
  • 网络China Appraisal Society
  1. 新春伊始,开卷一章,记者采访了中国资产评估协会秘书长刘萍。

    Liu Ping , the Secretary-General of China Appraisal Society accepted our interview at the beginning of the new year .

  2. 增强法律意识促进评估行业法制建设&中国资产评估协会颁发法律顾问证书仪式在京举行

    Strengthen the Consciousness of Law , Improve the Legal Construction of Appraisal Profession & China Appraisal Society Held the Ceremony of Legal Advisor Appointment

  3. 中国资产评估协会珠宝首饰艺术品评估专业委员会

    Gems & Jewelry and Arts Appraisal Committee of China Appraisal Society

  4. 在中国资产评估协会第三次全国会员代表大会闭幕式上的讲话

    The Address by the Vice Finance Minister Zhu Zhigang , and the newly-elected President of CAS at the Closing Ceremony of the 3rd National Assembly

  5. 中国资产评估协会召开三届一次常务理事会

    The 1 ~ ( st ) Meeting of the 3 ~ ( rd ) Session 's Board of Directors of China Appraisal Society was Held

  6. 2000年初,中国资产评估协会信息网站开通,目前主要有9个栏目的内容。

    In the early 2000 , the web site of China Appraisal Society ( www. cas . org . cn ) was put into use . At present , it has 9 columns .

  7. 1993年12月,中国资产评估协会成立,是行业发展史上的重要里程碑,成为行业自律管理的起点。

    In December 1993 , The China Appraisal Society ( CAS ) came into birth , it was the starting point of the self-discipline and also an important monument of the industry 's history .