
  • 网络E-ticket;Electronic Ticket
  1. 我拿的是电子机票,这是我的传真。

    I have an electronic ticket and this is the fax .

  2. 推进电子机票,建立现代航空代理模式;

    Putting forward electronic ticket , building up modern air agent mode ;

  3. 基于RFID技术的新型智能电子机票设计

    Design of a new type intelligent electronic airplane ticket based on RFID technique

  4. 没有身份证能订电子机票吗?

    Can book the electron passenger ticket without ID card ?

  5. 这张电子机票我该如何办理登机手续?

    How do I check in with this e-ticket ?

  6. 新加坡航空推出电子机票服务

    E-Ticket Services Offered By Singapore Airlines

  7. 越南航空公司来回香港至胡志明市经济客位机票(电子机票)。

    Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Ho Chi Minh City on VN ( E-Ticket ) .

  8. 中华航空公司来回香港至帛琉经台北(可停留)经济客位机票(电子机票)。

    Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Palau via & stopover Taipei on CI ( E-Ticket ) .

  9. 注意:年长旅客的出生日期不会发送给航空公司,只会列印在电子机票纪录上。

    Note : This date of birth information will not send to airline but only print on the Electronic Ticket Record .

  10. 他们也提供电子机票,就是说你无须去任何办公处取机票。

    They also provide e-tickets , meaning you don 't need to go to any office to pick an air ticket .

  11. 付还,退还中国航空运输协会目前已停止发放纸质机票,并发出通知要求国内机票代理商发售电子机票。

    As the China Air Transport Association ( CATA ) has stopped providing paper tickets and instructed sellers to issue e-tickets .

  12. 例如,旅游者计划行程,代理商选择行程路线而航空公司签发电子机票。

    For example , the Traveler plans the trip , the Agent selects the legs of the trip and the Airline issues the electronic ticket .

  13. 中国航空运输协会目前已停止发放纸质机票,并发出通知要求国内机票代理商发售电子机票。看来用不了多久,纸质机票就将彻底消失。

    The days of multi-layer air tickets appear numbered , as the China Air Transport Association ( CATA ) has stopped providing paper tickets and instructed sellers to issue e-tickets .

  14. 航空运营现代化:代号共享、天空开放、电子机票、保护消费者权益已成趋势。

    The modernization of the operation of carriage by air : sharing code , opening skies , providing electronic-tickets , protecting the consumer 's rights and interests are becoming the trend .

  15. 很多航空公司现在用的是电子机票而不是纸质机票。所以你在登机柜台前要出示预定凭证。

    A lot of airlines now have e-tickets rather than paper tickets so all you need is to show the booking reference when you arrive at the check - in desk .

  16. 有些人认为电子机票不存在遗忘丢失的问题,而有的人则担心在网上发送个人信息不安全或机票无法报销等问题。

    While some feel more secure without the worry of a ticket , others said they did not trust sending personal details over the Internet , or worried they would not get reimbursed .

  17. 但是,我国的航空公司刚刚走出卖方市场竞争的阶段,有时候仍然会忽视企业品牌忠诚管理,导致消费者在购买和使用电子机票的过程中没有形成满意和品牌忠诚。

    However , the airline companies in our country just walk out the stage of seller market , and they sometimes neglect the companies ' brand loyalty management , which is important to form customer satisfaction and brand loyalty during the ticket booking and flying process .

  18. 电子机票启用后,乘客仍将通过航空公司或票务代理商预定机票,并会得到一个电子客票订单号。本法所称票据责任,是指票据债务人向持票人支付票据金额的义务。

    Customers will book tickets through airlines or ticket agents as usual , and will be given a booking reference . Liability on a negotiable instrument as used in this Law means the obligation of a debtor to pay the sum payable by the instrument to the holder .

  19. 国内相关研究主要集中在机票代理行业的准入规则、电子客票、机票营销渠道、机票代理市场发展展望、机票网上销售与电子商务运用、机票代理行业的法律规范。

    Research focused on domestic air tickets agents in the access rules , electronic tickets , marketing channels , airline ticket agents , market outlook , online ticket sales and e-commerce application , ticket agents of legal norms .

  20. 机票市场伴随着经济的发展而得到快速的发展,作为机票市场中的代理商面临着重大的变革,随着机票电子客票化和机票代理费的变化,机票代理企业面临着必须变革才能有发展的境界。

    Airplane ticket market develops very fast along with rapid economic development and the agent in the market are facing enormous reform . With the change of e-ticket and agent fee , the airline ticket enterprises must reform to gain development .

  21. 美国电子票据立法对我国电子票据立法的启示电子机票启用后,乘客仍将通过航空公司或票务代理商预定机票,并会得到一个电子客票订单号。

    The Enlightenment from the Legislations of USA Electronic Negotiable Instrument ; Customers will book tickets through airlines or ticket agents as usual , and will be given a booking reference .