
  • 网络Planning activities;Schedule activity
  1. 一项计划活动的工作实际开始的时间点。

    The point in time that work actually started on a schedule activity .

  2. 列入活动清单中的每一项计划活动所具有的多重属性。

    Multiple attributes associated with each schedule activity that can be included within the activity list .

  3. 像狮子会(Lion'sClub)、角鹿社(Elk'sClub)、扶轮社(RotaryClub)这样的市民会社,都参与了地方社区的计划活动。

    Civic clubs such as the Lion 's Club , the Elk 's Club and the Rotary Club take part in local community projects .

  4. 对大学生服务西部计划活动创新的思考

    Thinking on the innovation of college students ' plan of serving the West

  5. 有时我们为我们学校计划活动。

    Sometimes we plan projects for our school .

  6. 建立和执行经销商年/度的区域促销计划活动。

    Make and implement DLR sales promotion annual / monthly active plan in regional zone .

  7. 年欣欣举办了一个新的后续计划活动,“祖炳民”杯徵文比赛。

    In2008 , Shin Shin established a new follow-up program : an essay contest program .

  8. 无财源的经常计划活动

    Unfunded regular program activities

  9. 阶段Ⅰ包含项目定义、成立项目分析团队、划分项目工作流程范围和制定分析计划活动;

    The first phase is to define the scope of project and to build up an analysis team .

  10. 上述数据模型描述了炼油企业生产流程的静态结构和生产计划活动的信息。

    The above data models describes the topological structure of refining process and the activity information of production planning .

  11. 军事计划活动是军事指挥过程的最复杂、最重要的环节。

    Military planning is one of the most important steps in the whole process of military decision-making and commanding .

  12. 联合国官员参与选举的计划活动,确保不发生重大暴力事件。马利基已经为今年年末举行的议会选举获得了非常重要的一票。

    United Nations officials were heavily involved in planning the elections , which took place without any major violence .

  13. 架构师和项目管理者也会紧密协作,因为架构师拥有项目计划活动的输入。

    The architect and project manager also work closely together since the architect has input to the project planning activities .

  14. 由于生产能力决策可能会限制其他计划活动,因此它是生产管理中的一个关键因素。

    Capacity decision is a critical aspect of operations management due to the constraints it may impose on other planning activities .

  15. 生产计划活动是制造型企业经营发展过程中的重要环节。

    The production plan activity is one of the most important tache when the manufacture corporations are in process of development .

  16. 许多年前,安理会已经要求伊拉克停止所有核武器发展计划活动。

    Long ago , the Security Council , this council , required Iraq to halt all nuclear activities of any kind .

  17. 教科文组织的诸多计划活动都致力于更多地出版、翻译、发行诗歌作品。

    UNESCO undertakes to ensure , under its various programmes , that poetry is more widely published , translated and disseminated .

  18. 事实证明超负荷的计划活动不仅仅表现为对家长的刻薄,对孩子也是不好的。

    Turns out the overload of planned activities isn 't just hard on the parents , it 's not good for kids , either .

  19. 用来标识项目工作的特点,或以某种方式对计划活动进行分类来达到能对项目活动进行筛选和排序的一位或多位数值或文字。

    One or more numerical or text values that identify characteristics of the work or in some way categorize the schedule activity that allows filtering and ordering of activities within reports .

  20. 作为销售活动、采购活动和制造活动的纽带,生产计划活动一直围绕着满足客户要求、降低库存和降低生产成本等方面积极的展开工作。

    As the tache of the marketing activity , the purchasing activity and the manufactural activity , the production plan activity always works for the needs of client , the stock-down and the cost-down .

  21. 2012年8月,比尔盖茨基金会开始进行厕所改造计划活动,希望可以将遏制全球范围内无法进行卫生填埋垃圾处理的人数。

    In August 2012 , the Bill Gates Foundation began its own effort to reinvent the toilet as a way to help curb the number of people around the world without access to sanitary waste disposal .

  22. 在测试项目的早期阶段,您可以提供高层次的完成测试计划活动所需时间的估计,以及运行所有测试所需的时间和精力的估计。

    In the early stages of a test project , you can provide high-level estimates of the time required to complete your test planning activities , and the time or effort required to run all of your tests .

  23. 她指出,更常见的情况是,闷爆者会在工位上网购、摸鱼、和同事聊天或计划其他活动。

    What happens more often , she says , is that people will just show up at their desks and spend time shopping online , cyberloafing , chatting with colleagues or planning other activities .

  24. Activities:它可帮助用户进行活动管理,并为计划协作活动提供集中控制。

    Activities : This helps users for activity management and provides a centralized console for planning collaborative activities .

  25. 在美国国会对银行家的薪水提出限制规定之后,这些银行加大了脱离Tarp计划的活动力度。它们获准偿还资金,是金融体系稳定的一个迹象。

    The repayment by the 10 institutions , which stepped up their campaign to be free of Tarp after Congress introduced constraints on bankers ' pay , is a sign of stability in the financial system .

  26. 桑德伯格建议说,在计划重大活动以及庆祝活动时,必须考虑到是否能够适应企业规模的不断扩大。

    Plan events and celebrations that will scale , she advises .

  27. 来自休斯顿地区的成员们也在计划筹款活动。

    Members from the Houston area are also planning fundraising events .

  28. 一种计划的活动包括许多人执行各种不同的活动。

    A planned activity involving many people performing various actions .

  29. 他们向警方提供错误消息,藉以转移警方对有计划犯罪活动的注意。

    They gave the police misleading information , deflecting attention from planned crimes .

  30. 协助执行并落实各项市场计划及活动;

    Assistant to execute and carry out each marketing plan and relevant activities .