
  • 网络CHINA GOLD;chinese gold
  1. 基于半参数GARCH模型的中国黄金市场波动性研究

    Semi-parametric GARCH Modeling of the Volatility of China Gold Market

  2. 中国黄金市场的现状及发展趋势分析

    Analysis on the Current Situation and the Trend of China Gold Market

  3. 采矿业游说组织&世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)估计,去年中国黄金总需求从十年前的200吨左右,猛增至近450吨。

    Total Chinese gold demand surged last year to nearly 450 tonnes , up from about 200 tonnes a decade ago , according to the World Gold Council , the lobby group of the mining industry .

  4. 文章强调,国内黄金市场的建立以及加入WTO后,对黄金企业来说,最大的问题出在市场竞争能力不强上,出在中国黄金工业的国际竞争力不高上。

    After establishment of the domestic gold market and entering WTO , the paper emphases , the biggest problem for gold enterprise will be lack of strong enough market competition ability and weak international competition ability .

  5. 加拿大巴里克周四说,该公司正在与国有采矿及精炼企业中国黄金集团公司(ChinaNationalGoldGroupCorp.)进行谈判,向后者出售其主要位于坦桑尼亚的非洲巴里克黄金公司的全部或部分业务,合同金额最高可达39亿美元。

    Barrick said Thursday it is in talks to sell all or part of its Tanzania-focused gold operation , African Barrick Gold PLC for as much as $ 3.9 billion to China National Gold Group Corp. , a state-owned miner and refiner .

  6. 标准银行(standardbank)驻伦敦贵金属分析师魏文德(walterdewet)表示,新披露的黄金进口数据,表明今年中国黄金需求有望突破600吨,比去年增长近75%。

    Walter de wet , precious metals analyst at standard bank in London , says the freshly revealed import data suggest that Chinese demand could top 600 tonnes , up nearly 75 per cent from last year .

  7. 论述了MICROMINE软件功能和特点,介绍了黄金行业工程设计中应用计算机软件的现状,分析了MICROMINE软件在中国黄金行业的应用前景。

    The paper introduces the functions and characteristics of MICROMINE , and analyzes the present situation of software used in gold industry and prospect of MICROMINE in domestic gold industry .

  8. CDGJE是中国黄金钻石珠宝首饰电子商务系统建设的服务商。

    CDGJE is a service provider for China 's gold & diamond jewelry e-commerce system construction .

  9. 放而能收&设计中国黄金市场的一种思路

    Flexible , a concept to design a gold market in China

  10. 以商业银行为核心构筑中国黄金市场

    Build Chinese gold market based on commercial bank as the cores

  11. 中国黄金市场的理性探索&1999年中国黄金市场理论研究概览

    Chinese Market Chinese Market A rational study on the Chinese gold market

  12. 中国黄金市场开放政策初探

    Preliminary Research on the Opening Policy of Chinese Gold Market

  13. 充分发挥商业银行在中国黄金市场中的作用

    Making full use of commercial banks in domestic gold market

  14. 黄金市场分析与中国黄金行业可持续发展

    Analysis on Gold Market and the Sustainable Development of China Gold Industry

  15. 上海期货市场能为开放中国黄金市场提供舞台

    Shanghai forward market to provide a stage for gold market

  16. 世纪之交中国黄金面临的挑战

    China gold-challenge at the turning of the new century

  17. 1993年,中国黄金行业才开始进行市场导向的改革。

    It was not until 1993 did changes take place in gold industry .

  18. 中国黄金工业清洁生产与资源综合利用

    Clean production and comprehensive utilization of resources in china ′ s gold industry

  19. 中国黄金资源地质勘查和生产开发的战略研讨

    Strategic discussion on the geological exploration and exploitation for gold resources in China

  20. 中国黄金饰品业一个闪光的产业

    Gold jewelry in China , a shinning industry

  21. 中国黄金货币概述

    A summarizing on the gold currency of China

  22. 中国黄金市场的基本框架及快速发展

    Constitution and Development of China 's Gold Market

  23. 24克拉珠宝占中国黄金珠宝需求量的85%。

    24 carat jewelery accounts for 85 % of gold jewellery demand in China .

  24. 上海黄金交易所开业,标志着中国黄金市场的开放。

    The foundation of Shanghai Gold Exchange symbolized the opening of Chinese gold market .

  25. 中国黄金资源潜力与可持续发展

    Potential of gold mineral resources and sustainable development of the gold industry in China

  26. 浅析人民币汇率改革及中国黄金企业的对策

    A brief discussion on RMB exchange rate reformation and countermeasures of gold enterprises in China

  27. 中国黄金市场期货与现货价格关系实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Relationship between Futures and Spot Price in Gold Market of China

  28. 中国黄金和白银工业

    Gold and silver industry in China

  29. 本周,中国黄金拒绝谈论交易可能达成的时间或者价格。

    China gold this week declined to discuss the timing or value of a possible deal .

  30. 一位人士表示,中国黄金正在考虑获得更多国际银行的协助。

    China gold was considering adding more international banks to its roster , said one person .