
  • 网络interface;External Interface;Outside;api;XINTF
  1. 外部接口模块充分利用CORBA语言和平台无关性的特点,有利于与其他系统的无缝集成;

    Outside interface module can fully utilize the characteristic of CORBA , and helps it with the integrating of other systems .

  2. 此体系结构主要有五大模块:统一中间层、数据访问平台、业务处理模块、外部接口模块和CORBA中间件。

    The architecture has five modules primarily . They are unified intermediate level , data access platform , business treatment module , outside interface module and CORBA .

  3. 元素定义了Web服务的外部接口。

    The element defines the external interface of a Web service .

  4. 基于CPLD和DSP的高速外部接口

    High-speed External Interface Based on CPLD and DSP

  5. 用来描述Web服务的标准提供的服务细节太少,主要就是一个简单的外部接口描述。

    Is that the standards used for describing Web services provide very little detail about the service , beyond a simple description of the external interface they provide .

  6. 其中DSP负责运行背景建模算法,FPGA负责实现外部接口电路。

    In the hardware platform , DSP was responsible for running background modeling algorithm ; FPGA was responsible for the external interface circuit .

  7. POJO是无需遵循特定外部接口或第三方API的Java类。

    POJOs are Java classes that are not required to adhere to specific external interfaces or third-party APIs .

  8. 故障诊断硬件主要包括信号调理、模数转换、DSP及其外部接口、电源管理等组成部分。

    The fault diagnosis hardware includes for five parts : signal adjustment and communication interface , A / D , DSP , power manage .

  9. 组件化是重构的扩展,因为它在应用程序内引入了SOA接口,而重构仅应用于外部接口。

    Componentization is an extension of refacing because it introduces SOA interfaces inside an application , whereas refacing applies only to exterior interfaces .

  10. 依赖于DAO的商业组件只对他的客户端暴露一些非常简单的DAO外部接口。

    The business component that relies on the DAO uses the simpler interface exposed by the DAO for its clients .

  11. 选择阻止所有外部接口,除了SSH和IDENT。

    Select Block All except SSH and IDENT on external interface .

  12. 她主要由负责HTTP协议处理的HTTP引擎和与外部接口联合进行嵌入式标记解析的分析引擎组成。

    HTTP engine is used to handle the HTTP protocol interaction , and Analysis engine mainly focus on the dynamic resolving of embedded tag with the cooperation of exterior function .

  13. 例如,外部接口使用JMS的现有系统可以与Web服务交互,并将处理不同协议的细节委托给ESB。

    For example , an existing system that leverages JMS at its external interface can interact with a Web service , and delegate the details of handling the different protocols to the ESB .

  14. 外部接口电路主要包括:视频采集与输出接口、HDMI接口、LVDS接口等。

    The external interface circuit including : video capture and output , HDMI , LVDS and so on .

  15. 目前的高速实时信号处理系统一般均采用DSP+FPGA的架构,其中DSP主要负责完成系统通信和基带信号处理算法,而FPGA主要完成信号预处理等前端算法,并提供系统常用的各种外部接口逻辑。

    DSP system is mainly responsible for the completion of algorithm for communications and baseband signal processing , and FPGA is for pre-processing of the signal and provides varieties of external interface which commonly used in the systems .

  16. 本文着重对面向业务对象、业务功能的模版化、WEB报表的打印及其外部接口、动态表格以及多层次用户管理模式的安全策略做了研究。

    This thesis aims to mainly study the service-object-oriented programming ( OOP ) software development technology , the modeling of the functions of platform services , the print and interface of the WEB report forms , dynamic tables , user safe strategies of multi-level management models , etc.

  17. 该元素指定被跟踪对象是内部函数(fnc,0)、组件外部接口(cei,2)还是外部API(api,3)。

    This element specifies whether the function is an internal function ( fnc , 0 ), component external interface ( cei , 2 ), or external API ( api , 3 ) .

  18. 在硬件方面,本文介绍了PMAC卡的内部控制原理和外部接口,详细阐述了控制方案的选择和硬件系统的整体搭建;

    In hardware , this paper introduces the control principle and external interfaces of PMAC , and expounds the select of control scheme and the holistic conformation of hardware system ;

  19. 重点描述了该系统的硬件系统的组成:成像采集设备、控制器、存储器、专用DSP和外部接口电路,以及各部分的芯片选择和相应的接口设计,并提供了设计方案实例。

    The hardware structure of the system , selection of components and design of corresponding interface circuits are described . The hardware system includes : image collecting equipments , memories , a controller , a DSP and external interface circuits . An example is given .

  20. 最后,详细分析系统各功能模块的实现过程,用Delphi开发工具完成外部接口设计,实现系统GPRS数据通讯及系统全部功能,用ADO技术实现客户端程序与数据库互连。

    Lastly , the realization process of each function module is analyzed , external interface is designed , GPRS data transfer is realized by Delphi and the connection of client program and database is built by ADO technique .

  21. 接着在APSEngine、SOA框架和ReportingServices的技术基础上分析、设计和实现了各个子系统,其中重点分析、设计了APSEngine、Loading控制、内部/外部接口、数据分析和短信通知等子系统。

    Additionally , based on APS Engine , SOA frameworks and Reporting Services technology , it analyzed and designed the subsystems of lean production control system , including APS Engine , Loading control , internal / external interface , data analysis and SMS notification system .

  22. 同时还对RBC的各个外部接口进行了计算机仿真:与车载设备之间采用标准串口,与列车运行仿真平台、联锁设备仿真器、CTC车站分机以及相邻RBC之间采用仿真以太网。

    It also realized the simulation of external interfaces such as serial port with on-board equipment simulation subsystem , simulated Ethernet with train operation simulation subsystem , interlocking subsystem , CTC extension and RBCs in neighborhood .

  23. 它们为HLDM或在EAI中枢和外部接口内的HLDM的实现形成基础。

    They may form the basis for either the HLDM , or realization of the HLDM within the EAI backbone and external interfaces .

  24. 外部接口模块包括外部接口板和内部PCI板,外部接口板是把系统外部可能采用的各种不同种类的接口接入到系统,内部PCI接口板用于把外部信号接入到图像处理核心系统中。

    The external interface module includes an external interface board and an internal PCI board . Different kinds of interfaces outside the system are accessed by the external interface board . The outside signals are accessed to the image processing core system by the internal PCI board .

  25. 此时,对设计人员来说,C11、C12和C13是体系结构构造(或组件);其中每个构造具有显式定义的外部接口。

    At this point , to this designer , C11 , C12 , and C13 are architectural constructs ( or components ); each of them has explicitly defined external interfaces .

  26. 论文首先对TCMS的整体结构、硬件设计、外部接口和传感器安装等作了介绍,还叙述了硬件抑制干扰采取的措施和方法。

    In the beginning of the paper , TCMS was introduced in detail , including structure , hardware design , outer interface , sensor fixing and so on , especially some measures to restrain interference in hardware design .

  27. 具体的作法是:将每种单向散列算法封装为相应的GPU外部接口,在CPU中调用GPU外部接口。GPU通过其内部的线程执行管理器控制散列值生成器同时产生多个可能的不同散列值。

    Specific approach is : the appropriate cryptographic hash algorithms package corresponding GPU external interface , call GPU external interface in the CPU . GPU , through its internal thread execution Manager , controls hash generater and generate the value , it produces more than one possible different hashed values .

  28. 本系统很好的外部接口,能够很好的配合站点进行服务。

    Well outside of the system interface well with the site for services .

  29. 在计算机的各种外部接口中,并行端口的速度最快。

    Parallel port has the striking high speed in all outside interface of computer .

  30. 该处理器外部接口简单,方便集成到不同的系统中。

    The codec has simple external interface and can be easily integrated in different systems .