
  • 网络Central Bank Bill;Central Bank Notes
  1. 专项中央银行票据在我国的使用多为解决金融机构不良贷款问题,剥离他们的不良资产提高优质资产比例。

    Special central bank bills in China mainly used to solve the non-performing loans of financial institutions in order to improve the quality of their assets .

  2. 根据北京一家名为GaveKalDragonomics咨询公司咨询师安德鲁·巴森和珍妮特·张的估算,如果加上地方政府的债务、银行石沉大海的贷款和其他欠款,如中央银行的票据等,公共债务将达到GDP的80%。

    Adding the debts of local governments , thenon-performing loans of the banks and other liabilities , such as central-bankbills , the public debt amounts to about 80 % of GDP according to Andrew Batsonand Janet Zhang of GaveKalDragonomics , a consultancy in Beijing .

  3. 中央银行开出的票据

    Bill drawn by central bank