
  • 网络search cost;Searching Cost;search-related cost
  1. 搜寻成本与信誉租金存在因果关系。

    There is a cause-and-effect relationship between search cost and highly pricing .

  2. 舒马赫:嗯,从某种意义上说,互联网降低了搜寻成本。

    MS : Well , in some sense , the Internet lowers the search cost .

  3. 从消费者的搜寻成本看Internet的市场效率

    Review on the Effect of Internet Based on the Perspective of Searching Cost of Consumers

  4. 职业搜寻成本过高;

    The high cost of " The occupation search ";

  5. 通货膨胀、信息搜寻成本与价格分散

    Inflation , Cost of Search and Price Dispersion

  6. 工作搜寻成本及信息对农村劳动力转移影响的理论分析

    Analysis on the Effect of Search - Cost and Information on Rural Labor Transferring

  7. 关于贵州大学生就业问题的经济学思考&基于期望收入和搜寻成本角度

    The Economic Reflections on the Employment of University Graduates of Guizhou Province : Based on Expected Incomes and Hunting Costs

  8. 文章运用劳动经济学的理论,对大学毕业生的期望收入与搜寻成本及其影响因素进行分析。

    By means of labor economics , this paper makes an analysis of expected incomes , hunting costs and related factors .

  9. 按照传统微观经济学的观点,在网络市场上伴随着搜寻成本的下降,价格的离散应该下降。

    According to the view of the traditional microeconomics , the price dispersion in the cyber-markets should descend along with the dropping of research cost .

  10. 他们的研究题目是存在搜寻成本的市场&特别是雇主和雇员如何搜寻到彼此、并就工资达成共识。

    Their topic is Markets with Search Costs – in particular the ways in which employees and employers find each other and agree on wages .

  11. 在线市场中,信息搜寻成本大大下降了,并且出现了可以自动搜寻各种信息包括价格信息的自动软件主体。

    In online market , the information search cost has been greatly reduced , and now bots appear which can automatically search various information including price information .

  12. 经济上的成本包括捐赠者的直接成本、交易成本、机会成本和沉淀成本,受赠者&高校的搜寻成本、风险成本和管理成本;

    The costs include donator 's direct cost , transaction cost , opportunity cost , sunk cost and recipient a university seeking cost , risk cost and management cost ;

  13. 这两个模型都揭示了较高的工作搜寻成本及信息不充分会损害求职者的福利,降低劳动力市场配置资源的效率,严重时甚至导致劳动力市场失灵。

    The study shows that the high job - search cost and imperfect information would deteriorate the welfare of job - seekers , and the efficiency of labor market .

  14. 巨大的市场影响成本、搜寻成本和延迟成本,对于信息披露的特殊要求,使得机构投资者选择大宗交易制度。

    Huge markets will influence , search for and defer the cost . Owing to the special demand to the information revealing , institutional investors have to choose bulk transfer system .

  15. 投资银行作为交易职能分工的产物,它可利用专业化分工为企业并购节约信息搜寻成本、合同成本以及多种风险成本。

    As the offspring of division of dealing function , investment banking can decrease cost of information , contracting cost and other cost of insurance for acquiring firm and target firm .

  16. 与前人的研究结论不同,本文分析发现:搜寻成本并不是影响网络购物者购前信息搜寻的重要因素,也就是说搜寻成本对搜寻努力不存在显著的负向影响。

    Compared with previous study , we find that search cost is not the key factor affecting information search effort . The search cost has no significant negative influence on search effort .

  17. 最后,降低公众信息搜寻成本使消费者或公众自觉去寻找商品房预售信息,最大化地消除信息不对称状态。

    Finally , reduce public information search costs to consumers or the public consciousness to find a real estate sale , to maximize the elimination of the state of " information asymmetry " .

  18. 信息不对称会引起逆向选择和消费者搜寻成本增大,从而抑制珠宝首饰的消费需求,最终导致市场失灵。

    The information asymmetry may result in the adverse selection and the increase in the cost of consumer search , which would restrain the consumption demand for jewelry , and finally induce the ineffectiveness of market regulation .

  19. 总的来说,企业采取开放式创新模式吸收外部资源会产生搜寻成本和交易费用,且过度开放会造成企业惯性依赖外部资源以及核心技术泄露的风险。

    In general , it will produce the search cost and transaction cost for enterprises adopting the open innovation model to absorb the external resources . And excessive openness makes enterprises to depend on external innovation resources inertial .

  20. 城市劳动力市场容量越大,搜寻成本越低,搜寻效率越高,所以劳动力流动越充分,更换工作的频率也会越高,进而产生工作间的工资增长效应。

    When the urban labor market is larger , the cost of search is lower and the efficiency of search is higher , then labor mobility is more adequate and job turnover is more productive with greater job-to-job wage growth .

  21. 外部信用评级将融资过程与信用分析过程相分离,为资金供需双方的信息缺口开辟通渠,降低投资人信息不对称的信息搜寻成本和融资企业的交易成本,提高金融管理效率和市场效率。

    External credit rating separates finance process and credit analysis process , joints information gap between supply and demand , so as to decrease information seeking cost caused by information asymmetry and capital transaction cost for the purpose of increasing finance management efficiency and marketing efficiency .

  22. 大量中小型企业通过空间集聚降低信息的搜寻成本,并构建企业间分工网络以共享创新成果,由此形成以马歇尔外部经济上升为特征的集聚经济。

    A large number of small and medium enterprises gather as a cluster to reduce " search cost " of information and build the network of division of labor among enterprises to share innovations , thus the formation of Marshall external economic rise as agglomeration economies .

  23. 金融控股公司背景的银行从事存贷款等传统业务时,可以与集团内其他子公司共享各种信息,节约了信息搜寻成本和交易成本,实现了资源共享和信息的充分流动。

    When banks financial holding company background engaged in deposit and lending and other traditional business , they can share all kinds of information with other subsidiaries within the group , which save the cost of information searching and transaction and realize the full flow of information and resource sharing .

  24. 现代经济分析中,交易成本概念作为一种技术概念,被用于度量与缔约相关的各种成本(搜寻信息成本、缔约成本、监督履约成本);

    In modern analyses of economics , on one hand , transaction cost is regarded as a technical concept and used to measure all costs involving contracts ( searching and information costs , contracts cost and supervision cost );

  25. 随着信息技术的发展,客户搜寻产品的成本越来越低,其需求逐渐表现出“个性化”特征。

    With the development of information technology , customer 's searching cost for products is becoming lower and lower , and customer 's demand shows the character of individualization .

  26. 得出网上工作搜寻的低成本这一显著特征将很可能提高求职者的期望收益,并且增加求职者工作搜寻的次数。

    Moreover , the significantly lower costs associated with online job search are likely to raise job seekers ' expected income , leading to a more intensive degree of job search .

  27. 本文认为扩大知识产权范围,会扭曲权利的信息性质并且在网络空间交易当中重新引入了高额的搜寻和使用成本,因而延迟创新战略的发展和使用,阻碍社会福利的整体提高。

    This article believes that enlargement of intellectual property scope will distort information of property and reintroduce high search and use cost in Cyberspace transaction thus delay the innovative strategy development and prohibit the overall enhancement of social welfare .

  28. 企业信用是企业存在的基础,对企业的生存和成功至关重要,企业信用作为一种信号机制,能够减少顾客在市场上搜寻产品的成本,降低与供应商之间的签约成本,吸引到更优秀的员工。

    As the element of enterprises ' existence , credibility plays a important role . On the one hand , corporation credibility as a signal mechanism can cut down on the cost customers search goods in market , reduce the cost contracting with suppliers and attract outstanding employee candidates .

  29. 经验价格源于买者或卖者的私人信息,是对其为搜寻信息所付出成本的奖励效用。

    Experienced price originates from the seller 's or buyer 's private information and is the award for them to seek such information .

  30. 从科斯的视角看:企业是一种能够降低生产市场运行的成本、信息搜寻和契约谈判成本的制度结构。

    From the perspective of Caose , Enterprise is the system structure to reduce production and operation costs , and the cost of searching information and negotiation of contracts .