
  • 网络Email program;Eudora
  1. 打开您的internet电子邮件程序。

    Opens your Internet e-mail program .

  2. 或者,你可以改用其它电子邮件程序,或使用基于Web的电子邮件。

    Or , you could switch to a competing email program , or rely on Web-based email .

  3. 您可以从excel或电子邮件程序发送工作簿。

    You can send a workbook from Excel or from your e-mail program .

  4. 当NotesChair标记这个选项时,表明他希望采用兼容模式并能以最佳效果发送邀请到Outlook和其他电子邮件程序的用户。

    The meeting chair selects this option for best results when sending invitations to users of other mail programs .

  5. mail(Messagem):自动打开系统首选的电子邮件程序,并填写好一些字段。

    Desktop . mail ( Message m ): Automatically opens the system 's preferred e-mail program with some of the fields filled in .

  6. BlackBerry利用这一需求开发了其流行的基于云计算的电子邮件程序。

    BlackBerry capitalized on this need with its popular cloud-based mobile e-mail program .

  7. 使用默认的电子邮件程序通过电子邮件发送图像。

    Send the image in e-mail using your default e-mail program .

  8. 和电子邮件程序不一定能识别主题行。

    And e-mail programs might not recognize the subject line .

  9. 查看电子邮件程序的通讯簿。

    Look in the address book of your e-mail program .

  10. 另外还有一些例子,例如比赛的比分、股票行情或电子邮件程序。

    Other examples are sports scores , stock tickers , or e-mail programs .

  11. 选择某个电子邮件程序以发送您的项目。

    Select an e-mail program to send your projects .

  12. 打开您的电子邮件程序,这样您就可以发送或阅读邮件。

    Opens your e-mail program so you can send or read a message .

  13. 保存电影并使用默认的电子邮件程序以电子邮件附件形式发送该电影。

    Save and send your movie as an e-mail attachment by using your default e-mail program .

  14. 传送活页夹时出错。请确认您的电子邮件程序工作正常。

    An error occurred while routing the binder . Make sure your e-mail program is working correctly .

  15. 建议你重启电子邮件程序和浏览器来应用这些新的设置。

    You are advised to restart your e-mail program and web browser to apply the new settings properly .

  16. 导入与导出普通电子邮件程序、个人信息管理器和标准文件格式。

    Import from and export to popular e-mail programs , personal information managers , and standard file formats .

  17. 如果您不确定如何打开附件,请查看所用电子邮件程序的帮助。

    If you are unsure how to open an attachment , check the help for your e-mail program .

  18. 为了保护计算机不受病毒的侵害,电子邮件程序会阻止发送或接收某些文件附件的类型。

    To protect against computer viruses , e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments .

  19. 电子邮件程序使用一个或多个目录服务地址列表检查邮件收件人的电子邮件地址。

    Your e-mail program checks the e-mail addresses of your message recipients using one or more directory service address lists .

  20. 警报通知将到达您的默认电子邮件程序,单击警报中的链接可以打开警报通知。

    Notifications for alerts arrive in your default e-mail program and can be opened by clicking the link in the alert .

  21. 请参阅与您的电子邮件程序相关的帮助以确定如何查看完整的邮件头信息。

    Please consult the Help associated with your e-mail program to determine how to view complete ( full ) header information .

  22. 包装器通常是建在电子邮件程序中,附加在可以从因特网下载的演示软件或者文件等项目中。

    Wrappers are most commonly built in to e-mail programs and attached to items like demonstration software or files downloaded from the Internet .

  23. 由于那方面的内容已不属于本专栏的范围,所以用电子邮件程序将该列表作为通讯录来维护。

    For reasons that are outside the scope of this column , the list is maintained as an address book with an e-mail program .

  24. 这使窗体功能正常并允许您通过电子邮件程序发送给他人表单的更新版本。

    This lets the form features work correctly and lets you send updated versions of the form to others by using an e-mail program .

  25. 不再显示。使用此电子邮件程序发送(除非通过单击文件菜单的发送选项更改该程序)

    Do not show this again . Use this e-mail program to send unless I change it by clicking Send Options on the File menu .

  26. 大部分的电子邮件程序支持把不同类型的消息放入到文件夹的功能,用户可以在文件夹中批量查看并回复消息,而不需要一条一条地进行处理。

    Most email programs allow you to route different types of messages into folders , where you can review and respond en masse rather than piecemeal .

  27. 如果您是从电子邮件程序设置会议,则无法从会议工作区网站更改会议日期、时间或地点。

    If you set up the meeting from an e-mail program , you cannot change the meeting date , time , or location from the Meeting Workspace site .

  28. 班尼特表示,通过把敏感文件内容剪切粘贴到聊天窗口或基于网页的电子邮件程序,内部人士能够绕过许多传统的安全防范措施。

    By cutting and pasting text from a sensitive document into a chat window or web-based e-mail program , insiders can circumvent many traditional security safeguards , Mr Bennett says .

  29. 英语电子邮件程序使用许多缩写,而且如果你不知道它们,你的信件会问你的上司是否要增加到整个办公室!

    English email programs use lots of abbreviations , and if you don 't know them , your email asking your boss for a raise might end up going out to the entire office !

  30. Net开发电子邮件客户程序,分析了简单邮件传输协议和邮局协议的工作原理,讲解了电子邮件发送程序和电子邮件接收程序的实现过程。

    Net environment , analyzes the principle of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and Post Office Protocol , introduces the realization procedure of a receiving e-mail program and a sending e-mail program .