
  • 网络Mail server;Email Server;e-mail server
  1. 也许你朋友的电子邮件服务器有问题。

    Maybe there 's something wrong with your friend 's mail server .

  2. 这套方案在Linux/Solaris系统平台上完成了测试版本的软件编程,并且在一些单位的电子邮件服务器上进行试运行和测试。

    The test version of this project is completed mostly under the Linux / Solaris system platform . And this software system is circulated and tested on some Internet mail server .

  3. 世界范围的查找显示域和网络注册联系信息的IP地址、网络服务器和电子邮件服务器,包括滥用报告信息。

    Worldwide WHOIS lookups show domain and network registration contact information for IP addresses , Web servers and email servers , including abuse reporting information .

  4. 当一台计算机正在运行某个特定的服务(例如,Web服务器、电子邮件服务器或者对等服务)时,该计算机必定会侦听某个特定的端口。

    When a machine is running a particular service , for example , a Web server , e-mail server , or peer-to-peer service , the machine must listen on a specific port .

  5. 使用isp帐户发送邮件可能需要连接到该提供商,以便获得使用电子邮件服务器的权限。

    Sending messages from your ISP account may require you to be connected to that provider in order to receive permission to use the e-mail server .

  6. 您的电子邮件服务器者将显示为此邮件的发件人发送NDR。

    Your e-mail server sends an NDR to the person who appears as the sender of this message .

  7. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)决定公布其对希拉里使用私人电子邮件服务器情况的调查的新细节,可能会让这种趋势夭折。

    The FBI 's decision to release new details about its investigation into Mrs Clinton 's use of a private email server could choke off the trend .

  8. 在AptanaCloud上的应用程序利用了最流行的开源数据库引擎(MySQL)和开源电子邮件服务器软件(Postfix)的优势。

    Applications on the Aptana Cloud take advantage of the most popular open source database engine , MySQL , and the open source e-mail server software Postfix .

  9. 您需要有适用于各种角色(Web服务器、电子邮件服务器、数据库服务器等)的基础机器映像,并使用工具(如Chef或Puppet)来自动化配置实例。

    You need to have base machine images for the various roles ( web server , e-mail server , database server , and so on ) and to use tools like Chef or Puppet to automatically configure instances .

  10. 在这种情况下发送UCE的人试图利用电子邮件服务器的传递状态通知功能。

    In this scenario , the people who send UCE try to take advantage of the delivery status notification functionality in the e-mail server .

  11. 下面的模块提供了一些有用的方法,用于发现POP3电子邮件服务器上可用邮件数量和逐个检索这些邮件的内容。

    The module below provides some useful methods for discovering the number of e-mails available on a POP3 e-mail server and for retrieving the contents of those e-mails one by one .

  12. imap帐户允许您显示您的邮件,但是会在远程电子邮件服务器上保留邮件的副本,以便可以从其他电脑访问邮件。

    IMAP accounts allow you to view your messages , but leave a copy of the messages on the remote email server , so that the mail can be accessed from different computers .

  13. 本论文针对电子邮件服务器端分析了电子邮件系统面临的安全威胁,给出了增强电子邮件系统安全性的措施,并详细讨论了一些相关的安全措施,如SASL验证机制等在电子邮件服务器系统中的实现。

    What 's more , the paper discusses in detail on the relative security solution , such as the implementation of SASL authentication mechanism in the secure Email server system .

  14. 采用推拉技术防止垃圾邮件的电子邮件服务器系统模型

    A system model of anti-spam E-mail server based on pull-push technologies

  15. 电子邮件服务器可以提供连接的设置吗?

    Can the email server supply the settings needed to connect ?

  16. 尚未指定全局电子邮件服务器设置。

    No default global e-mail server settings have been specified .

  17. 用于登录电子邮件服务器的密码。

    The password to use to log on to the e-mail server .

  18. 它接收这些通知并通过它的电子邮件服务器发送它们。

    It receives the notifications and sends them through its email server .

  19. 管理电子邮件服务器并解决电子邮件问题。

    Manage your e-mail server and troubleshoot e-mail problems .

  20. 正在和你的电子邮件服务器联络以下载你的设置。请稍候。

    Please wait while we contact your e-mail server to download your settings .

  21. 实现了一个功能强大的安全电子邮件服务器系统。

    Implement a secure email server with powerful function .

  22. 您的电子邮件服务器不能传递此邮件,因为收件人不存在。

    Your e-mail server cannot deliver this message because the recipient does not exist .

  23. 您的电子邮件服务器接受此消息,因为它就会被发送到您的域。

    Your e-mail server accepts this message because it is sent to your domain .

  24. 安全、可靠的电子邮件服务器系统的实现

    Implementation of Secure and Reliable E-mail Server System

  25. 检查电子邮件服务器的状态。

    Check the status of your e-mail server .

  26. 2003年4月,基于‘龙芯’的多功能安全电子邮件服务器和客户端安全电子邮件收发系统通过了四川省科技厅专家的鉴定,并得到了很高的评价。

    In April 2003 , the secure server and client passed the authentication of technological experts .

  27. 因违反规定使用私人电子邮件服务器而被美国国务院调查

    Investigated by the State Department for her use of a private email server , circumventing legal requirements

  28. 分布式电子邮件服务器的设计

    Designed for Distributed E-mail Server

  29. 通讯组列表会占满网络电子邮件服务器的空间。<0w>

    This distribution list has reached the maximum size for your network e-mail server . < 0w >

  30. 系统类别的示例有桌面系统、文件和打印服务器以及电子邮件服务器。

    Examples for categories of systems are desktops , file and print servers , and e-mail servers .