
  • 网络The first person to eat crabs;first person to try tomato
  1. 去年秋天,菲利斯和亚马逊图书出版部门AmazonPublishing签定合同,由后者发行他的新书《每周下厨四小时》(The4-HourChef),成为知名作家中第一个吃螃蟹的人,轰动一时。

    Last fall , he created a stir as the first major author to sign with Amazon ( AMZN ) publishing to distribute the 4-hour chef .

  2. 政府官员要敢于做第一个吃螃蟹的人

    Officials Should Dare to Be the First to Innovation

  3. 对于第一个吃螃蟹的人来说,那个推迟的满意可以真正地成为信念的行为。

    For first-timers , that delayed gratification can truly be an act of faith .

  4. 他们应该勇于做“第一个吃螃蟹的人”。

    They should be brave to behave as " the first man to eat crabs " .

  5. 你的创造性的能力非常强,你总是喜欢做第一个吃螃蟹的人。

    Your capacities the creative ones are supported , you are with the first cabins of the Destiny .

  6. 我想其他人是害怕这项挑战,而且你的教练必须要配合才行,希尔说。我觉得其他一些人的想法是,‘我们有必要成为第一个吃螃蟹的人吗?’

    I think other people were afraid of the challenge , and your coaches have to be cooperative , Hill said , and I think some of the others felt , ' Do we need to be the first ones to do this ? "

  7. 来自英国南部港口布莱顿的19岁学生托比•斯蒂尔是第一个“吃螃蟹的人”。

    Student Toby Steele , 19 , from Brighton on the southern English coast , was the first to taste the Bollywood Burner .