
  • 网络Search Marketing Services
  1. 在第四章中我们试图将在无需充分下降条件的前提下把这种线搜索推广到其它的共轭梯度法中去。

    In chapter 4 , we will try to promote this line search to other conjugate gradient methods without the sufficient descent condition .

  2. 接着本文介绍了中小企业网站的三种主要线上推广方法:搜索引擎推广、E-mail营销推广以及在行业网站与B2B电子商务平台的信息发布。

    By comparison , This paper introduces the three main types of small and medium-sized web promotion methods : search engine promotion , E-mail Marketing and Web in the industry B2B e-commerce platform with the release of information .

  3. 假新闻制造者已经形成了一个巨大的生态系统,他们靠在线广告发展壮大,可以利用其它社交媒体和搜索引擎推广他们的作品。

    with a vast ecosystem of false news creators who thrive on online advertising and who can use other social media and search engines to propagate their work .

  4. 谷歌因在网络搜索中推广自家购物服务、打压竞争对手而遭到欧盟指控,该案件自2010年末一直拖到了现在。

    The European Union has accused Google of promoting its shopping service in Internet searches at the expense of rival services in a case that has dragged on since late 2010 .

  5. TS算法属于现代优化算法,是局部领域搜索法的推广,常用于求解组合优化问题。

    The tabu search ( TS ) method is one of the modern optimization algorithms developed from local search . It is generally used in combinatorial optimization problem .

  6. 实验在NIST数据集上进行了验证,对搜索效率和推广识别率进行了比较。

    Experiments are performed on the NIST database to acquire the comparison of the searching efficiency and generalized recognition rate .

  7. 本文还对低俗内容查询行为所涉及的检索词进行探讨,分析了检索词的特征和规律,更加翔实的掌握低俗网站搜索引擎SEM推广策略。

    The paper also probed into the search terms involved in enquiries of " vulgar contents " and analyzed the characteristics and patterns of the search terms , more fully and accurately comprehended the search engine promoting strategies of vulgar websites .

  8. 本文结合船舶结构振动计算的特点,把SAP-5程序的行列式搜索法加以推广,设计出能处理和判别刚体模态、能从任意谐调频率开始计算的行列式搜索法。

    Considering certain special characteristics in the vibration analysis of ship hull or offshore platform structure , an improved determinant search method is presented for the SAP-5 program .

  9. 搜索结果对推广网站至关重要。

    Now , if you own a website , search results matter .

  10. 理想AND/OR图搜索策略的推广

    Extension of Search Strategies on Ideal AND / OR Graphs

  11. 算法SBA~的搜索效率比推广的算法A~高。

    The search efficiency of SBA is higher than that of generalized algorithm A.

  12. 以上这两个缺点给搜索引擎的推广带来了很大的挑战。

    The two disadvantages mentioned above was a big challenge to the promotion of search engine .

  13. 本文对该算法中的线搜索进行了推广,提出了一种新的非线性共轭梯度算法并证明了其全局收敛性。

    This paper presents a wide line search and gives a new conjugate gradient method , with global convergence .

  14. 魏则西患的那种癌症的通常治疗方法是手术和化疗,他指责百度通过在其搜索结果中推广不成熟的治疗方法来赚钱。

    Mr. Wei 's form of cancer is generally treated with surgery and chemotherapy , and he accused Baidu of taking money to promote less proven treatments in its search results .

  15. 修正Broyden非凸族在凸组合非单调Wolfe线搜索下收敛的推广分析

    Extended Analysis of Convergence for a Modified Broyden 's Family under a Convex Combination Non-Monotone Wolfe Line-Search

  16. 在适当条件下,证明线搜索的Hooke-Jeeves算法推广后仍具有全局收敛性,算法有效数值试验表明2个算法均是有效的。

    Two new algorithms are proposed . Under some suitable conditions , we prove that the extended algorithm of Hooke-Jeeves with line searches possesses global convergence . Some efficient numerical experiments are given .

  17. 一些用户抱怨百度搜索结果中的推广太多,有的搜索结果第一页全部是推广。

    Some users complain that Baidu carries so many paid items that the first page of results for some searches is entirely promotions .

  18. 从搜索引擎营销的推广模式看,付费型(搜索引擎广告)与非付费型(搜索引擎优化)搜索引擎营销方法各有优势与不足。

    Looks from the SEM promoted pattern , Pay Per Click ( PPC ) with Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) the SEM method respectively has the superiority and the insufficiency .

  19. 吸引访客在周末浏览你的网站所需要的做的工作总体来说和平时无二,关键在于要将推广重点集中在那些有流量来源保证的站点上以为你自己带来流量,这些流量来源相对于搜索引擎来说其推广广度是可以控制的。

    Getting traffic to your site during the weekends is no different from methods commonly used to increase visitors to your site during the weekdays . The key is to focus on hitting defensible traffic sources for referral traffic , since these are factors which you can control to a certain extent ( as opposed to organic search traffic ) .

  20. 然后利用M个独立的混沌变量在这NM个等分区域中搜索最优解,从而将混沌搜索算法推广应用于解决一类0-1整数规划问题。

    Thus , chaotic searching algorithm is generalized to solving a kind of 0-1 integer programming problem . Chaotic searching algorithm is applied to optimize effectiveness in absence of air defenses .

  21. 本文的核心论点是:搜索引擎营销(SEM)其实就是基于关键词搜索的目标客户推广,是目前最有效,针对性最强的网络营销方式。

    This article core argument is : at present , the search engine marketing ( SEM ) actually is based on the keyword search goal customer promotion , is most effective , the pointed strongest network marketing method .