
  • 网络Computer performance;computer power
  1. 然而存储系统的发展步伐相对落后于CPU的计算速度发展,造成了计算机性能的瓶颈。

    However , the development speed of storage system is relatively slower than that of CPU , which forms the bottleneck of computer performance .

  2. 随着VLSI技术的发展和计算机性能的提高,并行测试生成系统不仅必需而且可行。

    With the development of the VLSI technology and the improvement of computer performance , parallel ATPG is necessary and feasible .

  3. 随着Internet的快速发展和个人计算机性能的提高,人们不再仅仅满足传统的文字网页浏览、邮件收发、在线聊天等应用。

    With the rapid development of Internet and PC performance improvement , people no longer just satisfied with traditional text web browsing , email transceiver and online chatting application .

  4. P-I-N结构纳米硅太阳电池的计算机性能仿真

    The computer simulation of nanocrystalline silicon solar cells by AMPS

  5. 随着计算机性能的提高与GPU加速技术的发展,人们对真实感自然现象模拟的要求越来越高。

    With the improvement of computer performance and the development of GPU-accelerated technology , increasingly high demand appears for the simulation of realistic natural phenomena .

  6. 近年来,网络用户数目急剧增加,个人计算机性能不断提高,信息的共享和传播需求呈指数增长,这些因素促使P2P网络技术获得了长足的发展。

    In recent years , with the growth of the number of network users and computers capabilities , there are strong requirements to share resources and information , which promotes the development of P2P technology .

  7. 高性能计算机性能评测基准HPCC应用研究

    Research on Application of Performance Evaluation Benchmark HPCC for High-Performance Computer

  8. FEM可以模拟任意几何形状和材料的FBAR,但是需要对矩阵求逆,因此模拟大型结构时非常耗时,对计算机性能要求高。

    The FEM can handle FBAR with arbitrary geometrical shapes and materials , but matrix inversion is required , which is time consuming to simulate a large structure .

  9. 随着计算机性能的迅速提高,系统越来越强烈地要求所配置的高速外存储器有更好的联机性能。I/O性能增长与CPU速度增长的严重失配,使I/O瓶颈问题日超严重。

    With the rapid increase of computer performance , the system keenly demands its storage equipments to have better performance , since the enhancement of CPU performance is much greater than that of I / O perfomance .

  10. 随着通用计算机性能的迅猛发展,基于通用商用计算机的VLBI软件相关处理机的研究逐渐得到重视,并发展迅速,成为VLBI技术领域新的研究热点。

    With the rapid development of the general purpose computer , the software based on the personal computer ( PC ) becomes the highlight of the VLBI technology and has a dramatic progress .

  11. 本文提出了用于计算机性能评价的CSSP模拟系统,该系统由计算机系统模拟语言CSSP和编译系统组成。

    This paper puts forward a CSSP simulation system which is used for evaluating the performance of the computer system .

  12. 可靠度计算有很多种方法,由于计算机性能的提高,可靠度计算的许多限制被打破,基于有限元软件ANSYS的可靠性计算是目前可靠性计算的主流方法。

    There are many ways to calculate Reliability . Due to the improvement of computer performance , many restrictions in reliability calculation have been broken . The theory of reliability Calculation which based on finite element software ( ANSYS ) is the mainstream method of calculating reliability .

  13. 随着计算机性能的提高及通信量的聚增,巨大的网络流量需要跨越IP或IPX子网,路由器几乎成为了网络传输的瓶颈。

    Along with the exaltation of the computer function and the bigness gain of the correspondence deal , Bigness network discharge the demand stride over the IP or IPX son the net , This time , the Router almost became the network the bottleneck that delivered .

  14. 近年来以IGBT为代表的高速、大功率电力电子技术出现和计算机性能及控制技术的快速发展,使交流变频底盘测功机成为底盘测功机研发的主趋势。

    In recent years , thanks to high speed and high power electronics technology , such as IGBT , as well as the development and application of power electronics , computer , control theory , the AC automobile chassis dynamometer becomes the main trend of this field .

  15. 计算机性能评价与测试的主观误区研究

    Study on Misunderstanding of Evaluating and Testing of Computer Performance

  16. 面向对象技术在计算机性能评价中的应用

    An Application of Object-Oriented Technology in Computer System Performance Evaluation

  17. 模糊决策在计算机性能评价中的应用

    Fuzzy decision and its application in the evaluation of the computer system

  18. 计算机性能提高的瓶颈由计算转变为存储。

    The bottleneck of computer performance has transformed from computing to memory accessing .

  19. 流水线计算机性能分析的概率模型方法

    Some probability model methods for pipeline computer performance analysis

  20. 计算机性能与异构计算异构数据库的分布式访问法

    The capacity of computer and Heterogeneous Computing A METHOD OF ACCESSING DATABASES ACROSS SERVERS

  21. 计算机性能与异构计算

    The capacity of computer and Heterogeneous Computing

  22. 随着电子计算机性能的飞速发展,以及使用者的普及,利用电子计算机进行音乐创造活动的前景必将越来越广阔。

    With the development and popularization of computers , computer music has a bright future .

  23. 基于模糊数学的计算机性能评价和销售预测的研究

    Study on the Evaluation of the Computer Performance and Distribution Forecasting Based on Fuzzy Mathematics

  24. 建立计算机性能指标体系的探讨

    On Establishing Computer Performance Norms System

  25. 无论在科学研究领域还是功能应用方面,人们对于计算机性能的要求越来越高。

    People nowadays require higher and higher computation performance in the scientific researches and the technical applications .

  26. 并行处理是提高计算机性能、可用性与可靠性的重要途径。

    Parallel processing is an important way to improve the performance 、 portability and reliability of computers .

  27. 鉴于这些趋势,预计内存延迟将成为压倒性的计算机性能的瓶颈。

    Given these trends , it was expected that memory latency would become an overwhelming bottleneck in computer performance .

  28. 场模拟中的大涡模拟对于计算机性能要求较低,因此具有较好的应用前景。

    One kind of field simulation , large-eddy simulation , has good application prospect for its tolerance to computer hardware .

  29. 计算机性能分析与评价是计算机配置、选型和制造中的一个重要问题。

    The performance analysis and evaluation of computer system is very important for computer configuration , selecting type and manufacture .

  30. “性能信息和工具”的左边窗格包含可帮助提高计算机性能的任务。

    The left pane of performance information and tools includes tasks that can help you improve your computer 's performance .