
wài sūn nǚ
  • granddaughter;daughter's daughter
外孙女 [wài sūn nǚ]
  • [granddaughter;daughter's daughter] 女儿的女儿

外孙女[wài sūn nǚ]
  1. 我称呼妈妈的妈妈为外婆,我是她的外孙女。

    I call my mothers mother grandmother . Im her granddaughter .

  2. 让我为我的外孙女做什么我都愿意。

    There 's nothing I wouldn 't do for my granddaughter .

  3. 父亲开始和他的外孙女跳舞,乐队演奏起了“BeerBarrelPolka”。

    My father danced with his granddaughters and then the band began to play the " Beer Barrel Polka . "

  4. 父亲开始和他的外孙女跳舞,乐队演奏起了“BeerBarrelPolka”。我听见父亲在唱:“Rolloutthebarrel”。

    My father danced with his granddaughters and then the band began to play the " Beer Barrel Polka . " " Roll out the barrel , " I heard my father sing .

  5. 外孙女有一周岁,或许稍大一点。

    The granddaughter was a year old , maybe a little older .

  6. 不管怎样你都是我的外孙女。

    You 're my granddaughter no matter what you do .

  7. 据说女王对你和她的外孙女们很苛刻。

    The queen is said to be harsh with you and her grandchildren .

  8. 叫你外孙女别再来我家了。

    Just keep your granddaughter out of my house .

  9. 母亲、女儿和外孙女三代同堂。

    Three generations were present mother daughter and granddaughter .

  10. 翌年2月威尔的外孙女伊丽莎白出世。

    and Will 's granddaughter Elizabeth was born in February the next year .

  11. 你的外孙女,她做了什么?

    What has she done , your granddaughter ?

  12. 我期待着看我的女儿和她的女儿,我的外孙女。

    A I 'm looking forward to seeing my daughter and her daughter , my granddaughter .

  13. 他和外孙女们跳舞。

    He danced with the grandchildren ;

  14. 我慷慨的外孙女那年买了个特殊的圣诞礼物,花了太多的钱。

    My generous granddaughter had spent too much money on a special Christmas gift that year .

  15. 他和外孙女们跳舞。我的女儿们还不识字就知道怎么跳华尔兹。

    He danced with the grandchildren ; my daughters knew how to waltz before they could read .

  16. 又过了四年,他的第一个外孙女埃米莉米希尔西蒙森降生了。

    Four years after that , I gave birth to his first granddaughter , Emily Michl Simonson .

  17. 邦妮一天天迅速成长,她越发显出作为杰拉尔德-奥哈拉的外孙女的本色来了。

    Bonnie grew rapidly and every day it became more evident that Gerald O'Hara had been her grandfather .

  18. 您知道我们只有这一个孩子而且双方上一辈也只有她这一个孙女,外孙女。

    You know she is our only child and the only grandchild on both sides of the family .

  19. 有人尊敬我,并不是因为我是汉德森夫人的外孙女或是贝利的妹妹,而是因为我是玛格丽特?翰逊。

    I was respected not as Mrs. Henderson 's grandchild or Bailey 's sister but for just being Marguerite Johnson .

  20. 他在中国结婚成家,并在女儿、外孙女和曾孙的陪伴下走完人生,享年98岁。

    Shapiro , who has died aged 98 , married there and is survived by his daughter , granddaughter and great-grandson .

  21. 一位中国外公迅速走红网络,他为自己的外孙女的女装店拍摄了一组模特照片,被传上网络后迅速引起大量网友围观。

    A Chinese grandfather has won worldwide fame after photographs of him modelling women 's clothing were posted to the internet .

  22. 她想,自从春月带着翰林那个野性难驯的外孙女回来以后,这几个月尽是灾难。

    Disaster , she thought , had been coming for months , ever since Spring Moon returned with that incorrigible grandchild of Hanlin .

  23. 妈妈说:“我真正感兴趣的是想知道你们什么时候为我生更多的外孙子、外孙女。”说完爽朗地笑了起来。

    Mother said ," what I really want to know is when you 're going to give us more grandchildren . " she smiled brightly .

  24. 《边城》以撑渡老人的外孙女翠翠与船总的两个儿子天保、傩送的爱情为线索,表达了对田园牧歌式生活的向往和追求。

    Border Town ferry elderly granddaughter Tracy stays with the ship two sons total Tianbao , Tan song sending love for the clues expressed idyllic life of yearning and pursuit .

  25. 她的母亲有点绝情,甚至不去试着了解自己的外孙女,她抛却父母的方式寻找自己的路。

    Now that she has moved away and found her own path it seems as if her mother is a bit bitter that she is not getting to know her grand-daughter .

  26. 《边城》发表于1934年,小说描写了山城茶峒码头团总的两个儿子天保和傩送与摆渡人的外孙女翠翠的曲折爱情。

    Border Town was published in1934 , the novel describes mountain tea Cave captain 's two sons , Tianbao and Tan Song with Baidu people 's granddaughter Tracy sent with the twists and turns of love .

  27. 罗杰·诺埃尔站了起来。“安静!”他看了看守在门口的警卫。“把她带走。”他说。“必须把老德姆代克和她的外孙女艾丽森关进兰开斯特城堡监狱。”

    Roger Nowell stood up . 'Be quiet ! 'He looked at the guards near the door . 'Take her away , 'he said . 'Old Demdike and her granddaughter Alizon must go to the prison at Lancaster Castle . '

  28. 中午饭后,外孙女睡午觉,我有时也午休一会儿,然后我上网,看新闻,看网易论坛,看安康学院新闻。

    After lunch , the'grand , daughter has noon sleep , and I get a little of noon rest , then I am on the internet , watching the news , the forum of " Yi " web , and the news of Ankong College .