
  • 网络CDs;Large-denomination Negotiable Certificate of Deposit;Certificate of Deposit;large-denomination negotiable CDs
  1. 发行大额可转让存单,拓宽其资金来源渠道,用以鼓励外资银行增加在中国的人民币贷款业务。

    The new regulations will authorize foreign banks to issue CDs and open up more channels of funding sources so as to encourage foreign banks to increase RMB loans in China .

  2. 银行票据、大额可转让存单等货币市场产品;

    Money market products including bank bills and negotiable certificates of deposit ;

  3. 货币市场基金是共同基金的一种,它汇集了众多的小额投资,集中投资于短期货币市场工具如商业票据、短期国库券和大额可转让存单等。

    Money Market Fund ( MMF ) is one of the main categories mutual funds , it paid market-based rates by investing the small sums gathered from many customers in short-term market instruments-primarily commercial paper and Treasury securities and in large certificates of deposit .

  4. 保险资金可以投资的品种包括银行存款、商业票据、银行票据、大额可转让存单、债券、货币市场基金、债券型基金、股票、全球存托凭证、美国存托凭证、股票型基金等。

    Insurance funds , under the draft , may invest in varieties including bank deposit , commercial notes , bank paper , large-value convertible deposit receipts , bonds , money market funds , bond-based funds , shares , global depository receipts , American Depository Receipts and stock-based funds .

  5. 议大额可转让定期存单转让价格的计算

    A Discussion on Count of Large Number Negotiable Certificates of Time Deposit Enfeoff Price

  6. 大额可转让定期存单作为最早的金融创新,在国际上对金融市场的发展曾经产生了非常重要影响。

    As the earliest financial innovation , negotiable CDs has inserted great influence on development of international financial market .