
wài huì cún kuǎn
  • foreign currency deposit;foreign exchange deposit
  1. 今年9月,大额外汇存款利率、外汇贷款利率放开,利率走出了市场化的第一步。

    The first step of interest market oriented reform has been made since Sept. 2000 , with the opening of the foreign currency deposit and loan interest .

  2. 我作为银行经理,可以帮您办理外汇存款手续。

    As the bank manager , I can help you to go through the procedure for foreign currency deposit .

  3. 这些工具包括央行适时使用回购协议(repo),以及由财政部拍卖外汇存款。

    These include the timely use of repurchase agreements ( repos ) by the central bank and the auctioning of foreign exchange deposits by the treasury .

  4. 外汇存款大幅迅速增加是前所未有和影响巨大的,巴克莱(Barclays)分析师在一份报告中称,我们仍然认为中国将会容许人民币以渐进方式继续走弱。

    Such a massive jump in forex deposits is unprecedented and highly significant , say Barclays analysts in a report . We remain of the view that China will accommodate further currency weakness in a gradual fashion .

  5. 结构性外汇存款的投资属性与银行盈利模式的转变

    The Investing Features of Structural FX Deposits And the Change of the Bankis Earning Modes

  6. 目前,国内银行的外汇存款有相当一部分是存在境外的。

    At present , a considerable amount of domestic banks ' foreign currency savings is deposited abroad .

  7. 办理外汇存款和贷款、国际汇兑结算、外汇票据贴现、外汇见证担保等业务。

    Handle foreign exchange deposits and loans , international remittance and settlement , foreign exchange Bill discount , witness and guarantee .

  8. 与此同时,居民的外汇存款、股票、债券、手持现金等其他金融资产也在大幅度增加。

    In addition , the amount of foreign exchange savings deposits , stocks , bonds , cash and other financial assets possessed by Chinese residents has also increased by a large margin .

  9. 中国境内中资金融机构外汇存款年末余额达1288亿美元,比年初增加256亿美元。

    The balance of State-owned financial institutions ' foreign currency savings deposits stood at US $ 128.8 billion , a rise of US $ 25.6 billion on the beginning of the year .

  10. 由于预期人民币将会走低,中国企业今年以创纪录的速度积累美元。自1月份以来,外汇存款总额增加了1370亿美元,增幅达50%。

    In expectation of renminbi depreciation , Chinese companies have been accumulating dollars at a record pace this year and total foreign currency deposits have increased $ 137bn , or 50 per cent , since January .

  11. 结构性产品(StructuredProducts)是近三十年来国际金融领域最重要的金融创新工具之一,中国自2001年首次以外汇结构性存款的形式开始了针对境内个人的结构性理财产品的试点发行工作。

    Structured Products are one of the most important financial innovations for the past three decades in the field of international finance . Since 2001 , China has embarked on structured financial products pilot issuance for domestic individuals in the form of currency structured deposits .

  12. 与利率关联的外汇结构性存款是可赎回债券。

    Interest rate linked foreign exchange structured deposits are equivalent to callable bonds .

  13. 外汇结构性存款的期权定价方法及投资风险分析

    Option Pricing Method and Investment Risk Analysis for Structured Deposits of Foreign Currency

  14. 外汇结构性存款的定价

    Pricing Foreign Exchange Structured Deposits

  15. 外汇结构性存款具有期权特征,使存款收益变得不确定。

    Structured deposits of foreign currency are of option features , which make profits of the deposits uncertain .

  16. 外汇结构性存款包括两个部分:固定收益部分和衍生产品部分,衍生产品部分主要包括各种期权。

    Foreign exchange structured deposits include two parts : fixed income and derivative products , and the derivative products are meanly options .

  17. 银行能为您办理境内境外多种形式的托收业务,款项收妥后可转存外汇储蓄存款,也可按规定支取外币现钞或汇出境外使用。

    If you have foreign currency notes , bills of exchange and checks , you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount .

  18. 本文主要根据金融工程的组合分解原理,对外汇结构性存款的基本价值构成和定价方法框架进行分析与探讨。

    According to the principle of decomposition and integration for financial engineering , the paper analyses and explores the basic valuation structure and pricing methods for FX structured deposits .

  19. 花旗银行的活期存款包括外汇活期存款、外币现钞活期存款以及人民币活期存款。个人的外汇储蓄存款,实行存款自愿、取款自由、存款有息、为储户保密的原则。

    Individuals ' foreign exchange savings deposit shall be placed with banks on a voluntary basis , withdrawn freely and bear interest with confidentiality for depositors ' identity ensured .

  20. 当您在选择外汇定期存款时,您可以根据您的需要自由选择存款期限及存款到期后的展期方式。

    Choosing a Foreign Currency Time Deposit gives you the benefit of freely choosing the length of the deposit period and the flexibility of simple and convenient renewal options .

  21. 本文分析了本金无风险和本金有风险两种类型外汇结构性存款的期权特征,并结合定价方法,探讨了相应的投资风险。

    This paper analyzes the option features of structured deposits of foreign currency with both non-risk principal and risk principal respectively . And the paper discusses corresponding investment risks combining with their pricing methods .

  22. 认为本金无风险的外汇结构性存款有其投资价值,但由于其价值与标的资产挂钩,因此也存在着一定的投资风险。

    Draws the conclusion that the Structured Deposits of Foreign Currency with no capital risks has its investment value , but as a result of its value and sign property suspension hook , therefore also has certain investment risk .

  23. 自2002年9月,中国光大银行首推外币结构性存款以来,外汇结构性存款成为国内各商业银行及外资银行的香饽饽,市场发展迅速。

    Since the China Everbright Bank issued the first foreign exchange structured deposits in our country in September 2002 , foreign exchange structured deposits have become the " Xiangbobo " of domestic commercial banks and foreign banks . The market has developed rapidly .

  24. 美国大萧条以后,联邦存款保险公司出台了联邦存款保险制度,与其设计理念相似,中国人民银行将同时对人民币和外汇提供基本存款保险制度。

    Similar in design to the U.S. 's Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , which was created after the Great Depression , the proposal by the PBOC would provide basic insurance for bank deposits both in yuan and foreign-currency .

  25. 这包括外汇基金的银行存款,以及持有由香港公营机构发行的债务证券。

    This comprises bank deposits and investments in debt securities issued by public sector entities in Hong Kong held by the exchange fund .

  26. 个中原因在于,中国的外汇积累正推动存款基础持续扩大。资本流入表明,今年人民币升值加快,已加剧了中国的流动性过剩问题,而非使流动性收紧。

    The reason is that the deposit base is being continually inflated by China 's accumulation of foreign currency , an inflow that suggests the more rapid appreciation of the currency this year has added to China 's problem of excess liquidity rather than tightening it up .

  27. 贷款余额为273亿美元,占全部外汇贷款的23.7%,存款余额为48.1亿美元,占全部外汇存款的5.5%。

    The foreign banks had a loan balance of us $ 27.3 billion and a deposit balance of us $ 4.81 billion , accounting for23.7 percent of the aggregate foreign exchange lending and5.5 percent of the total foreign exchange deposits in china .

  28. 随着经济的发展和个人收入的提高,人们的理财需求迅速上升,国内各金融机构纷纷推出外汇理财产品,外汇结构性存款应运而生。

    With the development of economy and the increase of personal income , people financial needs rise rapidly . Domestic financial institutions have introduced many foreign exchange financing products , and foreign exchange structured deposits have emerged .