
jì jià dān wèi
  • Pricing unit;charge unit
  1. 今年3月,周小川表示,这一职能可由国际货币基金组织(imf)的计价单位由一篮子货币组成的特别提款权(specialdrawingright)来履行。

    In March , Mr Zhou said that role could be filled by the special drawing right , a basket of currencies used by the International Monetary Fund as a unit of account .

  2. 与国内范畴的货币职能相同,国际化货币在国际范围内执行计价单位、交易媒介以及价值储藏三大职能。

    Similar to the domestic functions of currency , international currency serves as unit of value , exchange media and value reserve at the global level .

  3. 通过利用计价单位的变换及等价鞅测度,得到了在随机波动率下的交换期权定价公式。

    [ WT5 " BZ ] In this paper , by using change of numeraire and equivalence Martingales measure , we have derived the formula for exchange option in case of stochastic volatilities . [ WT5 " HZ ]

  4. 原因之一是,苹果棒糖的价格可能会有很大的浮动,这意味着,尽管我可以签署一份以苹果棒糖为计价单位的合同,但很难确信这份合同真正意味着什么。

    One reason is that the price of toffee apples may fluctuate wildly , which means that although I could in principle write a contract denominated in toffee apples , it would be hard to have much confidence in what that contract really meant .

  5. 经营者销售、收购商品和提供服务,应当按照政府价格主管部门的规定明码标价,注明商品的品名、产地、规格、等级、计价单位、价格或者服务的项目、收费标准等有关情况。

    In marketing and purchasing merchandises or providing services , business operators should clearly tap the related prices , specify names , places of origin , specifications , grades , price units , prices or items , fee collection standards and other related information according to the government 's regulations .

  6. 清单计价下施工单位控制风险和提高预期收益方法探讨

    On the strategies of controlling risk and increasing expected return for a construction unit based on detailed list valuation

  7. 按照第二条规定的内容和范围,本合同采用提成方式计算使用费,计价的货币单位为美元。

    Price of the Contract shall be calculated on Royalty in accordance with the content and scope stipulated in Section 2 to the Contract and currency shall be in US dollars .

  8. 然后,对即将实行的工程量清单计价模式各单位需要面对的风险,提出几点抵御风险措施。

    And then several measure to resisting risk are provided with the consideration that every unit will meet with risk after the new engineering work load detailed list reckoning is put into practice .

  9. 工程量清单计价环境下建设单位造价控制的风险防范

    Risk Prevention in Cost Control of Construction Unit under Valuation Environment against Bill of Quantities

  10. 新工程量清单计价规范对施工单位影响及对策

    Influence of the new bills of quantities valuation norm to construction enterprises and strategies on it