
  • 网络Movie Theme Song;i do;Let It Go
  1. U2乐队主唱波诺、主吉他手“刀刃”和蒂娜·特纳联手合作,共同完成了这首最狂野的007电影主题曲。

    Bono and The Edge collaborated with Tina Turner on this , the sultriest James Bond song ever .

  2. 007系列电影主题曲第二名:蒂娜·特纳--《黄金眼》

    James Bond Themes 2 . " GoldenEye " by Tina Turner

  3. 我知道很疯狂,不过千真万确(电影主题曲)。

    I know it 's crazy , but it 's true .

  4. 007系列电影主题曲第一名:雪莉·巴赛--《金手指》

    James Bond Themes 1 . " Goldfinger " by Shirley Bassey

  5. 007系列电影主题曲第四名:汤姆·琼斯--《霹雳弹》

    James Bond Themes 4 . " Thunderball " by Tom Jones

  6. 007系列电影主题曲第三名:阿黛尔--《天降杀机》

    James Bond Themes 3 . " Skyfall " by Adele

  7. 你可能会被“困在纽约月光中”(电影主题曲)。

    You could get caught between the moon and New York City .

  8. 007系列电影主题曲第十名:雪莉·巴赛--《永远的钻石》

    James Bond Themes 10 . " Diamonds Are Forever " by Shirley Bassey

  9. 007系列电影主题曲第七名:卡莉·西蒙--《没人做得更好》

    James Bond Themes 7 . " Nobody Does It Better " by Carly Simon

  10. 007系列电影主题曲第八名:南希·辛纳查--《你只能活两次》

    James Bond Themes 8 . " You Only Live Twice " by Nancy Sinatra

  11. 007系列电影主题曲第六名:杜兰·杜兰--《雷霆杀机》

    James Bond Themes 6 . " A View to a Kill " by Duran Duran

  12. 007系列电影主题曲第九名:露露--《金枪人》

    James Bond Themes 9 . " The Man with the Golden Gun " by Lulu

  13. 还有其他更好听的007电影主题曲,但是只有这首是由男歌手演唱。

    There are better James Bond theme songs , but none from a male singer .

  14. 榜单从这开始往后所有的007电影主题曲都是真正的经典。

    From here on out all of the Bond songs on this list are bona fide classics .

  15. 许多邦德电影主题曲听起来像酒吧表演歌曲。

    A lot of the best James Bond theme songs sound like they belong in a lounge act .

  16. 007系列电影主题曲从未如此甜蜜性感,好似歌曲里注入了性激素。

    James Bond songs had never been this deliciously sweaty before . It 's like pheromones set to music .

  17. 然而,007系列电影主题曲却并没有人们想象的那么历史悠久。

    The history of James Bond theme songs isn 't quite as long as some might suspect , however .

  18. 此外,著名歌手周杰伦将会在国语版中为金猴配音,并且演唱电影主题曲。

    Also , famous singer Jay Chou has voiced the character Monkey in the Chinese version , and performed the theme song .

  19. 自去年阿黛尔出席格莱美颁奖典礼以来,今年阿黛尔首次来到美国。她将在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上演唱007系列电影主题曲《天降杀机》。

    Adele will sing the James Bond theme " Skyfall " at the Oscars for her first U.S. performance since last year 's Grammy Awards .

  20. 这是第一首真正意义上的007系列电影主题曲(再说一次,詹姆斯·邦德前两部电影开场只使用了管弦乐),至今仍然是最好的一首。

    It was the first " real " James Bond song ( again , the first two films only opened with orchestral music ) , and it 's still the best .

  21. 这个看似一无所缺,名成利就的人,凭着所唱的电影主题曲「夺标」而声名大噪,可是,他却缺少了人生最重要的东西。

    The man who seemed to have it all , who had fame and fortune and sang ," I did it my way ," lacked one of the most important things in life .

  22. 整整一个冬天,哈桑和我轮流戴那顶帽子,唱着那首著名的电影主题曲,爬上雪堆,打雪仗。

    That whole winter , Hassan and I took turns wearing the hat , and belted out the film 's famous music as we climbed mounds of snow and shot each other dead .

  23. 周璇一生共出演了40多部影片,并主唱过电影主题曲和插曲100多首,成为人们心中永远的银幕偶像,可以算是中国最早的两栖明星,成为早期娱乐界的一颗耀眼之星。

    Zhou Xuan made a total of over 40 films in her life and was the chief singer of over 100 film theme songs and interlude songs , which made people believe that she was an eternal screen idol . She could be considered as the earliest Chinese amphibious star , a brilliant star in the early entertainment field .

  24. 这首歌的名字是什么,谁唱的,是哪部电影的主题曲?

    What is name of this song , and who sang it ?

  25. 007系列电影荣誉主题曲之一:路易斯·阿姆斯特朗--《我们拥有世界上的所有时间》

    James Bond Themes Honorable Mention : " We Have All The Time in the World " by Louis Armstrong

  26. 这是007系列电影最佳主题曲之一,但实际上并没有在片头演奏,所以我们把它放在荣誉推荐的第一位。

    One of the best James Bond theme songs wasn 't actually played over the opening credits , so we 're giving it our first honorable mention .

  27. 这名24岁的格莱美奖得主此次是产后的首次亮相,阿黛尔为007电影创作主题曲《空降危机》而获得金球奖最佳原创歌曲奖提名。

    The 24-year-old Grammy-winning pop star is set to make her first post-baby appearance at the ceremony where she is nominated for original song for the James Bond theme " Skyfall . "

  28. 据传制片人还“决定”再次邀请阿黛尔录制007新电影的主题曲。阿黛尔曾为《007:大破天幕杀机》献唱主题曲——这是第一首同时获得格莱美奖和金球奖的007主题曲。

    The producers are also rumoured to be " determined " to bring back Adele to record the theme tune after singing the lead track on Skyfall - the first 007 theme to win a Grammy and a Golden Globe award .

  29. 这是罗伊帕克杰在1984年为电影写的主题曲歌名,现在已经成为了流行语,如果你需要水管工或是电工来家里维修的时候,可以说这句话。

    This was a music hit for Ray Parker Jr in 1984 and has since become a popular catchphrase especially if you need to call a plumber or electrician to fix something in the house .

  30. 《冰雪奇缘》作为最成功的动画电影之一,其主题曲《LetItGo》传遍了世界的大街小巷,早已成为大人和孩子心目中的神曲。

    Frozen is one of the most successful animation movies of all time , with adults and children across the world signing the hit soundtrack ' Let It Go ' .