- 网络contract month

The month in which futures contracts may be satisfied by making or accepting delivery . Also called the delivery month .
Delivery month contracts designed to follow the energy , commodity futures characteristics , have contracts each month throughout the year .
Yesterday , November soyabeans , the first contract for the 2009-10 season , broke above the $ 10 a bushel mark , jumping 23 cents to $ 10.19 .
The contracts will be cash settled on the third Wednesday of each maturity month – rather than physically settled as in traditional LME contracts .
Then , at a later date , before the futures hedge must be for the same commodity , number of contracts , and delivery month .
Analysts said most of Rio 's iron ore contracts would expire on June 30 . However , some BHP contracts do not expire until September , leaving the latter more time to negotiate and allowing Rio to take the lead in the discussions .