free of charge , and it can be expected to start charging in the future .

  12. 该公司人士承认,就市场占有率而言,目前第三方支付业务的“老大”是支付宝,第二位是财付通,第三位才是CHINAPAY。

    The companies have admitted that in terms of market share of the current third-party payments business ," boss " is the payment of Alipay , the second one is Caifutong and the third is CHINAPAY .

  13. 第三方支付是电子商务的助推器

    The Third Party Payment is the Auxiliary Booster of Electronic Commerce

  14. 本章节以目前第三方支付平台中发展迅速的银联在线支付网站帮助平台作为设计内容。

    This chapter takes its user assistance platform as design content .

  15. 政府还禁止第三方支付提供商为比特币交易所提供服务。

    It also barred third-party payment providers from serving the exchanges .

  16. 网络第三方支付平台的合法性研究

    Research into legality of the third party payment platform of network

  17. 义务监督第三方支付广告服务费!

    Obligation to monitor third-party to pay advertising service charges !

  18. 基于第三方支付的移动数字作品交易模型

    Mobile Digital Works Trading Model Based on Third-party Payment Platform

  19. 因此,必须加强对第三方支付平台的金融监管。

    Therefore , the supervision of the third-party payment shall be reinforced .

  20. 网上第三方支付流程的设计与评价研究

    Research on the Design and the Evaluation for the Third-party Online Payment Flow

  21. 第三方支付平台与在线支付的实现

    The third-party payment platform and solution for online payment

  22. 本文重点研究第三方支付行业的风险管理。

    This paper focuses on the risk management of the third-party payment industry .

  23. 网上支付是电子商务交易服务流程中的支付环节,第三方支付系统也随着网上购物的兴起而应运而生。

    Online payment is the payment part in the process of e-business service .

  24. 其最大的缺点在于不同第三方支付系统之间不能通用,限制了支付工具的使用范围。

    The disadvantage of it is that different Third-party payment is not current .

  25. 第三方支付平台是目前网上支付的发展趋势,并得到了较为广泛的运用。

    Nowadays , TIP is the trend of the internet payment and used broadly .

  26. 第三方支付是网上支付中发展最快,使用量最大的支付方式之一,它是当前国内服务商数量最多的网上交易支付模式。

    Payment by the third party developed fastest among the ways of online payment .

  27. 借鉴国外第三方支付经验促进我国第三方支付发展

    Learn from the Foreign Experience and Promote the Development of the Third-party Payment of China

  28. 第三方支付平台是电子商务中的资金流环节,也是网络购物中约束买卖双方公平交易的主要保障手段。

    The third-party electronic payment is the fund link in electronic business ensuring fair online-shopping .

  29. 政策的明朗化为第三方支付平台的发展带来了巨大机遇,同时也带来巨大的挑战。

    And the guidance of policy offered great opportunities and challenges for the third-party payment platform .

  30. 本文对第三方支付产业竞争的问题进行了分析研究,并提出了改进和完善的措施,希望能够以此促进第三方支付产业的健康发展。

    This study may shed light on promotion of the healthy development of third-party payment business .