
  • 网络China Financial Futures Exchange;CFFEX;CFFE
  1. 以及中国金融期货交易所——大成律师事务所(DachengLawOffices)为其提供建议。

    and China Financial Futures Exchange , advised by Dacheng Law Offices .

  2. 中文日报《21世纪经济报道》(21stCenturyBusinessHerald)援引多名期货交易员的说法称,他们已接到中国金融期货交易所(ChinaFinancialFuturesExchange)打来的电话,指示他们不要做空市场。

    The 21st Century Business Herald , a Chinese daily , quoted multiple futures traders as saying they had received phone calls from the China Financial Futures Exchange instructing them not to short the market .

  3. 周四,中国金融期货交易所否认了高盛(GoldmanSachs)等外国投资者用期货做空A股的传闻。

    The futures exchange on Thursday denied rumours that foreign investors including Goldman Sachs were using futures to place big bearish bets on mainland stocks , known as A shares .

  4. 事实上,上周二,也就是交易启动后的第三天,中国金融期货交易所(cffe)的股指期货成交量已经超过了上海证交所(sse)的股票成交量。

    Indeed , on Tuesday last week , the third day of trading , the value of stock index futures traded on the China Financial Futures Exchange exceeded the value of stocks traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange .

  5. 2010年4月16日沪深300股指期货合约正式中国金融期货交易所上市,成为中国金融市场走向专业化的里程碑。

    The China Financial Futures Exchange launched China Shanghai Shenzhen 300 Stock Index Futures on April 16 2010 .

  6. 2006年9月8日中国金融期货交易所在上海成立。

    In shanghai , Chinese Financial Futures Exchange ( CFFE ) have established on September 8 , 2006 .

  7. 近期中国金融期货交易所推出了沪深300指数期货合约(征求意见稿)的条款。

    Recently CFFEX ( China Financial Futures Exchange Co. , Ltd. ) has announced its Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Index Futures Contract .

  8. 随着2006年9月8日中国金融期货交易所在上海的正式成立,股指期货也将推出。

    With the Sept. 8 , 2006 China Financial Futures Exchange was formally established in Shanghai , will launch stock index futures .

  9. 在2006年9月8日沪深300仿真股指期货在中国金融期货交易所开始交易。

    On September 8 , 2006 , the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 simulation of stock index futures in China Financial Futures Exchange started trading .

  10. 中国金融期货交易所高层透露,我国股指期货交易的推出时间初步定于明年四月。

    Chi-na financial futures exchange discloses that the stock index futures will promote the time initially to be decided in April of next year in our country .

  11. 中国金融期货交易所为了使投资者对股指期货交易规则和风险的认识更加直观,更是早在2006年10月30日便推出了沪深300股指期货的仿真交易。

    In order to make investors be familiar to the trading rules and risk of stock index futures , the trading simulation was introduced by China Financial Futures Exchange in October 30,2006 .

  12. 2006年9月,中国金融期货交易所的成立为我国重新开展金融期货交易奠定了基础,我国的股指期货交易已经在筹备之中。

    In September , 2006 , the Chinese finance futures exchange establishment redeveloped the finance prompt sale for our country to lay the foundation ; our country stock has referred to the prompt sale already during the arrangement .

  13. 面对境外市场接连上市的与我国现货指数相关的股票指数期货带来的压力,我国在2006年9月8日成立了中国金融期货交易所,今年将会上市其首个品种&沪深300指数期货。

    Faced with the pressure of Listing of stock index future in the overseas market , China Financial Futures Exchange was inaugurated on Sep. 8 , 2006 , and will launch the first product of HuShen 300 Index Future .

  14. 2006年9月8日中国金融期货期货交易所(以下简称中金所)在上海成立,中金所的成立揭开了我国股指期货发展的序幕。

    China Financial Futures Exchange ( CFFE ) has been established in Shanghai on September 8,2006 , the founding of CFFE prelude to the development of stock index futures in our country .

  15. 中国证券业监管部门于上周二批准位于上海的中国金融期货交易所推出股指期货交易。

    China 's securities regulator on Tuesday approved Shanghai-based China Financial Futures Exchange ( CFFEX ) to undertake stock index futures trade .

  16. 中国已于2005年4月8日推出沪深300股票指数,中国金融期货交易所也于2006年9月8日在上海成立,股指期货仿真交易也在如火如荼的展开。

    China has published Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index on april 8 , 2005 , and China financial futures exchange has also set up in shanghai on September 8 , 2006 , simulated trading of stock index futures is in full swing .